Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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So far, I don't care about the character. I mean, who is he anyway? Just some Emperor ripoff wearing a similar outfit, with a protégé similar to Vader, and he'll probably go after Rey just like the Emperor went after Luke.

That's why he needs to be Plagueis, otherwise he's just another villain. There needs to be a huge revelation.

(Or, for those who don't want any prequel connections, he needs to be Palpatine! But I can see Johnson/Trevorrow bringing the saga full circle; Plagueis being the main villain all along)
Khev is in heaven now

I read this in this voice...

I can't think of a single Marvel movie where the villain turns into a giant. :lol

For a mod, you're really picking on me tonight, Khev, huh? I should report you like Motux does.

Anyway, I exaggerate but many of them get bigger or dawn big power suits.

Thor Dark World: that villain grows giant in black cloud
Guardians: Ronan grows giant inside purple cloud
Iron Man: Obadia gets an Iron Monger suit
Iron Man 2: Whiplash 2
Ultron: Ultron-badass or whatever that last suit was called

I'm sure I'm missing another... might be thinking of the growing troll in BvS.
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So you guys want Snoke to just be another dude who fights Luke or Rey with a lightsaber? I like the idea of him being huge and never leaving his throne (no not like Thanos I'm thinking more like the Space Jockey.) But I'm sure his TFA hologram will be a Wizard of Oz type thing and he'll just be a regular guy.
No. He's always giant, right? Like Thanos. And the Frost Giants. And Devastator.

So many giants!!!

Now Khev wants his giant in Star Wars.

Dormammu is only a giant in the dark demission. If he leaves it and goes into our reality, he can be human size with a flaming head like Ghost Rider, but he becomes weaker the more time he's outside his realm.

We don't know how tall Thanos is in the MCU because we've never seen him next to anyone. He's usually around 6'7'' and abnormally bulky, more so than any human.
For a mod, you're really picking on me tonight, Khev, huh?

Picking on you? Now I don't know if you're joking or not. :confused:

I'm just surprised at the metaphors you're making. Obadiah? Whiplash? I'm not talking about anything remotely like those two. When you watched TFA for the first time and saw Snoke before it was revealed that he was a hologram did your mind instantly go to Mickey Rourke in IM2? I'm guessing not. ;)

I just think if he was truly 30 feet tall then that would be a neat way of presenting an evil alien who truly was "above" the lesser beings around him. He could always remain on or near his throne and use proxies and guardians (Knights of Ren perhaps) to do his bidding. He could train Kylo from afar, living in his head almost like a deity, possibly even taking over his body at times (which is the only way Ben could ever possibly come back from killing Han) and so on.
I always thought the Rule of Two made very little sense as a threat, if there are 100's of Jedi what threat could two Sith be? Unless GL were to make the Jedi seem ineffectual and incompetent Warriors, but he wouldn't do that, would he?
Sith are sneaky and never seemed to stick to the rule of two really... or they interpreted it as a rule of two for each person, so literally everyone could have an apprentice. Always seems like the boss' apprentice was or wanted to train his own apprentice, and I imagine that apprentice would train his/her own, and so on.
"Always two there are, no more, no less."

"Except for the last 1000 years when they were extinct, right Master?"

"Well yes, obviously I meant always two there are when they're NOT extinct."

"Except they're not extinct now but we just killed one so again that's technically wrong right Master?"

"Shut up you must!"
All this talk about not caring about the new characters does have me thinking. I absolutely care for Rey, not even so much as to her mysterious past but I genuinely like her. She is played by a likable actress, I always enjoy the character who comes from humble beginnings, and she is being thrown into a conflict she never prepared for.

Finn....I just wish they would have wrote him differently. He could have been a very interesting bad ass type of character who knows how dangerous the First Order is and not automatically be the comedy relief who is out of his element. There was so much wasted potential with him. I am very curious to see what Rian Johnson does with him though because he has a knack for getting to the heart of characters and fleshing them out (see The Fly episode of Breaking Bad). So maybe Finn will become more interesting.

Poe I am curious about also. He was a non character to me. I wanted to like him...he just didn't show any real interesting characteristics other than being a nice guy who is a "hell of a pilot" :monkey4....I hope again like Finn, Johnson fleshes out his character more.

I think the biggest problem was that these characters automatically became best friends and there was no room to flesh out their relationships between each other. Han and Luke didn't like each other at first, it was a friendship that was earned. Same with Han and Leia, their relationship grew over 3 films and was all the better for it. The new "man three" meet, like each other, go off on adventure together. I want more drama. Anyway, I really hope interesting events happen to these new characters. Because right now, I really only want to find out what happens to Rey, Kylo Ren, Luke and Leia. And of course find out who the hell Snoke is.
Nice thoughts, cereal. I think most of those issues you have make sense and are part of good character development/writing that are lacking in TFA, and I would probably agree with most.

I also felt like Poe was a bit of a non-character and though I think Isaac is an excellent actor I am always surprised when people think Poe is a good character already. I liked Finn and Rey's friendship/scenes (just thought they often had a good dynamic) but when his big secret is revealed she doesn't care: "Oh okay, who cares that you're First Order, you can't leave, we need to get BB-8 back, etc."

Don't think I had an issue on first viewing but some of his comedic moments get old on repeat viewing.