Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2)

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Hey, Where’s IrishSnyderman?

He borrowed one of Spazz's disguises and is trying to get back into Steve Sansweet's museum.

It doesn't exactly shoot down the notion that TLJ haters try to flood the internet with multiple versions of themselves in attempts to perpetuate a false narrative now does it, lol.

You really really dont want me to bring up the disney moms inflating the last jedi scores online khev....just don't.
Thats a whole can of worms. Dude, disney moms have their own gang.... they bully people and everything
Yikes, sounds like you barely escaped with your life. Glad you're able to get the word out or someone might get hurt.


Okay.. you asked for it. Dont cry when i reveal the truth about the disney moms and the past jedi scores. I warned you...
Spaz is back?


Oh, man..... Now I feel I bad..

I'm sure others thought it as well, but I am the one that said Franken Berry was Spaz... It was too easy to tell it was him. All his posts were too similar in his arguments. I enjoyed reading his posts at times, and often agreed with his views on some stuff, but he got too carried away here and there... He should've changed his ways.

Sorry to see you go Spaz, uh, Franken Berry... for the 2nd time. :wave
Disney Mom is watching you...


you guys (like Khev said) think that making 5 accounts to argue your point is a sign of bad mental health...

Try making ONE HUNDRED ACCOUNTS to rate The Last jedi positive...... what does that say about mental Health Mister Khev?
one hundred rotten tomatoes accounts...... just to give Last Jedi a better score..... what does that say about their mental state?
Hm. Is that the whole can if worms? I was expecting like a pie chart, at least.

the post is coming dont you worry about it. i just dont want to humiliate khev too much. Im gonna post in a delicate manner as to not makey anyone cry.
theres a lot of sreenshots i have to take too, that takes time you douche lol :lol dont you doubt me im bringing the pain soon