Nope, only that the new films wouldn't be adaptations of existing stories. neet concept, I'm curious to see where things go. Sad to see tehy're tossing the OLD stories out, BUT at the same time, they said the're going to be keeping the story elements ( characters, places, settinges, etc) just not the stories.Officially confirmed (wasn't it already?) that the new Star Wars films will not follow the existing Expanded Universe post-ROTJ story lines.
Nope, only that the new films wouldn't be adaptations of existing stories. neet concept, I'm curious to see where things go. Sad to see tehy're tossing the OLD stories out, BUT at the same time, they said the're going to be keeping the story elements ( characters, places, settinges, etc) just not the stories.
On the upside, guess this means that the Old republic MMo is no longer canon either. Good.
I think they should get lukes hand from Bespin and create a clone army of Dark Jedi to hunt down everyone.
Luke married the Emperor's hand? Gross....
Yeah, enough of this pretend SW crap..That's not canon anymore bro. Mary Jane up there is fan fiction.