Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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I still don't understand how that film made so much money. I don't even get the nostalgia part, because it's not like the original cast was in it, not to mention the last 2 films weren't good. I love the first film, saw it in theaters and I even had (still do) some of the merchandise, but there was nothing nostalgic about the new film, just another mediocre dinosaur film with dumb humans doing idiotic things while the dinosaurs once again seem to have the superior intellect . It had a few cool moments, sure, but nothing amazing that could make me believe it was going to beat the first Avengers film and be the third highest grossing film of all times. :dunno

Still confuses the **** out of me aswell truth be told. People going to see it 8 times, what, why?
I still don't understand how that film made so much money. I don't even get the nostalgia part, because it's not like the original cast was in it, not to mention the last 2 films weren't good. I love the first film, saw it in theaters and I even had (still do) some of the merchandise, but there was nothing nostalgic about the new film, just another mediocre summer CGI fest with dumb humans doing idiotic things while the dinosaurs once again seem to have the superior intellect . It had a few cool moments, sure, but nothing amazing that could make me believe it was going to beat the first Avengers film and be the third highest grossing film of all times. :dunno
Still confuses the **** out of me aswell truth be told. People going to see it 8 times, what, why?

It is a head-scratcher for sure.

Perhaps it was a CBM fatigue venting event, where people were so suffocated by CBMs that they escaped throught the novelty of dinosaurs regardless of the movie being ****.
Wow star wars fans fighting over pt and ot I never thought the nerd legends were true I had to see it to believe it.
Still confuses the **** out of me aswell truth be told. People going to see it 8 times, what, why?

The ONLY reason IMO. Is that people want to see dinosaurs eating tourists.
That's it. The little dark seed inside peoples heads. Something primeval. Like Jaws.

The hilarious thing is that the producers don't seem to get that either. The next one will fail unless they get it back to another theme park with tourists being eaten.
It's why JP 2 & 3 failed.

So many weirdos have come out to defend the **** out of the PT after this new film went into production. I don't get it. The PT is still bad, regardless of the quality of this new trilogy.

Can I have a list of films you like to access how weird you are?
Need the information for my files. Thanks.
Yeah he was good, ok fine, he was really good, I need reminders when it comes to the PT. :lol

He really did resemble a young AG, Lucas got the right person.

Whenever I watch TAKEN I envision Qui-Gon going after his daughter. :lol

Anyways, this photo of my son explains TPM perfectly.

See how happy he is?

He has no idea that he's about to go into an operating room where he will be subjected to a procedure that will bring him much pain and discomfort.

That photo is me before walking into the theater on opening night for TPM. :lol

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What a cute little man. **** it kills me having to bring my kids to hospital and doctors. You just want to keep them safe yourself somehow.

Hope he's out for halloween.
What a cute little man. **** it kills me having to bring my kids to hospital and doctors. You just want to keep them safe yourself somehow.

Hope he's out for halloween.

Thank you Rorywan, it was very difficult that day for me and his mother but thankfully all went well and now he can't wait for the big giveaway, 6 more days until Halloween!
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Just cause I know you love it... Just being nice :)

I was getting ready to rebuttal you comment about Sir Ian Mcdairmid being good in this film but then......

Summed it up for me.... Worst Lightsaber duel ever..... Sam Jackson was awful also... But man I hated the Emperor in this whole scene... Then there was the "no no no no no" moment.... Then his face became deformed from his own force lighting (stupid idea also) and then he just over acted in the rest of the film.

It's why I said I liked him in TPM.... I thought he was much creepier and more emperor like in that film.

Here I am trying really hard to find something nice to say about the PT when BAM, you come and cut me down like a kid at a Jedi temple! :lol


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Actually, his little jump when Anakin ignites his lightsaber is pretty ****ing disturbing if you ask me. :lol

That was cool. :lol

In order to get that reaction I think Lucas was giving some off-camera advice:

"Look scared, kid, or you'll be back to playing the rear end of the donkey in the school nativity again."
Ok , relaxing for the last hour reading this thread...... Heres what was said correctly.

1. PT was poorly acted ,directed and written ( but some feel they had redeeming parts)

2. ROTJ was the worst of OT , and possible not as good as ROTS.

3. JJ Abrams is screwed no matter what thanks to trolls.

4. No one like Jar Jar above the age of 13

5. Everyone likes slave Leia above the age of 13.

6. Star trek reboots were decent sci -fi films, but did not give Trekkies the "woodies" they wanted

7. lens flare will be had.

8. Bad Feeling will be had. " hopefully not forced like PT.

9. less CGI Is better

10. We all wish for an enjoyable Sci Fi movie, (as there are so few made each year,) that will hopefully give us a few hours of respite from the weary world at return us to the innocence of child hood where we could enjoy a galaxy far far away.

I for one see a very good movie coming, but nothing can bring me back to the fascinations and love of STAR WARS of my childhood. My hope and wish is that these films might have a similar effect on my children and be something we can share together.

So with my family dressed as Jedi, my tickets in hand , pop corn , twizzlers and a lightsaber in hand , I will goto the 3D IMAX on opening day, to have fun with the family.

May the force be with us all!

(Que John Williams)
Ok , relaxing for the last hour reading this thread...... Heres what was said correctly.

1. PT was poorly acted ,directed and written ( but some feel they had redeeming parts)

2. ROTJ was the worst of OT , and possible not as good as ROTS.

3. JJ Abrams is screwed no matter what thanks to trolls.

4. No one like Jar Jar above the age of 13

5. Everyone likes slave Leia above the age of 13.

6. Star trek reboots were decent sci -fi films, but did not give Trekkies the "woodies" they wanted

7. lens flare will be had.

8. Bad Feeling will be had. " hopefully not forced like PT.

9. less CGI Is better

10. We all wish for an enjoyable Sci Fi movie, (as there are so few made each year,) that will hopefully give us a few hours of respite from the weary world at return us to the innocence of child hood where we could enjoy a galaxy far far away.

I for one see a very good movie coming, but nothing can bring me back to the fascinations and love of STAR WARS of my childhood. My hope and wish is that these films might have a similar effect on my children and be something we can share together.

So with my family dressed as Jedi, my tickets in hand , pop corn , twizzlers and a lightsaber in hand , I will goto the 3D IMAX on opening day, to have fun with the family.

May the force be with us all!

(Que John Williams)

Well, not so much "less cgi" as it is just a better mix of cgi with real world settings.

It's like TFA is taking the LOTR way of doing things.

TFA looks like a real lived in place, I think that's helping it move past the PT sterile imagery.

When ROTJ is firing on all cylinders it utterly destroys anything ROTS related.

When ROTJ is not firing on all cylinders it still utterly destroys everything ROTS related! :lol
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