Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

We already got their "glorious and well developed conclusion" almost 30 years ago. Adding them to the storyline in a new film just to kill them off (or put asses in seats), is not only a waste of time, cheap and contrived, but a terribly poor business decision. Again, I'm not suggesting they make them the main characters, but they should last in supporting roles and live through the rest of this new trilogy (unless and only if killing one makes sense), to set up a continuing storyline for latter films.

Personally, I don't think ROTJ was much of a "conclusion" in terms of Han's character.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

We already got their "glorious and well developed conclusion" almost 30 years ago. Adding them to the storyline in a new film just to kill them off (or put asses in seats), is not only a waste of time, cheap and contrived, but a terribly poor business decision. Again, I'm not suggesting they make them the main characters, but they should last in supporting roles and live through the rest of this new trilogy (unless and only if killing one makes sense), to set up a continuing storyline for latter films.

Once again. :exactly:
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Out of wood!! :lecture :lol

It'll be like the draft script for Alien 3.. :monkey1

Nice. :lol

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I just hope Disney accepts the PT as crap and is committed to ESB type quality.

If Disney comes out and says they want their vision of SW to be as epic as AOTC, shoot me in the face.

Good luck with that. I am sure that whatever Disney comes up with will have a large segment saying it doesn't live up to the OT and that Disney is the new destroyer of the franchise.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Good luck with that. I am sure that whatever Disney comes up with will have a large segment saying it doesn't live up to the OT and that Disney is the new destroyer of the franchise.

Imagine us all saying in 2015 how the PT are better than VII because GL dircted them and he understands SW better. :rotfl
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Good luck with that. I am sure that whatever Disney comes up with will have a large segment saying it doesn't live up to the OT and that Disney is the new destroyer of the franchise.

Based on what? The fact that people complained that the PT was a huge letdown? Well, that's because it was. When GOOD Star Wars is actually made it receives nearly universal praise. The Old Republic cutscenes are proof of that fact.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Based on what? The fact that people complained that the PT was a huge letdown? Well, that's because it was. When GOOD Star Wars is actually made it receives nearly universal praise. The Old Republic cutscenes are proof of that fact.

That being said we are smack dab in the era of the "Dark Nitpickers" so no matter how good Episode VII is this thread will probably be consumed with incessant whining about every last detail by those claiming that the movie is "good" and that they "liked it." :lol :duh
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

That being said we are smack dab in the era of the "Dark Nitpickers" so no matter how good Episode VII is this thread will probably be consumed with incessant whining about every last detail by those claiming that the movie is "good" and that they "liked it." :lol :duh

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

That being said we are smack dab in the era of the "Dark Nitpickers" so no matter how good Episode VII is this thread will probably be consumed with incessant whining about every last detail by those claiming that the movie is "good" and that they "liked it." :lol :duh

The new director will proclaim on 12/20/12 that his vision for VII will be heavily influenced by da Nolanz.

World ends 12/21/12. :rotfl
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I still liked Ep I,II,III, and was just happy to see some beloved characters back on the big screen...period...I cant believe how many guys beetched about these films...and I bet it's a minority....I could think of lots of of worse films out there.....It's called a fantasy film and done Lucas's way...I wont bash him too much on his Star Wars creation and again was glad to see a new live action on the big screen that showed us the earlier history of Anakin...Most of the film watching world so highly anticipated these films ....So what if it wasnt as great as Goodfellas or TESB ....big deal...whether or not some of you didnt like it because it wasnt done your way...who cares...and I look forward to the next films....It's not like Ed Wood will be directing them...LOL
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

That being said we are smack dab in the era of the "Dark Nitpickers" so no matter how good Episode VII is this thread will probably be consumed with incessant whining about every last detail by those claiming that the movie is "good" and that they "liked it." :lol :duh

So, you disagree with me, then respond to yourself to agree with me? Glad you got your meds in you. :cuckoo:
Common sense dictates theres going to be haters on something like this regardless of how it turns out. :lecture
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Yep, initially I disagreed with you based on the praise heaped on TOR. But then I remembered that 2011 is long gone and the era of nitpicking has begone.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I still liked Ep I,II,III, and was just happy to see some beloved characters back on the big screen...period...I cant believe how many guys beetched about these films...and I bet it's a minority...It's called a fantasy film and done Lucas's way...I wont bash him too much on his Star Wars creation and again was glad to see a new live action on the big screen that showed us the earlier history of Anakin... whether or not some of you didnt like it because it wasnt done your way...who cares...and I look forward to the next films....It's not like Ed Wood will be directing them...LOL

You didn't happen to name your kids Wato, Zam and Cliegg did you. :rotfl
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

You didn't happen to name your kids Wato, Zam and Cliegg did you. :rotfl

no...If the film was truly sheeet, then the box office, video sales and toy sales would have shown it to be...not a couple of guys that can type on a forum...LOL