How could I forget Willrow Hood aka Ice Cream Maker Guy?
I'm gonna ****ing laugh my *** off when this new trilogy makes the PT look like good Star Wars and all the OT Elitists who cried for Lucas to go, start whining like a bunch if spoiled little brats for him to come back.
I'm gonna ****ing laugh my *** off when this new trilogy makes the PT look like good Star Wars and all the OT Elitists who cried for Lucas to go, start whining like a bunch if spoiled little brats for him to come back.
I'm gonna ****ing laugh my *** off when this new trilogy makes the PT look like good Star Wars and all the OT Elitists who cried for Lucas to go, start whining like a bunch if spoiled little brats for him to come back.
It's VERY possible.
Especially if they go in a certain direction...