Broke and happy
I just needed the final piece and you provided it
You’re missing the point that those movies were good
I say TLJ was good.
Critics said it was good.
Cinemascore said it was good.
Sorry it didn’t work out for you.
I just needed the final piece and you provided it
You’re missing the point that those movies were good
I say TLJ was good.
Critics said it was good.
Cinemascore said it was good.
Please tell me you’re under 19 lol
And over half of the reviews on RT say it’s bad.
Also Ford and Guinness felt SW is below their acting ability and talent whereas Mark’s dissapointment comes from a different place, of not staying true to what came before, because he is a fan like us. Ford moved on and hates talking about it even. Marks in it for life. Though that’s become tough on him now.
The fact remains this movie is highly divisive whereas the other good movies you referenced are not.
I say TLJ was good.
Critics said it was good.
Cinemascore said it was good.
China said it wa- oh wait.
It shows 49% of people rated it at 3.5/5 or higher (i.e. 70% +)
51% of people therefore rated it at less than 3.5/5 (i.e. - 70%)
The average rating is 3/5 (60%).
In case more proof was needed that there wasn't even an outline for TLJ, Hamill recently revealed that at the end of TFA, when Rey sees him, we was supposed to have giant boulders floating around him (as in, he wasn't disconnected from the Force, at all). Jedi Master practice basically.
When he read the script for TLJ and the part about Luke being disconnected from the Force, he contacted JJ/Ruin to clear things out, and they told him that the boulders ended up not being included to make sure things would remain coherent between both movies.
So really, in JJ's mind after finishing TFA, Luke was going to go in a completely different direction. Not only does this show once again (they said it anyway) that there is no clear plan for this trilogy, but also that we could have had something way different had Ruin Johnson not been the writer on this movie.
But that only further demonstrates RT’s rating system is quite nonsensical; both in critic reviews with the binary system and the user reviews with the odd weighting system you detailed.
In case more proof was needed that there wasn't even an outline for TLJ, Hamill recently revealed that at the end of TFA, when Rey sees him, we was supposed to have giant boulders floating around him (as in, he wasn't disconnected from the Force, at all). Jedi Master practice basically.
When he read the script for TLJ and the part about Luke being disconnected from the Force, he contacted JJ/Ruin to clear things out, and they told him that the boulders ended up not being included to make sure things would remain coherent between both movies.
So really, in JJ's mind after finishing TFA, Luke was going to go in a completely different direction. Not only does this show once again (they said it anyway) that there is no clear plan for this trilogy, but also that we could have had something way different had Ruin Johnson not been the writer on this movie.
Sad Hamill said:When we were doing [The Force Awakens], JJ said, ‘We might have boulders floating to show your Force emanating’, so I was led to believe that I still had the Force and it was really strong in me.
When I read [The Last Jedi] before [The Force Awakens] came out, I said ‘what?!” and called JJ [Abrams] and Rian [Johnson] to say, ‘Are you guys aware of this? Have you seen a cut? Are there floating boulders?’ And they said, ‘No, we caught that and we worked it all out.’
The fact that many defenders of this movie need to iterate that multiple viewings are needed and they helped to change/strengthen their opinion is a problem. I have NEVER watched a movie that I disliked the 1st time that the a 2nd viewing made me enjoy it. Tolerate it, maybe, but like it to the point I become a fan, no. Quite the opposite in some cases. I hated BvS. Tried to watch a 2nd time at home, the minute they showed Luthor I turned it off.
And I'm not the 1st to say this. If you have some/any contempt towards Disney's direction they are taking SW and how they are treating the OT and it's fans, it makes no sense to continue to reward them by giving them your money with multiple viewings. That's just crazy.
My first viewing was coloured by preconceptions. My second sought to look beyond those. My third finally saw things falling into place, and the reasons why the story evolved they way it did. There are still faults of course, but I see the ST as being more akin to the OT than the PT.
The things to remember with Star Wars films is that they're fantasy not science fiction; and that they originated as George's homage to the serial cliffhangers that were being repeated during his youth, which were not usually high art but characterized by action driven with a simple plot.
It's about flying to planets, encountering aliens, battling against evil, making moral choices etc. Above all it's following characters on their journey. While cliffhangers were the inspiration other genres and influences also played their part to create the whole. TLJ therefore takes from other works of fiction to put Luke in a place (psychologically) where neither we, nor Mark Hamill, expected to find him. But the character is neverthless human, so Rian took him to a dark place and challenged him along with the audience.
So that scene went from Luke training with boulders to Luke about to throw himself off the cliff? That's quite the 180° change.
Incongruous that he's still wearing Jedi robes.
Haha yup, good catch, that’s a very telling sign. He wasnt wearing that garb for the direction it went in. That’s why he did a costume change so quick.