Ren will probably be better in the next one
Ren will probably be better in the next one
Wow, FANTASTIC commentary on the film, *particularly* with regard to Han and Luke's arcs. A long read but worth it if you're a fan of the film:
10 Reasons 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Is the Best 'Star Wars' Film Ever MadeÂ*|Â*Seth Abramson
Can you imagine Jabba slithering away through a secret slide and then jumping from the ship? From a distance it would look like a turd hitting the sand. That's a disturbing image.
The only part of that article that I disagreed with was "Kylo is better than Vader" because to me Vader exists ONLY in the OT and that version of him is better than pretty much any villain in film history. But I know the writer was rating Vader as a Lloyd/Christensen/Prowse character who spans six films and I would agree that if you look at him that way then the PT does diminish him lower than Kylo. But Kylo is great, already one of the top SW characters. He's no OT Vader but Abrams, Kasdan and even Kylo himself knows this, and it's part of his appeal.
I'm a little concerned over what Trevorrow's take on Star Wars will be. He clearly didn't feel any emotional attachment to any of the Winston animatronic dinos when he made JW. He wouldn't even do practical for close-ups involving the actors touching them.
JW was an awesome crowd pleaser but I don't want his SW to look like that.
These are also pretty much my feelings for both in a nutshell. Trevorrow has very little in the way of track record. I actually did see both features he directed, but neither would suggest to me that he would be a good pick for Star Wars. But. . .he made lots of green with Meh-Rassic World.I got concerned as soon as I watched JW, and the effects were the least of my concern!
JW wasn’t a bad film. It was just so bland and generic. Maybe most of what’s wrong with JW isn’t necessarily his fault: the bland script, the dumb choices the characters made, the bad acting. But the action wasn’t very exciting, nor was it emotionally connecting beyond the manipulative and heavy handed “oh no, kids are in trouble” kind of way. If the action isn’t going to be spectacularly choreographed, then there should at least be some kind of emotional connection to the characters in peril. JW had neither.
I’m not as concerned with Rian Johnson because I think his previous efforts have shown that you can really care for the characters, and the “action” was cerebral and clever, which for action, if I had to pick either clever or spectacular, I would pick clever. Of course, both is always preferred.
I got concerned as soon as I watched JW, and the effects were the least of my concern!
JW wasn’t a bad film. It was just so bland and generic. Maybe most of what’s wrong with JW isn’t necessarily his fault: the bland script, the dumb choices the characters made, the bad acting. But the action wasn’t very exciting, nor was it emotionally connecting beyond the manipulative and heavy handed “oh no, kids are in trouble” kind of way. If the action isn’t going to be spectacularly choreographed, then there should at least be some kind of emotional connection to the characters in peril. JW had neither.
I’m not as concerned with Rian Johnson because I think his previous efforts have shown that you can really care for the characters, and the “action” was cerebral and clever, which for action, if I had to pick either clever or spectacular, I would pick clever. Of course, both is always preferred.
I wonder if Han offering Rey a job was his attempt to protect her, if he does in fact know who she is.