Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread
I might get flack for this, but, am I the only one who isn't crazy about all the old people coming back? I hope they don't make it to fan service-y and it can't be taken seriously. And not for nothing, but I was hoping now they'd finally steer away from the old, has-been out of shape jedi. I don't know, I would like to hope that jedi are so disciplined, committed and strong n a physical and spiritual sense, that even in their older years they would be toned, powerful warriors like Qui gonn. But Luke stopped looking like a jedi master about three chins ago. Han is a smuggler so I think he'll be fine, but I hope he's into it because he can literally not put any effort into some of his modern roles.
I don't know. I just am not ready for fat Luke and Leia to be looking silly in action scenes. Just my $.02