Even ignoring artificial gravity, or magnetic properties, my main question is: who gives a ****!?
Even ignoring artificial gravity, or magnetic properties, my main question is: who gives a ****!?
People are really still debating the bombs? The bombs were dropped inside a ship with artificial gravity. The gravity pulled the bombs "downward" (the exact same gravity that pulled Paige down when she fell) and then when the bombs exited the "bottom" of the ship they continued out into space in the same direction (no friction) until colliding with whatever was in their path (the Dreadnaught.) All easily explained by the film itself.
They looked like they were falling though. The physics showed a weighted downward force quite distinguishable from an external pulling force. The relative movement between the bombs suggests gravitational forces randomly effecting each bomb separately as opposed to a definable overall force pulling them downwards in a controlled trajectory.
This is now on Netflix not that anyone gives a ####
Blasphemy!!!!! There are billions that love this movie. Disney, Johnson and the media told me so.....
Hey I like the film as well..but there is no denying that a trillion fans hated it
Hey I like the film as well..but there is no denying that a trillion fans hated it
I liked the movie also and I don't care if a trillion fans hated it.
I dont even hate the movie. never did. I HATE Rian Jhonson..... I hate his script. the actors did the best they could. the effects people did their job. sound people did their job. costume people did their best.
Rian Jhonson is a little creep and he is one of my most hated directors of all time. more than Michael Bay.
Rian is in the Company of guys like Brett Ratner with how awful he ruined the trilogy. X men 3 is just as bad as this movie story wise.
Same kind of failures and problems. same kind of ruining of the movie behind it. same kind of inconsistency with the previous story told. same incompetence.
I would be a happy camper if he doesnt direct any other major movie and sticks to indies or something. hes such a creep in twitter... jesus
TLJ will always be another "Alien 3" IMO. To this day I enjoy A3 and find it to be an extremely well done film even with its massive opening plot holes with the magic egg, multiple facehuggers from said magic egg, etc. But as much as I respect A3 there will always be a part of me that wishes they continued the story the way *I* wanted them to with Hicks and Newt and all that. But it is what it is just like TLJ.
Mark Hamill's performance was awesome and I'll always respect most of Johnson's decisions when it came to Luke but like the rest of you yeah, it would have been nice to see what Luke could do at the height of his power beyond the Force projecting trick. Luckily like A3 the overall film was still good enough that I can enjoy it in it's own right despite them going in directions that I wouldn't have chosen.
I guess this is ultimately what plays the biggest factor: whether or not someone can accept (and even embrace) things that didn't play out how they wanted.
TLJ didn't play out how I wanted either. But now, that's one of my favorite things about it! The story wasn't just wish fulfillment for my inner 7-year-old self. And stories that resonate best with me as an adult are ones that don't treat me like a child. They reflect how life works: people change with age and experiences (both good and bad); good people can fail and become disheartened; heroes die (but their deeds live forever); new generations pave their own path differently than the previous generation; yesterdays are fine, but tomorrows should bring something different; and you don't always get what you want or expect.
Fan service can go both ways: you can make some people happy, but you can make some people yawn. Eschewing fan service can go both ways too: you can surprise some people into enthusiastic approval, but you can make some people want to kick you in the Johnson (pun intended).
Does that mean that Leia needed to fly in Space? No! Does that mean that Force ghosts should be able to call down lightning? No!! Does it make Canto Bight anything but a prequel-like case of movie vomit? **** NO!!! But no movie is without flaws; and if it goes in bold directions while executing brilliantly more often than it stumbles, I'll appreciate it. And so, I appreciate TLJ; flaws and all.
i didnt care that it didnt play out the way i wanted because i didnt really have a way i wanted it to go
I just Wanted it to FOLLOW WHAT ABRAMS PLANNED OUT...................... I Wanted it to follow through on what Abrams had set up............ was that too hard to understand for Rian? was that too hard to do as your JOB? to follow what a previous coworker did?
This is a bILLION dollar franchise with a lot on the line. Toys, theme parks, hotels. etc
and rian decided to play a little experiment in how much he could piss off the fans ? is that fair? most people dont care if the movie went THEIR way.....
people are mad that Rian followed HIS Way instead of JJ Abrams way.... THATS the problem dude.
dont give me any of that "the fans will never be happy" crap. the fans were perfectly fine with Rogue one and force awakens. fans were even okay with Solo. the ones that saw it.
out of FOUR movies only ONE is the problem in this equation. only one ruptured the fan base. only one created these boycotts...................... only one dude