The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak

I like this guy or girl. He/she looks cool, even if the suit is not practical...I mean, I'm guessing stealth won't be his/her strong suit.
I agree the greatest thing Lucas did as of late was to sell this to Disney. Good call. of course, his $4 billion and change sure didn't hurt
didnt he donate it or something?
I found this trailer super dull. I'm very surprised. Watched the whole live thing which was fun. The trailer left me cold though. Solo and young Chewie were the only memorable shot.
Loved it. Got me excited all over again. Except for old Han.
i want this, I NEED THIS
i wonder if it will be sold
Agreed- feels like Episode 1 hype all over again- impressive shots- nothing more. Han/Chewie and Vader helmet shots awesome.
It's mixing nostalgia with new stuff. Hope new stuff plays out ...I'm nervous. Still think it'll be better than PT by a mile.
It reminds me of the red guards helmet only with gold rings at the top.
Vader is so embedded into our consciousness that it is impossible to create something that we will say is "better".
The villain reminds me of the Battle Star Galactica Cylons