Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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My dad (69 years old) went and saw TFA yesterday. He enjoyed the OT back in the day and didn't care for the prequels. His favorite movies are military/spy films but he loved LOTR and TWS. This was the review on TFA he just sent me which made me chuckle:

I thought it was OK. Quite the secret keeping the death of Hans Solo quiet.

Didn't think much of the black guy or the girl. Seems like something was left out as to why the girl had the 'force'.

Started out with ******* laughing hysterically at the previews for Zoolandia, whatever, and Kung Fu Panda. Guy two seats down from me was laughing at the Regal promo when the popcorn pops. And then he had to voice over the dialogue until I told him to shut up.

"Zoolandia." So did he see a trailer for Zoolander or Zootopia? Nobody knows. :lol Earlier this year he said he didn't care for Fury Road and now he thinks TFA was just "okay." Didn't even remember Rey and Finn's names. I think dementia is starting to take over. :monkey2 :lol Or maybe it was the jerks in the audience that prevented him from getting into it.

I love your dad :lol:yess:

Star Wars -- Episode IX director Colin Trevorrow said Rey is his favorite character from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

"I love her and I love what she represents in that universe and where we can take her. It's pretty incredible," the Jurassic World filmmaker told Entertainment Tonight at a BAFTA Awards event Saturday.

ET also asked Trevorrow if he was aware of the fan theory that Rey is the granddaughter of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Here's his carefully phrased reply, which is not exactly a denial:

"I've seen all of the theories and, you know, I have to practice how to answer these questions. What I do know is that we're going to make sure that that answer is deeply and profoundly satisfying because Rey is a character that is important in this universe. Not just in the context of The Force Awakens, but in the entire galaxy and she deserves it. And so we'll make sure that answer feels like something that was -- it's something that happened a long time ago far away. We're just telling you what happened."

ET also asked Trevorrow if he was aware of the petition to have him replaced as director of Episode IX with Star Wars creator George Lucas.

Trevorrow said, "It's funny, I saw that, and it was on a day where I was at LucasFilm giving this big speech to everyone about how we want to channel the invention and just the raw creativity and the boldness that George brought to these films and not being afraid that we're going to embarrass ourselves by doing something that might be crazy."

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"I've seen all of the theories and, you know, I have to practice how to answer these questions. What I do know is that we're going to make sure that that answer is deeply and profoundly satisfying because Rey is a character that is important in this universe. Not just in the context of The Force Awakens, but in the entire galaxy and she deserves it. And so we'll make sure that answer feels like something that was -- it's something that happened a long time ago far away. We're just telling you what happened."

Of course she is...that little miss perfect. :cuss I bet she can fix the universe too..pff
As noted in another thread, Trevorrow also defended the prequels - from a certain point of view.

“[‘Episode IX’] is something that needs to honor a story that’s been told over a period of 40 years… I don’t want to ignore any of it, and I respect all of it. It’s something I think the fan base is going to embrace,” he concluded.
Saw TFA on New Years Days with my brothers, but sans my wife and kids. Wife was cool enough to allow me to go. While I would have loved to have gone with the family, we have a seven month old and no one to watch her.

I'm still about 100 pages back from getting caught up in this thread, but I just wanted to say that spoiler douchbaggery is still in effect.

Last night I took my ten year old to ballet, and while sitting outside one of the studios, I heard the dancers talking about TFA. It was pretty cool to hear these nine and ten year old girls talk about Star Wars until one of them said "Han Solo dies". While I already saw the movie, apparently the ballet teacher didn't, to which she responded "I didn't know that at all" rather icily, and told them to switch the subject (luckily, this wasn't the class my ten year old was in, although she's not that big into Star Wars).

And now my wife just called me at work and said "I saw a picture on Facebook. Someone took a picture of someone else's car and they had a bumper sticker that says "Han Solo dies in The Force Awakens"...all I could say was "I can neither confirm nor deny that that happens.

SMH. I can semi-forgive the kid...she's just being a oblivious kid, after all. But to have that bumper sticker on your car...AND THEN someone else was oblivious enough to take a picture of it and post it on Facebook, thus exposing it to a wider audience...some people are stupid.

Granted, the movies been out for almost a month now. But some people don't have the opportunity to view it right away.
Saw TFA on New Years Days with my brothers, but sans my wife and kids. Wife was cool enough to allow me to go. While I would have loved to have gone with the family, we have a seven month old and no one to watch her.

I'm still about 100 pages back from getting caught up in this thread, but I just wanted to say that spoiler douchbaggery is still in effect.

Last night I took my ten year old to ballet, and while sitting outside one of the studios, I heard the dancers talking about TFA. It was pretty cool to hear these nine and ten year old girls talk about Star Wars until one of them said "Han Solo dies". While I already saw the movie, apparently the ballet teacher didn't, to which she responded "I didn't know that at all" rather icily, and told them to switch the subject (luckily, this wasn't the class my ten year old was in, although she's not that big into Star Wars).

And now my wife just called me at work and said "I saw a picture on Facebook. Someone took a picture of someone else's car and they had a bumper sticker that says "Han Solo dies in The Force Awakens"...all I could say was "I can neither confirm nor deny that that happens.

SMH. I can semi-forgive the kid...she's just being a oblivious kid, after all. But to have that bumper sticker on your car...AND THEN someone else was oblivious enough to take a picture of it and post it on Facebook, thus exposing it to a wider audience...some people are stupid.

Granted, the movies been out for almost a month now. But some people don't have the opportunity to view it right away.
We had company over a few days ago, and my wife inadvertently spoiled that for them, who we assumed had seen it.

I wasn't mad personally. And in here, it's fair game, as we've all been discussing it/posting it. But in the general public? Again, there are some people who don't watch something right away for whatever reason, and they deserve to be surprised as well. Maybe I'm in the minority, but my $.02. :dunno

After all, what is some really trying to do by having a bumper sticker that says "Han Solo dies in The Force Awakens"?
We had company over a few days ago, and my wife inadvertently spoiled that for them, who we assumed had seen it.


Were they pissed?

(And if the image you posted somehow catches their mood, my apologies, my work computer is not displaying the image).
If my plane ever crashes in the Amazon jungle I will make sure not to spoil to the cannibals that Vader is Luke's father.

Eventually they'll get around to watching the ESB.

Hell, the Chinese watched it only 7 months ago!
Were they pissed?

(And if the image you posted somehow catches their mood, my apologies, my work computer is not displaying the image).
No, just a bit annoyed. But it wasn't spoiled on purpose of course, and the movie had been out for weeks so there was probably an assumption that if they cared much about it they would have already seen it.
I went out with some friends who told me first-thing that they were not caught up on Walking Dead. Just before they got out of our car (I had completely forgotten) I mentioned the "fake-out" death. Since it's not Star Wars we just laughed and laughed and no one was murdered.

If my plane ever crashes in the Amazon jungle I will make sure not to spoil to the cannibals that Vader is Luke's father.

And in return they won't let you spoil! Wokka wokka!