Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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I started getting emotional with movies after getting married and having a kid.

Before that I could easily watch Annie slaughter kids with his elegant weapon for a more civilized age and not even blink an eye lash.

Yup , my cynical self died kicking and screaming when my children were born. I have a really tough time watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part II because of the scene where Lilly is killed , mainly because little Harry in that scene is the spitting image of my son at that age, and seeing him cry over his mothers death is just a little too close to home.

What we feel and what reminds us of times in our lives is pretty personal stuff, and no one should judge whats "worthy" to be emotional over. Hell I have seen grown Marines cry over Taps many times.....but why should those wimps cry over a song right???? Sic

That would be interesting...and unexpected. I like it, but is killing Snoke in the first film a good idea? We didn't see enough of him to care if he dies, like Phasma. Plus if the rebel base blows up, how does Rey get the information to find Luke? Anyway, I'd rather see the new Empire to sort of win in the first film, unlike ANH.

Snoke cannot be a Vader remnant...he had eye brows......Vader did not. (George made sure to correct that important mistake in the original) ..unless bushy eyebrows are part of the dark side only.....

What is the rumor that Snoke is Vader based on? Any line in the film that hints at that rumor?

Kylo's reasoning for finding Luke was not mentioned in the film. Are we to assume he wants him dead or could we speculate his intentions are to convert him to the dark side? Wasn't that Darth Vader's objective? It certainly gives a fresh perspective with the line: "I will finish what you started. Nothing will get in our way."
So this?


Lord Snokedemort of this Sitherins???

Not sure how I feel about a Vader split in two....

(If I were at my PC, and not an iPad I would put Kylos head on Peter body...maybe later)
Well as much as I don't like TFA, ill lend some info... for the hell of it.

Anakin was conceived by the Force, he had no father... And like some of you saying about Revan. Well if the Force made Anakin and Anakin made his soul pure last min, it doesn't mean the Dark Side "couldn't" technically held together the other side... If you think about it Anakin was put in a mental stress that could make his subconscious manifest a new one... we've seen the "Cave" where luke enters and it foretells two halfs of the force inside us. Even the clone wars animated show, showed Yoda had two sides that dwelled in him... If Anakin the ghost let the side go as he died, maybe just maybe the dark side didn't... But hell Episode 7 destroys the whole Balance to the Force so whatevs.
Maybe he faked being dead cause he knew he was ****ed anyway :lol and then escaped through a secret slide in his ship.

Because those ****ers live like thousands of years.

Can you imagine Jabba slithering away through a secret slide and then jumping from the ship? From a distance it would look like a turd hitting the sand. That's a disturbing image.
Hey guys here's a "What if?" scenario I came up with that would have allowed TFA to be pretty much the same movie but with a WILDLY different ending that would guarantee no one would be braced for any more retreading of the OT in future episodes. It was just a thought I had on a way they could have gone. And that is this:

Imagine if Starkiller got off a shot right before Poe took out the Oscillator. The beam streaks through base and DESTROYS the Resistance base, Princess Leia and all. But also imagine if Snoke was NOT a hologram and was instead this giant alien sitting on a throne right there at...Starkiller Base. The planet explodes. Snoke dies.

Instead of the Resistance celebrating and Snoke off being like Palpatine on another world we instead end with no Resistance High Command, no Leia, no Snoke, no legions of First Order soldiers. Just Rey, Finn, Chewie, Luke and the remnants of Poe's X-Wing squadron vs. Hux, Kylo and Kylo's single Star Destroyer.

In Episodes 8 and 9 Rey would be training under Luke while they try to rally planets, gather a makeshift army of various aliens, ships we've never seen before, while Kylo and Hux seek the aid of whatever dark powers or criminals they can find. No more sleek military armadas (which might make TFA cooler since it would then have given us one last battle of that nature.) Have it be a totally different kind of war, more personal and to the last man (and woman.)

As long as there is a massive space battle with A, B, X and Y wings involved i'm in. :lol
2. Rey is most definitely not a "Mary Sue"

3. As a character, Kylo Ren is vastly superior to Darth Vader

4. Finn is the character Star Wars fans have waited a lifetime for

5. Han's death was hard-earned

8. The Force Awakens has no plot holes

9. Abrams and Kasdan faced a much harder screenwriting task than Lucas ever did

10. The Force Awakens comes at one of the most fraught moments in the history of Hollywood

10 Reasons 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Is the Best 'Star Wars' Film Ever MadeÂ*|Â*Seth Abramson
Short version:


:lol :lol :lol

That pic is awesome.

Listen up, TFA is good, respectful to the OT, to a fault.

But in no universe is Crayola Ren superior to Vader.

For christs sake Vader is the best cinematic villain ever created.

That being said, I am absolutely looking forward to Rogaine One and E8/9!

TFA brought me back to SW after the PT had destroyed me.

TFA was the lighthouse cutting thru the fog.
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