I've kept the original Windows desktop on my laptop since I got it, but I just replaced it with that shot of the downed X-Wing and Star Destroyer.
any place with HD screenshots or did you just make one yourself?
Sweet trailer, but it just makes me all the more worried that the "classic gang" (Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie) will just be small parts in the movie, with most of it focusing on these new people we have never met before.
Sweet trailer, but it just makes me all the more worried that the "classic gang" (Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie) will just be small parts in the movie, with most of it focusing on these new people we have never met before.
Sweet trailer, but it just makes me all the more worried that the "classic gang" (Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie) will just be small parts in the movie, with most of it focusing on these new people we have never met before.
Sweet trailer, but it just makes me all the more worried that the "classic gang" (Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie) will just be small parts in the movie, with most of it focusing on these new people we have never met before.
The time has come to pass the torch…err…lightsaber.