Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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I don't blame her. If people are expecting her to look good as slave girl at 60 then are they really fans of the story? Some women still look great at 60 and age well. She didn't age great. So? She's still Leia and was great to see her back.

:lol yes I agree some women at 60 looks like 40 these days. But it depends on if they want to let them self go and not take care of one self.
I admire how she admits it and moves on. :clap But either way yes it was great to see her back.

Just watched this again..... ENJOYED IT MUCH MORE THE SECOND TIME...

Still wish the music was better and I wish the blasters sounded more like the original films (they sound more like trek movie lasers). I still don't care for the cantina scenes.

That's about it... I liked everything else...

A few observations this time... Sorry if its been pointed out...

Rey is a Jason Bourne type character. She always seems surprised by what she can do... She does not know how she flew the falcon so well... She seems shocked by how well she shot the blaster when she killed the trooper, her force powers etc.... My guess is her memory has been wiped. I don't think she is Luke's daughter... Too obvious... But perhaps a former student that may have been just too strong in the force..

R2 awakens after Rey arrives on the planet. Is this a plan by Luke?? He obviously put part of the map in R2. R2 awakes after Rey shows up.. Perhaps Luke did not want to be found until Rey found her way to the resistance / Leia.

Kylo's speech about being in pain and afraid about not being able to do what he has to and needing Han's Help... First time I thought he meant he needed Han's help bring him to the light side... Nope He meant he was afraid he could not do what he needed (kill his father) to take that final step to the Dark side... It's why he thanks his father. You could view it both ways but Kylo's training was not complete... He needed to do something unredeemable to take the next step and Snoke stated that this would be a hard test (or something like that)

Anyways much better the second time... Still my 4th fav but much closer to my 3rd place (ROTJ) then I thought originally.

hmmm.... never caught that. I think you're on to something I missed. ROTJ was still my favorite as well. This was fun and I liked it. Way better than the last 3 Lucus made. But overall the first 3 is still my best. Thanks!

Kylo and Rey are the best part of the movie.

I think so as well. Both those two things I liked most in this new sw.
I seen Star Wars force awakening Monday night. I was kinda disappointed. It's pretty much a remake of episode IV,V and VI . The villian was a huge disappointment. And so was Captain Plasmas. Special effects were amazing. The girl was ok but it took Luke three movies to use his powers and took her five minutes with no training from and Jedi and already she using mind control and knows how to use a light Saber and move things. I guess women make better Jedi then men. And she beat Ren who supposedly had some training and was using force longer then Rey and got wooped.
The Villian should have left his Helmet on as soon as he took it off it was a huge disappointment . He looks like a nerd. Also you are telling me Kylo Ren who is child of two of the most beloved character in the franchise ends up evil. There is no Changing him back because he crossed the line and killed his father. It wasn't a accident he knew what he was doing. I could understand Anakin Skywalker who turning to dark side. His mother was a slave and was sold and killed. What was Kylo deal too much love. Maybe Leia and Hans were abusive parents or maybe Luke was an abusive uncle. I guess they want a black hero. And I guess he will end up with Rey. A Hollywood thing black guy white girl. Very common lately. Supergirl, jessica jones, shield almost every show it a black guy with white girl. No white male hero. They probably will make them gay. I heard George Lucas was pretty upset with casting and they changed his story. They rehashed almost every scene. The plans hidden in droid. Even the little creatures who tried to take BB8 when Rey stopped them the remind you of the Jawas. Also Luke and Hans dressed in a Stormtrooper uniform to rescue princess. In the a stormtrooper recuse Poe. Every seen was from other movies kust twisted a little bit. Like when Hans gets killed by Ren it was the same scene that was in Empire was Vader says to Luke "I'm your father" and luke falls and do did hans. Captain Phasma was like boba fett looked cool but did nothing.
You have another death star like is IV snd VI. And like Return of Jedi they had to go down on planet and disabled force field. The more I think about the movie the more disappointed I get. I kinda of appreciating the prequals a little more. The stories were better just some bad miscast and bad acting (Haden Christensen a bad acting) and not to mention Jar-Jar. Other then that story telling made sense. looking forward for Star War "rogue one " coming out next Christmas.
Thats my take a lot of hype and a lot of disappointment
I seen Star Wars force awakening Monday night. I was kinda disappointed. It's pretty much a remake of episode IV,V and VI . The villian was a huge disappointment. And so was Captain Plasmas. Special effects were amazing. The girl was ok but it took Luke three movies to use his powers and took her five minutes with no training from and Jedi and already she using mind control and knows how to use a light Saber and move things. I guess women make better Jedi then men. And she beat Ren who supposedly had some training and was using force longer then Rey and got wooped.
The Villian should have left his Helmet on as soon as he took it off it was a huge disappointment . He looks like a nerd. Also you are telling me Kylo Ren who is child of two of the most beloved character in the franchise ends up evil. There is no Changing him back because he crossed the line and killed his father. It wasn't a accident he knew what he was doing. I could understand Anakin Skywalker who turning to dark side. His mother was a slave and was sold and killed. What was Kylo deal too much love. Maybe Leia and Hans were abusive parents or maybe Luke was an abusive uncle. I guess they want a black hero. And I guess he will end up with Rey. A Hollywood thing black guy white girl. Very common lately. Supergirl, jessica jones, shield almost every show it a black guy with white girl. No white male hero. They probably will make them gay. I heard George Lucas was pretty upset with casting and they changed his story. They rehashed almost every scene. The plans hidden in droid. Even the little creatures who tried to take BB8 when Rey stopped them the remind you of the Jawas. Also Luke and Hans dressed in a Stormtrooper uniform to rescue princess. In the a stormtrooper recuse Poe. Every seen was from other movies kust twisted a little bit. Like when Hans gets killed by Ren it was the same scene that was in Empire was Vader says to Luke "I'm your father" and luke falls and do did hans. Captain Phasma was like boba fett looked cool but did nothing.
You have another death star like is IV snd VI. And like Return of Jedi they had to go down on planet and disabled force field. The more I think about the movie the more disappointed I get. I kinda of appreciating the prequals a little more. The stories were better just some bad miscast and bad acting (Haden Christensen a bad acting) and not to mention Jar-Jar. Other then that story telling made sense. looking forward for Star War "rogue one " coming out next Christmas.
Thats my take a lot of hype and a lot of disappointment

Another point I don't get is General Leia. Her son is on the Dark side so already her judgment is comprised. No matter how bad her son a mother will never take him out . Look at vader the emperor was killing Luke and he stopped it. So that puts lives at risk. So how do the people trust her. And if Kylo Ren becomes the most vicious Sith her people would want to hire a T800 terminator and to back in time to kill her or let Grand Moff Tarkin kill do it
Another point I don't get is General Leia. Her son is on the Dark side so already her judgment is comprised. No matter how bad her son a mother will never take him out . Look at vader the emperor was killing Luke and he stopped it. So that puts lives at risk. So how do the people trust her. And if Kylo Ren becomes the most vicious Sith her people would want to hire a T800 terminator and to back in time to kill her or let Grand Moff Tarkin kill do it

Maybe most people don't know Kylo is Leia's son. However, she knows, and that's unethical.
I seen Star Wars force awakening Monday night. I was kinda disappointed. It's pretty much a remake of episode IV,V and VI . The villian was a huge disappointment. And so was Captain Plasmas. Special effects were amazing. The girl was ok but it took Luke three movies to use his powers and took her five minutes with no training from and Jedi and already she using mind control and knows how to use a light Saber and move things. I guess women make better Jedi then men. And she beat Ren who supposedly had some training and was using force longer then Rey and got wooped.
The Villian should have left his Helmet on as soon as he took it off it was a huge disappointment . He looks like a nerd. Also you are telling me Kylo Ren who is child of two of the most beloved character in the franchise ends up evil. There is no Changing him back because he crossed the line and killed his father. It wasn't a accident he knew what he was doing. I could understand Anakin Skywalker who turning to dark side. His mother was a slave and was sold and killed. What was Kylo deal too much love. Maybe Leia and Hans were abusive parents or maybe Luke was an abusive uncle. I guess they want a black hero. And I guess he will end up with Rey. A Hollywood thing black guy white girl. Very common lately. Supergirl, jessica jones, shield almost every show it a black guy with white girl. No white male hero. They probably will make them gay. I heard George Lucas was pretty upset with casting and they changed his story. They rehashed almost every scene. The plans hidden in droid. Even the little creatures who tried to take BB8 when Rey stopped them the remind you of the Jawas. Also Luke and Hans dressed in a Stormtrooper uniform to rescue princess. In the a stormtrooper recuse Poe. Every seen was from other movies kust twisted a little bit. Like when Hans gets killed by Ren it was the same scene that was in Empire was Vader says to Luke "I'm your father" and luke falls and do did hans. Captain Phasma was like boba fett looked cool but did nothing.
You have another death star like is IV snd VI. And like Return of Jedi they had to go down on planet and disabled force field. The more I think about the movie the more disappointed I get. I kinda of appreciating the prequals a little more. The stories were better just some bad miscast and bad acting (Haden Christensen a bad acting) and not to mention Jar-Jar. Other then that story telling made sense. looking forward for Star War "rogue one " coming out next Christmas.
Thats my take a lot of hype and a lot of disappointment
Hmmm...I really like this post ...yes I do ��
Another point I don't get is General Leia. Her son is on the Dark side so already her judgment is comprised. No matter how bad her son a mother will never take him out . Look at vader the emperor was killing Luke and he stopped it. So that puts lives at risk. So how do the people trust her. And if Kylo Ren becomes the most vicious Sith her people would want to hire a T800 terminator and to back in time to kill her or let Grand Moff Tarkin kill do it

i just want to mention Kylo isn't a Sith, and he's not training to be a Sith. He's very different. He is training to use both the Dark and Light Side. Thats what Snoke sees is the key, to use both sides of the Force, where the Sith used just the Dark, and Jedi use just the Light. Snoke sees if you use both, you can be more powerful. The Knights of Ren aren't a Sith Order.

Thats why Kylo is having such a tough time i think. It has to be extremely difficult to be able to control both Dark and Light.
I seen Star Wars force awakening Monday night. I was kinda disappointed. It's pretty much a remake of episode IV,V and VI . The villian was a huge disappointment. And so was Captain Plasmas. Special effects were amazing. The girl was ok but it took Luke three movies to use his powers and took her five minutes with no training from and Jedi and already she using mind control and knows how to use a light Saber and move things. I guess women make better Jedi then men. And she beat Ren who supposedly had some training and was using force longer then Rey and got wooped.
The Villian should have left his Helmet on as soon as he took it off it was a huge disappointment . He looks like a nerd. Also you are telling me Kylo Ren who is child of two of the most beloved character in the franchise ends up evil. There is no Changing him back because he crossed the line and killed his father. It wasn't a accident he knew what he was doing. I could understand Anakin Skywalker who turning to dark side. His mother was a slave and was sold and killed. What was Kylo deal too much love. Maybe Leia and Hans were abusive parents or maybe Luke was an abusive uncle. I guess they want a black hero. And I guess he will end up with Rey. A Hollywood thing black guy white girl. Very common lately. Supergirl, jessica jones, shield almost every show it a black guy with white girl. No white male hero. They probably will make them gay. I heard George Lucas was pretty upset with casting and they changed his story. They rehashed almost every scene. The plans hidden in droid. Even the little creatures who tried to take BB8 when Rey stopped them the remind you of the Jawas. Also Luke and Hans dressed in a Stormtrooper uniform to rescue princess. In the a stormtrooper recuse Poe. Every seen was from other movies kust twisted a little bit. Like when Hans gets killed by Ren it was the same scene that was in Empire was Vader says to Luke "I'm your father" and luke falls and do did hans. Captain Phasma was like boba fett looked cool but did nothing.
You have another death star like is IV snd VI. And like Return of Jedi they had to go down on planet and disabled force field. The more I think about the movie the more disappointed I get. I kinda of appreciating the prequals a little more. The stories were better just some bad miscast and bad acting (Haden Christensen a bad acting) and not to mention Jar-Jar. Other then that story telling made sense. looking forward for Star War "rogue one " coming out next Christmas.
Thats my take a lot of hype and a lot of disappointment

Well the thing is you can hate something that you so wished you could love. A position Jye temporarily held on this film and which many of us here hold eternally for the prequels.

The key thing is 'interest'. I have no interest in Transformers therefore I don't care that the movies are crap and I won't give those films a second thought. People continue to criticise the Star Wars prequels so many years later because they were brought to love Star Wars based on the original trilogy and were naturally interested in what the prequels could have been....but unfortunately aren't. The magnitude of the shame that this is, combined with a new Star Wars trilogy keeping it in our consciousness, is what keeps us pissed off about the prequels all these years later. (There's my answer to WWEJedi on that question he keeps asking)

If a movie is interesting i love to speculate about the story and characters....same for a good book. Thats a far cry from returning to troll a thread for a movie you didnt like. Very different motivations there.

I respect & understand what you're saying, gentlemen, however I just don't get that invested in a movie or movie franchise.
see it as a waste of time. No offence to anyone who doesn't. :peace

If one is disappointed in this movie because they've built it up so much in their mind that it doesn't meet their expectations then, IMO, that's their own fault.

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