Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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All joking aside.... it really would be sick if someone passed on there hatred to there kids and made decisions for them about what movies they should like and should hate.... especially harmless movies like the PT.

I won't let my kids watch porn either.... Both PT and porn are equally harmful to children.
Anyone want to predict opening weekend numbers? What is the highest- Avengers? Like $250 million?
Good grief, the PTs aren't great, not even terribly good, but they aren't exactly landfill material either. With the new trilogy coming out they are getting hammered mercilessly. It's pretty universal that the blame lies squarely with Lucas. However it makes me think that if TFA ends up being terrible fans are gonna be showing up at Abrams's house with torches, clubs and pitchforks.

On another note, given that this is a trilogy, I've started thinking that this could end up being a "like father, like son... only worse" story arc. Which kind of sends chills up my spine. Kind of cool to be going into this one pretty much cold, I will just have to avoid all the reviews and loud mouths on the internet for a few days, because I won't be there on day 1 or 2. Maybe by Day 3.
Good grief, the PTs aren't great, not even terribly good, but they aren't exactly landfill material either. With the new trilogy coming out they are getting hammered mercilessly. It's pretty universal that the blame lies squarely with Lucas. However it makes me think that if TFA ends up being terrible fans are gonna be showing up at Abrams's house with torches, clubs and pitchforks.

Won't happen. Even if this film is a massive turd, people will lie to themselves like many people did with the Phantom Menace and like it because of nostalgia, the hype, and all the worthless merchandise people bought. Even most critics of a certain age will go easy on it initially just like they did with Indy 4. It'll be years from now, when people look at their talking BB-8 toy thing covered in dust, that they'll be ready to accept the truth. Of course, the film might be good, which is even worse in some ways, because if it's good, people will think it's the greatest thing ever, even better than than the first two original films.
I don't see that happening, if this movie is bad, people will gloat in having called it, if this movie is good, people will still call it bad.

At least that's what I see happening here. Until the dust settles and we can finally start talking about it objectively like it happened with the prequels......

Won't happen. Even if this film is a massive turd, people will lie to themselves like many people did with the Phantom Menace and like it because of nostalgia, the hype, and all the worthless merchandise people bought. Even most critics of a certain age will go easy on it initially just like they did with Indy 4. It'll be years from now, when people look at their talking BB-8 toy thing covered in dust, that they'll be ready to accept the truth. Of course, the film might be good, which is even worse in some ways, because if it's good, people will think it's the greatest thing ever, even better than than the first two original films.

I know this is not a popular opinion (sorry DiFabio) but that is exactly how I reacted and feel many others did to the Tim Burton Batman film. I refused to admit it was not good because I bought into the hype. I would not admit how I felt and told everyone I loved it. Even though there was, IMO, huge plot holes, boring and uninteresting action, and a very so so story. I would not admit it... But I was very disappointed. I went through a time of openly hating the film but have learned to appreciate it for what it is... A very flawed film but a great piece of Nostalgia.

Back to SW

I remember seeing TPM and being very mixed about it. I remember being so uncomfortable with the awful acting by some of the supporting actors and the bad humor. However I liked some of the action scenes and it was SW. It was still not very good so like many others I blamed Jar Jar.

AOTC came out and I was just so happy Jar Jar was not in it I gave it a pass even though it has the worst acting and least interesting action of the series.

ROTS comes out and I am happy again that it's not TPM and by this time not AOTC. However there were things I liked then that with repeat viewings I have grown to despise (killing of younglings etc)

The problem with the PT, IMO, is that they don't hold up to repeat viewings. As time has gone by I find TPM to be the best of the series because Qui Gon and Maul are very good characters. I think it's the Emperors best outing in the PT also. Hell I don't even hate Jar Jar anymore. There are things about AOTC and ROTS that piss me off far more then Jar Jar. AOTC and ROTS are very bad films to me. they are bad films on their own and worse they hurt the mythology of the OT.

Having said all that... I have no idea how anyone have KOTCS a pass. That was always awful and was one of the most disappointing theatrical experiences in my life :( The First America Godzilla film is number 1.
Why are you apologizing to me JAWS? You're not hurting my feelings with that. :lol

You didn't like it, that's fine. Everyone is different. The thing this forum is lacking is tolerance of other people's opinions when it comes to movies and toys/collectibles.
Sir Ian Mcdairmid was the only good thing about ROTS, especially during his opera scene exposition.

The remainder of the PT are a sterile mess with lightsabers being swung around with zero emotion and lines being said by pieces of green cardboards.

I simply can not sit thru them yet 38 years later I can easily sit thru SW.
Yeah he was good, ok fine, he was really good, I need reminders when it comes to the PT. :lol

He really did resemble a young AG, Lucas got the right person.

Whenever I watch TAKEN I envision Qui-Gon going after his daughter. :lol

Anyways, this photo of my son explains TPM perfectly.

See how happy he is?

He has no idea that he's about to go into an operating room where he will be subjected to a procedure that will bring him much pain and discomfort.

That photo is me before walking into the theater on opening night for TPM. :lol

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Sir Ian Mcdairmid was the only good thing about ROTS, especially during his opera scene exposition.

The remainder of the PT are a sterile mess with lightsabers being swung around with zero emotion and lines being said by pieces of green cardboards.

I simply can not sit thru them yet 38 years later I can easily sit thru SW.

even Sir Ian Mcdairmid had a few cringe inducing moments in ROTS...