Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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I respect & understand what you're saying, gentlemen, however I just don't get that invested in a movie or movie franchise.
see it as a waste of time. No offence to anyone who doesn't. :peace

If one is disappointed in this movie because they've built it up so much in their mind that it doesn't meet their expectations then, IMO, that's their own fault.

I wasn't expecting anything out of this movie, I wasn't expecting it to be better than the OT, PT or worse than those, with everybody else being hyped I kinda disconnected myself from that so I actually didn't care, there were moments when I kinda felt hyped but few and far between, and they faded quickly.

I was about in the same place as DiFabio when it comes to hype for this movie, everybody puking starwars rainbows made me tap out, so I didn't even built expectations or even thought about it.

I went into the theater with a blank slate, no expectations built, no OT or PT bias, I can honestly say the 6.5 I gave it; the movie earned it on its own.

As for wasted time, well, too bad you don't love any piece of pop-culture that much, I guess it's better that way, less disappointments :lol
As for wasted time, well, too bad you don't love any piece of pop-culture that much, I guess it's better that way, less disappointments :lol


I love my family and friends. I enjoy pop culture very much otherwise I wouldn't be here on the Freaks board...or so poor because of this hobby. :lol
I seen Star Wars force awakening Monday night. I was kinda disappointed. It's pretty much a remake of episode IV,V and VI . The villian was a huge disappointment. And so was Captain Plasmas. Special effects were amazing. The girl was ok but it took Luke three movies to use his powers and took her five minutes with no training from and Jedi and already she using mind control and knows how to use a light Saber and move things. I guess women make better Jedi then men. And she beat Ren who supposedly had some training and was using force longer then Rey and got wooped.
The Villian should have left his Helmet on as soon as he took it off it was a huge disappointment . He looks like a nerd. Also you are telling me Kylo Ren who is child of two of the most beloved character in the franchise ends up evil. There is no Changing him back because he crossed the line and killed his father. It wasn't a accident he knew what he was doing. I could understand Anakin Skywalker who turning to dark side. His mother was a slave and was sold and killed. What was Kylo deal too much love. Maybe Leia and Hans were abusive parents or maybe Luke was an abusive uncle. I guess they want a black hero. And I guess he will end up with Rey. A Hollywood thing black guy white girl. Very common lately. Supergirl, jessica jones, shield almost every show it a black guy with white girl. No white male hero. They probably will make them gay. I heard George Lucas was pretty upset with casting and they changed his story. They rehashed almost every scene. The plans hidden in droid. Even the little creatures who tried to take BB8 when Rey stopped them the remind you of the Jawas. Also Luke and Hans dressed in a Stormtrooper uniform to rescue princess. In the a stormtrooper recuse Poe. Every seen was from other movies kust twisted a little bit. Like when Hans gets killed by Ren it was the same scene that was in Empire was Vader says to Luke "I'm your father" and luke falls and do did hans. Captain Phasma was like boba fett looked cool but did nothing.
You have another death star like is IV snd VI. And like Return of Jedi they had to go down on planet and disabled force field. The more I think about the movie the more disappointed I get. I kinda of appreciating the prequals a little more. The stories were better just some bad miscast and bad acting (Haden Christensen a bad acting) and not to mention Jar-Jar. Other then that story telling made sense. looking forward for Star War "rogue one " coming out next Christmas.
Thats my take a lot of hype and a lot of disappointment

E8 will reveal that Shmi was made super prego by Darth Plaque. One big happy family.

Although I bet Qui-Gonna Rape had some fun with the Shmi.

I will do what I must Obi-Wan takes on a whole new meaning. :lol

Poor Shmi, even the Sand Dudes had some.
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I seen Star Wars force awakening Monday night. I was kinda disappointed. It's pretty much a remake of episode IV,V and VI . The villian was a huge disappointment. And so was Captain Plasmas. Special effects were amazing. The girl was ok but it took Luke three movies to use his powers and took her five minutes with no training from and Jedi and already she using mind control and knows how to use a light Saber and move things. I guess women make better Jedi then men. And she beat Ren who supposedly had some training and was using force longer then Rey and got wooped.
The Villian should have left his Helmet on as soon as he took it off it was a huge disappointment . He looks like a nerd. Also you are telling me Kylo Ren who is child of two of the most beloved character in the franchise ends up evil. There is no Changing him back because he crossed the line and killed his father. It wasn't a accident he knew what he was doing. I could understand Anakin Skywalker who turning to dark side. His mother was a slave and was sold and killed. What was Kylo deal too much love. Maybe Leia and Hans were abusive parents or maybe Luke was an abusive uncle. I guess they want a black hero. And I guess he will end up with Rey. A Hollywood thing black guy white girl. Very common lately. Supergirl, jessica jones, shield almost every show it a black guy with white girl. No white male hero. They probably will make them gay. I heard George Lucas was pretty upset with casting and they changed his story. They rehashed almost every scene. The plans hidden in droid. Even the little creatures who tried to take BB8 when Rey stopped them the remind you of the Jawas. Also Luke and Hans dressed in a Stormtrooper uniform to rescue princess. In the a stormtrooper recuse Poe. Every seen was from other movies kust twisted a little bit. Like when Hans gets killed by Ren it was the same scene that was in Empire was Vader says to Luke "I'm your father" and luke falls and do did hans. Captain Phasma was like boba fett looked cool but did nothing.
You have another death star like is IV snd VI. And like Return of Jedi they had to go down on planet and disabled force field. The more I think about the movie the more disappointed I get. I kinda of appreciating the prequals a little more. The stories were better just some bad miscast and bad acting (Haden Christensen a bad acting) and not to mention Jar-Jar. Other then that story telling made sense. looking forward for Star War "rogue one " coming out next Christmas.
Thats my take a lot of hype and a lot of disappointment

George Lucas ? Yea I know it's you. You not fooling anyone . You knew what you did when you sold this to Disney so enjoy the billions in stock.
I wanna know people's view on Kylo being able to freeze a blaster bolt with the force.
No Force-wielder has managed such a feat before.
I'm really tired seeing this nonsense everywhere.



Imperial Shuttle w/o the thind wing and painted black.

Reys speeder...
Hovering popsicle in a desert. So original and interesting...
It's because Vader doesn't mess about. He doesn't need to impress anyone. On the contrary Kylo is obviously still making his way so can't help showing off. :monkey3

Vader is a showoff too, he likes to choke people so that others say, "Oh, man! Did you see that?" he always wears a cape, so he clearly likes the attention. :lol
Personally I don't get the mmfr love. It was ok. The story was nothing original or special. It had some great real stunts. Imo that is all it had. The action was not all that memorable except for the fact it was real stunts. Which is nothing new just refreshing in this cgi day and age. But I know I am in the minority here so I must be missing something. I have yet to watch it a second time so perhaps I will like it more.

I should add that mmfr was better than most of the films you listed. Personally I enjoyed Spector and TFA(after second viewing) more.

I liked Spectre just fine and Mission Impossible and Awakens as well.

They didn't really offer me anything new though. I've seen them before. Fury Road on the other hand was whacky and exhilarating, sometimes when I'm on the highway going to work in the morning I play the soundtrack whilst going 100 miles per hour.

It's the pure insanity of it that is wonderful.

Sometimes its a slow burn, JAWS. Give the movie another go.

Well I watched MMFR again last night.. I liked it about the same... Which is to say I enjoyed it but I still don't get the universal love/praise it gets.. Which is fine.. I don't have to.

I think my biggest issue with the film is that it blows it's load in the first half of the film. All the best action scenes are there. The Final chase back to the Water mountain was actually kind of boring because the first half chases where so well done and original.

Anyways I still like it. Solid 3.5 out of 5
George Lucas ? Yea I know it's you. You not fooling anyone . You knew what you did when you sold this to Disney so enjoy the billions in stock.

:lol :lol :lol

You sir should leave this thread your sensibility is not needed here. Go...go on.....get now.....:lol

For that I shall dance my way out!


Depends on the film.. If it is something I expect to like but don;t then I come down on it hard... Iron Man 3 and AOU are good examples.

If it's just a bad movie like say White House Down.. Then yeah.. No more thought.

If that works for you then more power to ya! :duff
Vader is a showoff too, he likes to choke people so that others say, "Oh, man! Did you see that?" he always wears a cape, so he clearly likes the attention. :lol

The cape was in honour of his dad...don't believe those made-up stories about his immaculate conception....



(The Lightning, from the serial The Fighting Devil Dogs, 1938)
E8 will reveal that Shmi was made super prego by Darth Plaque. One big happy family.

Although I bet Qui-Gonna Rape had some fun with the Shmi.

I will do what I must Obi-Wan takes on a whole new meaning. :lol

Poor Shmi, even the Sand Dudes had some.

Did Cliegg Lars find out.....he didn't seem that eager for Anakin to find her and bring her home.:horror

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