Mad Old Lu
Super Freak
Wow. When I learn stuff like this, I can't help but wonder what percentage of Lucas just didn't give a **** anymore when he was coming up with post-OT stories. If we were to take all of the discarded ideas of his for PT and ST stories (especially whichever ones we don't even know about) and make a list, the wtf factor would be epic!
I could be wrong, but I just get the sense that his inspiration post-ROTJ was never actually truly authentic and genuine whenever he'd go back to SW after that. I don't know why he couldn't just embrace having someone else tell the stories. Or at the very least, have people just pitch stories so that he could still choose the overall direction without forcing himself to generate specific ideas that he doesn't seem to have really been genuinely inspired to come up with himself.
I don't understand why he didn't do this either. His general ideas about the overall plot were ok (not great, but merely ok), but in the hands of a real screenwriter, it would have gotten fleshed out into something greater. Of course, George is known to be stubborn about certain ideas of his (judging from the 3 Rinzler SW books and even the IJ book), so maybe some of his more asinine concepts would have gotten through regardless. It definitely would have helped, though, and I'm sure there would have been a line out the door to volunteer for the screenwriter job for free even!
Yeah. I know you hate Solo but remember we were *this* close to George saying that Han's official backstory was that he was a feral kid raised by Chewie on Kashyyyk.
Which of course would been a complete retcon of everything official and unofficial stated about Han's past prior to that. Thank God he left the door open for someone to do it properly (IMO.)
Ugh, I had forgotten about that.
A few years ago I read the Darth Plagueis book where they explain Anakin's conception. I don't remember the details exactly, but it was something about Plagueis doing experiments with midi-chlorians trying to find a way to become immortal and that Anakin was unintentionally and accidentally conceived from that. Palps didn't even know it had happened until Anakin was discovered by QuiGon, and concluded it must have been the experiments that gave him life. Not much better of an explanation, IMO. I don't know why GL had to open that door of an immaculate conception besides the obvious biblical parallel (which doesn't really hold up either). Just make him a random guy who happens to be strong with the force. The whole Skywalker lineage thing doesn't make sense anyway since Jedi are not supposed to breed. It's not like Yoda had powerful Jedi as parents. Or Obi Wan. Or Qui Gon. Or even Palps himself!