Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Even when I remembered seeing ANH over and over in the past that face that Obi wan made when Luke said " How did my father die? " just seemed awkward, you can tell what he told Luke wasn't the truth completely, that he was hiding something and this video is a good example.

Yeah it was good acting by Guinness in that scene. He really conveyed a history with his face and line delivery, even though he had no idea what that history was and likely didn't even care. :lol
Yeah it was good acting by Guinness in that scene. He really conveyed a history with his face and line delivery, even though he had no idea what that history was and likely didn't even care. :lol

I've always wondered was that completely accidental. I can't imagine that Lucas told him to look like he was lying when he mentioned Vader.
That video was cool, but thank the maker Lucas didn't insert his thoughts like that in 77.

Had the SE come out after the PT I think he would've.

That does make me want to watch the PT all over again!


I'm not going to lie, that video was so good and so well edited, that it made the final battle better than it actually was, imo. I wouldn't mind if they added that to ANH...they might as well, it's a much better and more significant addition than adding Jabba or a bunch of CGI creatures in the background and explosions. Regardless, when Vader and Ben finally meet each other again is still going to feel a bit anticlimactic and lack emotion, considering how dramatic it was the last time they saw each other...they both seemed way too cool about it in that final meeting, especially Vader. You think there would be more anger or more of a build up to that final encounter between Vader and Obi Wan.
Would Disney really want to make it appear Lucas knew what he was doing?

He'll get delusions of grandeur all over again.
He said it's success was inspiring.

After he said he was enjoying his success with the Martian until SW took it away from him and he couldn't understand why.

I know he was probably joking, but you could hear no one laughing. Remember he's European
After he said he was enjoying his success with the Martian until SW took it away from him and he couldn't understand why.

I know he was probably joking, but you could hear no one laughing. Remember he's European

I don't see how the financial success of TFA took anything away from him? His film wasn't the biggest of the year before wasn't even in the top 10 :dunno I'm guessing he was joking, but what does him being European have anything to do with it? Was the Martian a big hit in Europe?
I don't see how the financial success of TFA took anything away from him? His film wasn't the biggest of the year before wasn't even in the top 10 :dunno I'm guessing he was joking, but what does him being European have anything to do with it? Was the Martian a big hit in Europe?

He also made a comment about American cinema and the SW success taking away his thunder. If he was joking, there was a little animosity in it :lecture
In an interview with Vogue, Boyega gave a little more detail on the tone and physicality of the next film.
He called the Rian Johnson-directed sequel "much darker," but said that he and co-star Daisy Ridley (Rey) are very excited for it. He also implied that his character of Finn will be a little more action-oriented next time, saying it "will be much more physical so I might be in the gym a bit more."
Darker than brutally killin' off Von Sydow and Ford...

Did Kylo slash Finn in the back, that's why he was knocked out in the end, it's hard to tell because it was literally dark