Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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I've never been Star Wars greatest fan. I mean as a kid, I liked it, but as I grew up, I began to feel less and less interested in this universe. And the PT, when it was released, did nothing to rekindle the old flame.... Until recently!

I had my BDs of OT and PT sitting in a corner since I'd bought them. I'd never felt like watching them, and one day, when I was bored, I said "what the hell, give it a try!".

... And my opinion has radically changed, on almost everything. First, the PT. it's actually far from being as bad as I remembered it. Sure there are a few warts here and there, but the story is actually quite good and well constructed. It's really a great tragedy. And visually, it's stunning.

....the OT. Of course, it is sacred. You can't really say a bad thing about it. Still, it's got a few warts too. Honestly, I think I had a better time watching PT again than watching OT, probably because I know OT too well.

Anyway, just writing this because I honestly think PT has got too much of a bad press around here. You guys should watch it again. It's much better than what you probably remembers!:)
Good Post. The PT are bad... but not THAT bad!

Polished turds are still turds! I love how this discussion comes up again and again. Here's my take on it all: TPM isn't that bad. RotS is as bad as people say. And AotC isn't as bad as people say. It's worse! :lol

But you like what you like. I do believe my love of the EU is really the main reason I don't care for the PT and am likely to be let down by the ST. And most here hate the EU and them telling me that doesn't affect my love for the good stuff.
TPM is the biggest piece of SW trash ever forced upon the world. Even Darth Maul can't save it. AOTC and ROTS I kind of actually like.
I love TPM. I remember the first time they loaded me onto the bus that took us to the theater where we were forced to watch it. And I was all like, God Bless America!
I like ROTS and TPM (the latter especially).

AOTC is a big stinky dump in the SW universe. (but the L8TWRT version makes it watchable for me).
I love TPM. I remember the first time they loaded me onto the bus that took us to the theater where we were forced to watch it. And I was all like, God Bless America!

I hear they are showing TPM at Guantanamo Bay to break the prisoners. :)
I hear they are showing TPM at Guantanamo Bay to break the prisoners. :)

Keep watching!

I hear they are showing TPM at Guantanamo Bay to break the prisoners.

But if Lucas hadn't laid his prequel eggs, then the Auralnauts could never have given us this:
(notice how the everyman quality of C-3PO is made even more acute)

Or this vastly improved cut of the second abortion:

I look forward to their version of JJ's upcoming Lost sequel . . . more tales from middle management with A New Hip!

Star Wars was played out in '83, folks! :wave

TPM is the biggest piece of SW trash ever forced upon the world. Even Darth Maul can't save it. AOTC and ROTS I kind of actually like.

Each to their own, I prefer TPM to the other two personally. Some actual practical effects and no Hayden Christensen being two of it's big plus points. It isn't perfect by any means and there is a lot I would have liked to have seen done differently, but I enjoyed it.
Well ESB is in a completely different league frankly, as is ROTJ for me. I meant out of the prequel trilogy, TPM is my favorite. I agree about Binks completely however, he is one of the things I'd have done differently along with several other annoying slapstick characters that didn't need to be there.