Whoever puts ROTS in their top three is beyond help, seriously.![]()
Worst to best
6: Revenge of the Sith
5: Attack of the Clones
4: The Phantom Menace
This is where it gets dodgier for me
3: A New Hope (raises umbrella)
2: Return of the Jedi (braces for bombardment)
1: Empire Strikes Back
That wasn't such an unpopular of an opinion 10-15 years ago. RotJ has a lot going for it. I don't think it's shortcomings are enough to put any of the prequels ahead of it.
More shocking to me is you rank RotS behind AotC! Both are bad. I have only seen RotS in its entirety three or four times. I stopped rewatching the prequels shortly after it came out on DVD. Perhaps that's why I think it's better than AotC? But yes, TPM is the best of the lot.
6. AotC
5. RotS
4. TPM
3. RotJ
2. ANH
1. ESB
I didn't watch the Pegg video. Nor do I care for his opinion. Riddick is spot on. The new Star Treks suck.
Whoever puts ROTS in their top three is either beyond help or a clueless whippersnapper, seriously.![]()
Don't forget epic Vader-Luke-Emporer scenes.
So you think the prequels include the very worst, and very best of the franchise. Interesting.My ranking:
6. Attack of the Clones
5. The Phantom Menace
4. Return of the Jedi
3. A New Hope
2. Empire Strikes Back
1. Revenge of the Sith
Don't forget epic Vader-Luke-Emporer scenes.
So you think the prequels include the very worst, and very best of the franchise. Interesting.
At this moment in time, having recently re-watched the original movies, I would go:
6/5. Attack of the Clones/Revenge of the Sith (I don't really differentiate. Hopefully I'll never have to watch either again.)
4. Phantom Menace
2. Empire
1. Star Wars
None of the Classic Trilogy can match the Obi-Wan vs General Grievous for conception to finished film, its brilliance to have a lightsaber duel between a Jedi with a single lightsaber and a cyborg with four lightsabers is beyond even Darth Maul's double lighsaber. And for the first time since ANH Obi-Wan is portrayed as an accomplished swordsman.