I am not defending anything. I feel people should be able to like what ever they want.....or dislike whatever they want.
But the Why why why stuff is just annoying. Because it’s being used in a fashion that could be applied to just about every classic film ever made....
I mean if you don’t like a character arc I can respect that, but the whole doesn’t make sense argument is just people picking apart stuff similar to other films they let slide because they liked it...
So again, like it, don’t like it, fine....but to say you don’t like it because of plot holes in a space wizard story is kinda weak.... cause every great film have plot hole....some large enough to drive a truck through.
Go on that YouTube site and type in just about any film to see those holes....
I agree about Raiders being a great film.....which is why I ignore stuff like a guy choosing a fist fight over shooting Indy, a clear intruder on the airport runway....
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you're coming at it backwards, you're assuming we don't like the movie simply because of the inconsistencies we're pointing out. that's too simple, because no one would ever like any Sci Fi movie if they couldn't suspend disbelief to some extent...
so let's start fresh...
We think the entire movie is a complete pile of burning garbage starting with the script, huge plot holes, complete departure from the source material, forced SJW stuff, poor casting, terrible directing and story telling, and then we're listing all the other inconsistencies that are like little sh** sprinkles on a giant double scoop sh** sunday
People should be allowed to dislike a movie without being told they're "wrong". Glad you love TLJ, but trying to convince us to like it by bashing the OT is like