Hell NO However you have to think, Anakin turned to the Dark Side because of fear of losing his Wife. Luke didn't have anyone, however he cared about his friends and sister which in retrospect is the same feeling of losing something he loves. Though luke saw that even though he lived his father life (jedi, reckless, cocky) he saw that he was making the wrong decisions. I mean look, Luke and Anakin lived on Tatooine, they both wanted off the planet, both became Jedi under Obi-Wan, both disobeyed their mentors which lead to right hands gone, and both were tempted by the dark side. The last straw for Anakin was the death of Dooku and the events that followed. Palps tested the same with Luke to kill Vader, however the hand that sparked if you notice Luke's reaction as he looks at his own hand he sees Deja Vu. Henceforth OT and PT are same story different bs.