Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Yes there were many plot holes in the prequels, but the OT had its issues too. I enjoy all the movies. Some more than others, but all 6. I also loved the Clone Wars cartoon and it still bothers me that Disney scraped it when it was at it's best, to restart their own series and make it theirs. I couldn't stand Rebels in the beginning, but it has grown on me and the overall tone has changed from a kiddie Disney show to something more in line with what it should be. Still don't care for the animation though. To me a definite step backwards.

My main gripe is all the fans wishing and hoping Disney & JJ make the greatest films ever to spite Lucas... Not gonna happen for me. It's like your setting yourselves up all over again. I guess overall I'm just tired of all the hate Lucas gets. I just don't understand it. It was his creation, his story, his vision we all fell in love with, then bash him when he did things we didn't like. If you didn't like what he did, just move on... We let our emotions get the best off us, especially when something has such a profound impact on our lives. I enjoyed the prequels. Having Star Wars to look forward too in my life is something I enjoy. No, they weren't as good as the original (I was 5 and saw Star Wars in the theater) and they didn't re-invigorate any child hood feelings I had when they were released. But by then I had grown up and looked at things differently. I did enjoy them more the second time around (prequels) when I watched them with my kids and saw how much they loved them (boy and girl twins). The only thing I have any contempt for with Lucas is his constant tinkering with this movies.. I don't mind the SE versions, as long as I have the originals as well. Thank the maker for Harmy's de-specialized versions!! :)

So yes I have become cynical in my old age, and nothing, no matter how good, will bring back my sense of wonder and amazement like the OT did when I was 5, 8 and 11. I just see too much Disney in everything they're doing (I am also a Disney fan, I spent my honeymoon in Disney World), and not enough Star Wars, that is Lucas' Star Wars... You know, the one we all fell in love with to begin with. I would love to find out what Lucas vision was for the new trilogy before Disney scrapped it... Good or bad, it was his creation. And I'd have been happy to be along for the ride.
The last trailer keeps getting better and better with every viewing.

That line said at the end of the trailer by Lupita has a Galadriel vibe when she tells Frodo about his connection to the ring.

"The force, it's calling to you"

The last trailer keeps getting better and better with every viewing.

That line said at the end of the trailer by Lupita has a Galadriel vibe when she tells Frodo about his connection to the ring.

"The force, it's calling to you"


So between that part and Luke saying "you have that power to", it's pretty much 99.9% that they're referring to Rey, right?
Oh man, never thought sharing that article would spark so much debate... :lol
I just thought it was funny, I like the prequels and SW is general!

Anyway, great points by lots of people, it's been a fun couple of pages to read.

Just to share a couple of cents of my own...

I do believe that Anakin is an interesting character. He has some great moments.
In AOTC, when he confesses to Padmé what he's done and then says "I know I'm better than this". It's such a simple line, and it sums up so perfectly all the conflict within him. Or in ROTS, when he says to Obi Wan "Master, I've disappointed you", and you can see just how deeply felt it is. But, as I said in some other post, he is supposed to be an obnoxious teen, and a very conflicted one at that, and later on, he's supposed to be a very troubled young man. He's never really meant to be "likeable" in the sense that Luke was. And I think most people aren't really down with that.

Also, in ROTS, when he goes to Windu to tell him Palpatine is the Sith, he's putting the Jedi before anything else, even going against his "friend" the Chancellor. He only really turns when he sees that Windu will kill Palpatine, thus destroying what he believes is his only chance of saving Padmé. He even tries to reason with Windu, and only after everything else fails, does he fight Windu, allowing Palpatine to kill him. After that, there's no going back, and as he sinks to his knees, you can see just how defeated he is. It's a powerful scene.
Another done that stands out for me is just at the beginning, when Anakin and Obi Wan are flying through the battle over Coruscant, and Anakin wants to go back to help clones, but Obi Wan doesn't let him. In one very simple, quick scene, Anakin's caring nature is shown, his conflicting emotions between duty and helping/saving those in need. He's a complex character. Not always well written or characterised, but complex and interesting nonetheless.

A lot of people say they'd rather have seen much more of Obi Wan's and Anakin's friendship develop over the movies, but again Lucas sets it up wonderfully with just a couple of scenes: their friendly banter over R2 on the elevator, their chat over politics and heroism and who saved who as they leave the shuttle on Coruscant, the exchange as they say farewell to each other that I mentioned above. They're all small scenes, but they deliver perfectly on the relationship of these two guys.

Going back to AOTC and how Padmé can fall for such an insufferable whiny kid... clearly none of you have ever fallen for the wrong girl or guy. Just remember that Brigitte Bardot, famous 60's babe and figurehead for leftist/liberal parties married Jean Marie LePen, rightwing nationalist leader of the extreme right wing party in France... So, no, I don't find Anakin and Padmé's love story unbelievable.

And, having said that, here's another article that is fun to read:

Anakin Could've Learned Some Game From Yoda's Preschool | WIRED
I do believe that Anakin is an interesting character. He has some great moments.

Also, in ROTS, when he goes to Windu to tell him Palpatine is the Sith, he's putting the Jedi before anything else, even going against his "friend" the Chancellor. He only really turns when he sees that Windu will kill Palpatine, thus destroying what he believes is his only chance of saving Padmé. He even tries to reason with Windu, and only after everything else fails, does he fight Windu, allowing Palpatine to kill him. After that, there's no going back, and as he sinks to his knees, you can see just how defeated he is. It's a powerful scene.

I consider that entire scene one of the weakest plot points of ROTS. I feel it was rushed, and without too much substance.

But maybe I'm biased, because for me OT Darth Vader will never be Ani.
I recall one of the earliest rumors about TPM was that Qui-Gon was Anakin's father and that Anakin was a young Jedi who lost his way and fell to the Darkside. This rumor said that the new trilogy was mainly about a fathers struggle to save his son and ultimately fails.
No kidding... Sure Ford phoned it in in that film... But to kill Han would have been a mistake.

Hope they don't make that mistake in this film.

No! Ford did not PHONE in his ROTJ performance- he scribbled it on toilet paper and flushed it again guys- he looks so bored and spiteful he was even doing the film- you think ANYONE asked him for retakes??
No! Ford did not PHONE in his ROTJ performance- he scribbled it on toilet paper and flushed it again guys- he looks so bored and spiteful he was even doing the film- you think ANYONE asked him for retakes??

I think Ford was done with Star Wars right about here...look a that face! :lol

That was really good editing and inserting, most of it was seamless.

Jar Jar Binks would kill the new hooded Sith guy.
I remember a lot of people thinking that Palps raped Anakin's mom and then erased her memory. :slap

Qui-Gon got some of that Tatooine booty and was really Anakin's dad. Maybe mind tricked Shimi into forgetting.