Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Good, good... let the hot flow through you...

Now get into your tightest leather and practice your lotus position.. for fighting purposes of course..

:lol touché

It's hilarious that the primary defense of the pile of burning garbage, otherwise known as TLJ, is pointing out inconsistencies in the OT.

Incorrect. It's simply being pointed out that *you* are throwing the OT under the bus (as well as many of the greatest films of all time) when you criticize TLJ for doing the exact same things.

You can say you hated the film. And you can say that you didn't like the characters, or that you didn't think it was exciting, or that you felt it had a disingenuous "message", or that you felt the story "zigged" when you wanted it to "zag," or whatever. Those are all personal opinions that no one can refute. But when you claim things like "TLJ is a dumpster fire because it didn't spell out Snoke's life story" then it simply indicates a lack of understanding of both trilogies, and many other (classic) films as well.
And I must most respectfully disagree again as well, my friend!

I don’t think anyone ever thought SW was immune.. I mean it must be the most argued about franchise of all time outside of Star Trek. The complaints about the OT go back into the 80s and have been discussed to death. That’s why there isn’t a need to bring up those points again, they’ve been well documented, and same with the PT. It’s the ST’s turn now. That’s why going back into those old points is so useless.

It’s like a couple that’s fighting, and some things have changed over the years, but one of them keeps bringing up points from many years ago when the relationship was in a different place. It’s been done, we’ve moved past that, and there’s no point in bringing it up anymore as it doesn’t contribute to the discussion *now*

Though I’m not saying you can’t do it. You can, but it doesn’t serve a purpose anymore and it’s already been argued over for years... and those were *definitely* good movies, not polarizing like this one.

I’m also fine without a lot of detailed explanations, it’s not about that and I’m sure many others here feel the same, but you have to remember we got *no* explanation. It’s not even about it being more detailed.. there was nothing. And that explanation was required, as I said before using hobbit/lotr as an example.

Then we agree to disagree!


I wish this thread had more discussion about character motive and plot than those plot holes however....

Seems like every time I come in here it’s the same complaints , that have explanations ...and while I respect people not liking those’s tough for me to see what I consider the “Rose colored glasses” or “childhood eyes” effect be ignored...

Like your example about the couple fighting (which is a good example) I would cite and example of a child , who loves his uncle , and finds out later that his uncle was a drug abusing, womanizer.....when your young you see things differently , often ignoring facts that adults see clearly.

We are now the adults, but our childhood eyes sometimes will never see things as the are , only as they were.

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Funny, I've never met a person in real life that hated this movie, I think you're all Russian bots. :lol

I swear to god im not just making this up but i dont know anyone that liked it.
Even when i asked people at game spot or the comic store or even at work.
See these are weak answers to these questions, just as weak as the ones explaining things in TLJ, or Raider or any other film.... plus many of these explanations have taken literally decades to surface.

I can blow each point away, but it’s a waste of time because you LOVE the film....and will vigorously defend it, because of that love no matter how big a plot hole.....

Example: you expect someone to believe Obi , made a huge deal to hid Luke and Leia but didn’t think about Leia being the “other?” Why would he hid either of them? Unless he believes they could be the key to defeating Vader. So basically your telling me , Obi was only concerned for the male child and figures Leia won’t have the force? A Jedi who serves with female Jedi???

The point is , that because you love the film your willing to accept the answers.

And there is nothing wrong with that, I do it too...

The problem lies (which no one seems to get) is , at this age, those plot holes we so easily see in any film , are part of what makes us not like them’s the reason half the people on the forum “say” over and over is the REASON, they hate it.

Tell me you don’t like Luke’s arc? Tell me Kylo is a weak character, tell me the space chase is a bad plot....

But the “holes” exist everywhere in all films....

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Obi wan didnt hide leia, he only took luke to tatoonie to watch over him. Leia was raised in public life and became a senator. Leia wasnt hidden because she was never supposed to be a jedi, force wielder, she was a diplomat like her mother. Hell even darth vader didnt recognize her or sense any force in her like he did luke.. you want to know why beacuse she had no force powers and was not force sensitive until the retcon spoof film called the last magi, that turned all woman into to natural born force wielding baddasses
Incorrect. It's simply being pointed out that *you* are throwing the OT under the bus (as well as many of the greatest films of all time) when you criticize TLJ for doing the exact same things.

You can say you hated the film. And you can say that you didn't like the characters, or that you didn't think it was exciting, or that you felt it had a disingenuous "message", or that you felt the story "zigged" when you wanted it to "zag," or whatever. Those are all personal opinions that no one can refute. But when you claim things like "TLJ is a dumpster fire because it didn't spell out Snoke's life story" then it simply reveals a lack of understanding of both trilogies, and many other (classic) films as well.

True, it's one aspect of the whole thing. Of course if the rest of the movie had blown me away I wouldn't mind as much.

Also my situation is a bit different because I got the PT soon after seeing the OT, unlike people born a bit earlier who had to live all this time not knowing much about Palpatine. So yeah maybe I was a bit spoiled in that regard and wanted the ST to be both the PT and OT for Snoke in a way.
But like you and someone else discussed earlier, the main issue is that the way we are presented with the FO and Snoke only works well in a vacuum, and not developing their story a bit more in the movies seems weird when the OT came before and we already have an established universe, a political setting, etc...

Really, it's simple. I think Snoke should have gotten a freaking book before the movie came out :lol
I swear to god im not just making this up but i dont know anyone that liked it.
Even when i asked people at game spot or the comic store or even at work.

A bunch of us parents were waiting outside the school to pick up our kids and we started talking about The Last Jedi. Several people took part in the conversation, saying they loved it, both men and women. I brought up the hate it was getting and I just kind of got blank, shocked faces. Most had no idea what I was talking about except one guy, who wasn't one of those originally discussing the film, piped up and said "crybabies, everyone hates everything on the Internet".
Then we agree to disagree!


I wish this thread had more discussion about character motive and plot than those plot holes however....

Seems like every time I come in here it’s the same complaints , that have explanations ...and while I respect people not liking those’s tough for me to see what I consider the “Rose colored glasses” or “childhood eyes” effect be ignored...

Like your example about the couple fighting (which is a good example) I would cite and example of a child , who loves his uncle , and finds out later that his uncle was a drug abusing, womanizer.....when your young you see things differently , often ignoring facts that adults see clearly.

We are now the adults, but our childhood eyes sometimes will never see things as the are , only as they were.

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Haha but I don’t think the OT falls into the harsh role of that druggie abusing womanizer uncle. It’s just more like a parent. You think they’re god when you’re young but see the flaws later as you grow up, they’re not perfect like any human (provided you had a good childhood of course).

I swear to god im not just making this up but i dont know anyone that liked it.
Even when i asked people at game spot or the comic store or even at work.

Also, just because I think you’d appreciate this, this is Time’s new cover for this month:


They don’t seem to realize that they’ve made him into a super saiyan :lol

Maybe even SSJ3 with that hair...

This is not fan art anymore.. this is real life :lol

The chosen one... confirmed.

Over 9000.... confirmed.
Are we seriously still discussing physics in Star Wars? Nothing any of the Star Wars movies does in it's space scenes holds even the lightest bit of water in regards to the laws of physics. So don't single TLJ out for that, cause then you have a problem with Every Star Wars movie.
Tlj is no more starwars then spaceballs.. its not a star wars movie its a new thing that must be viewed in a bubble to enjoy. You need to wipe your mind clean of everthing you knew or thought u knew about star wars. Its like star wars in some multiverse where the original movies never happened or unfolded quite differently. Sure you can say the last jedi is a good movie but its most definitely a terrible star wars movie because it ****s on everything that came before it and changes **** as it sees fit. Its a movie unconnected to anything else before it. Why even call it star wars how bout green alien milk wars
Stops by sees that Khev clearly is in no need that of any assistance or rescue, walks away looking forward to TLJ bluray release.
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Haha but I don’t think the OT falls into the harsh role of that druggie abusing womanizer uncle. It’s just more like a parent. You think they’re god when you’re young but see the flaws later as you grow up, they’re not perfect like any human (provided you had a good childhood of course).

Yeah it’s weird.. but the same here man.

Also, just because I think you’d appreciate this, this is Time’s new cover for this month:

View attachment 386847

They don’t seem to realize that they’ve made him into a super saiyan :lol

Maybe even SSJ3 with that hair...

This is not fan art anymore.. this is real life :lol

The chosen one... confirmed.

Over 9000.... confirmed.

Trump is Phoenix???



Trump is Phoenix???



He does seem to rise from the ashes repeatedly.

The cosmic entity known as the Phoenix force... confirmed. :lol

I have been mentioning his lack of imagination (at least when it comes to Star Wars) from the start. It was so obvious that this movie was made by someone who had a lot of walls built around their concept of the story being told and couldn't see past them. It's crazy that he was allowed to write the script by himself. Why does he go straight to the idea of a Snoke monologue? He kinda had monologues anyway so what's a few more lines about himself?

When you have 140 minutes and can't find a proper way to 'use' characters like Luke and Snoke (and develop a bit the later before killing him), you just plain suck. That's it. Period. You ****ing suck. He had them for one movie and clearly wasn't inspired by either of them. Dude's clearly obsessed with Rey but at the same time failed to make her more than what she was in TFA.

How is it not interesting to Rey? Snoke is her main enemy in TLJ, literally wants her to die a few seconds after meeting her. Kylo is still conflicted. Snoke is the puppet master, the one that made Kylo who he now is, so if understanding Kylo is important... I mean she ****ing boards Snoke's ship :lol
He had the time to show Luke drinking space cow milking and fishing with a giant spear but can't have him sitting around a camp fire with Rey to talk about Snoke for one minute.

:rotfll I missed this one before. Very eloquently put good sir.
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