Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Exactly. To even work, if they're expecting to use the same cast, Disney's going to have to start with a 30 year gap.

I kinda wish they wouldn't call it Episode VII. If they're going to use the original cast I don't think they'll get another trilogy out of them especially if its gonna be 3 years between each one like usual. So I'm thinking just one more film with Harrison, Mark and Carrie. Just one before it really would be too ridiculous.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I kinda wish they wouldn't call it Episode VII. If they're going to use the original cast I don't think they'll get another trilogy out of them especially if its gonna be 3 years between each one like usual. So I'm thinking just one more film with Harrison, Mark and Carrie. Just one before it really would be too ridiculous.

i guess 2015 is a little too "right around the corner" in order for them to have film all three at once. maybe, in that case, it would have been possible for the original cast to be in it. who knows though
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I kinda wish they wouldn't call it Episode VII. If they're going to use the original cast I don't think they'll get another trilogy out of them especially if its gonna be 3 years between each one like usual. So I'm thinking just one more film with Harrison, Mark and Carrie. Just one before it really would be too ridiculous.

Unless they borrow from LOTR and film them all at once, and spread the post out over the alotted release schedules. :huh
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

i can see mark hamill and carrie fisher doing it. but harrison ford wanted lucas to kill off han solo during episode 5 and 6. so i cant really see ford signing off on another, let alone 3 more star wars films. its just hard to believe that will happen, but im sure disney will throw tons of $ at him
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Unless they borrow from LOTR and film them all at once, and spread the post out over the alotted release schedules. :huh

I didn't think of that. I don't think its something they'll do but damn, if it could make that once pipe-dream sequel trilogy possible....
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Disney said 2015 and every two year following. That's a tighter schedule than they've gone with the others. It almost sounds like they will film them all together.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

i can see mark hamill and carrie fisher doing it. but harrison ford wanted lucas to kill off han solo during episode 5 and 6. so i cant really see ford signing off on another, let alone 3 more star wars films. its just hard to believe that will happen, but im sure disney will throw tons of $ at him

Disney will probably drop a cash mound the size of the Death Star to entice him to return. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

lets hope so, cause id love the original cast in there. more han solo would be the $**t!

I don't know, Han Solo never struck me as the kinda guy that would live into his 70's.

Though, the thought of Han and Liea as a bickering old couple sounds like comedy gold. :wink1: In small doses.

Honestly, I'm okay if the only returning players are 3PO and R2.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

If Han and Leia appear together again they need to do better than Indy and Marion.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I could see Harrison Ford return as Han Solo again. What with Arnold actually doing another Conan sequel.... anything is possible.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I could see Harrison Ford return as Han Solo again. What with Arnold actually doing another Conan sequel.... anything is possible.

Well, one thing about Arnold returning to Conan, is I think he is going to look laughable in the role now. I was lookng at a recent picture, and I dont know if it is because of Botox or something, but he looks like he can barely open his eyes. Half the FX budget is gonna be spent on making him look better on screen. I feel like the window closed for him on Conan 10 years ago. I'd like to be proven wrong though, as I quite liked Conan The Barbarian.

Just cause anything is possible, doesnt mean it should be done.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

The hype for this is going to be huge, it's a chance to make up for past mistakes and its also a chance to give us all more of what we want.

I'm not sure about the past stars coming back but Hamill as a Jedi master is a definite for me, that would be fantastic. Ford and Fisher? Not too sure, maybe in a small role, Ford seemed so uninterested in KOTCS.

Either way I'm super excited again, it's so cool to have grown up with Star Wars and then to continue getting more Star Wars as I continue to TRY to grow up is even cooler!:yess:
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

If they want the main cast in there, what they should do is have them as a supporting cast and have new main characters. Maybe the Solo children and Ben Skywalker. Or Kyp Durron. It'd be a bit complicated though. I don't see any chance of them doing a story within that timeframe without overriding the EU stories.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

If they want the main cast in there, what they should do is have them as a supporting cast and have new main characters. Maybe the Solo children and Ben Skywalker. Or Kyp Durron. It'd be a bit complicated though. I don't see any chance of them doing a story within that timeframe without overriding the EU stories.

yeah im thinking harrison for and carrie fisher have very minor roles if any at all. but i agree with what others are saying that luke should have a large roll as the jedi master rebuilding the jedi order. and yes, a kyp durron - jedi academy trilogy (or something similar where luke has very limited knowledge and also learns so much about the force through the ancient sith) would be a great place to start with. or at least pull some of the story from.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Harrison Ford has pretty much made it known in the past that he'd never play Han again so I very much doubt he'd be onboard. Fisher, who knows. Hamil would be great. Reckon the film will be set about 20 years after Jedi, same as between Ep. 3 and 4, so would make perfect sense.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Adding Hamill, Fisher and Ford talk is reminiscent of Lucas SW. Being passed to Disney, I'd like a fresh start on the series. That said, all the Hamill, Fisher rumors I am sure it'll happen.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Harrison Ford has pretty much made it known in the past that he'd never play Han again so I very much doubt he'd be onboard. Fisher, who knows. Hamil would be great. Reckon the film will be set about 20 years after Jedi, same as between Ep. 3 and 4, so would make perfect sense.

The guy would do it for charity I bet..If disney gave him say 5 million to any charity for 5 minutes screen time he might do it...JMHO
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

The guy would do it for charity I bet..If disney gave him say 5 million to any charity for 5 minutes screen time he might do it...JMHO

Doubtful, considering he got $65 million for Indiana Jones 4 (according to Forbes)