Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Tales of a Jedi knight is obi wan's theme on the original score

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I don't think any of the characters in ANH had any reason to mention Krennic especially since RO established that Tarkin wanted credit for the Empire's new super-weapon.

However I do admit that Leia's line "I just hope that when the data is analyzed a weakness can be found" doesn't gel perfectly since according to RO they already knew the weakness, they just needed the plans to figure out how to *get* to said weakness.

As Wor-Gar said I just pretend that Leia meant a weakness in its outer hull that would allow them to get to the reactor even though deep down I recognize it's a bit of a continuity gaff between the two films. But the OT had continuity issues within itself so no big. Connecting dots that don't link perfectly is just part of being a SW fan.
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Come to think of it Krennic was basically an unnecessary embellishment, sorta like Qui-Gon Jinn. Although it was much more costly to the PT that they wasted time with Qui-Gon. Not that I didn't like their characters mind you...
Come to think of it Krennic was basically an unnecessary embellishment, sorta like Qui-Gon Jinn. Although it was much more costly to the PT that they wasted time with Qui-Gon.

Personally I wouldn't go that far. I think Krennic was a fascinating character who made Tarkin and Vader even cooler (something that none of the new PT characters did.) If the Empire had actually followed his strategy they would have won! But politics were his downfall. If Tarkin had listened to Krennic then they would have destroyed the entire moon of Jedha, wiping out Jyn, the plans, and everyone else thereby ending the Rebellion before it began. Krennic also had his finger on the pulse of each of the Alliance's moves correctly anticipating the need to go to Eadu AND Scarif. But Tarkin, the Emperor, and Vader were just too big of bros to follow his lead on anything and that did him in.
Personally I wouldn't go that far. I think Krennic was a fascinating character who made Tarkin and Vader even cooler (something that none of the new PT characters did.) If the Empire had actually followed his strategy they would have won! But politics were his downfall. If Tarkin had listened to Krennic then they would have destroyed the entire moon of Jedha, wiping out Jyn, the plans, and everyone else thereby ending the Rebellion before it began. Krennic also had his finger on the pulse of each of the Alliance's moves correctly anticipating the need to go to Eadu AND Scarif. But Tarkin, the Emperor, and Vader were just too big of bros to follow his lead on anything and that did him in.

I shall agree with all your points. (I did edit my post to say that I liked his character which I think you may not have seen)

He was worthwhile in the movie. It's just that because he isn't mentioned in the OT and didn't even appear at the end of ROTS like Tarkin did it was clear even before we saw Rogue One that he was a dead man and ultimately didn't do anything that we couldn't have ascribed to Tarkin anyway - much like Qui-Gon didn't do anything we couldn't have ascribed to Obi-wan.
Yes that is true. Another thing possibly worth keeping in mind is that Tarkin was never mentioned in the OT after ANH. So I guess my point is that even though we as the audience knew or assumed that Krennic was a dead man I think that if people were to watch RO > OT in sequence for the first time Krennic's lack of mention in the subsequent films wouldn't have seemed out of place.
What blows my mind the most is that the successfull sacrifices of Jyn's group on Skariff didn't even get a mention in SW, like nothing, damn they're heartless lol.

*Waits for DiFabio's response of why not. :lol
What blows my mind the most is that the successfull sacrifices of Jyn's group didn't even get a mention in SW, like nothing, damn they're heartless lol.

Well the only one who would have mentioned Jyn's team would have been Leia and Alderaan immediately overshadowed their deaths from that point onward. And as she herself said "We have no time for our sorrows."
"Many Bothans died..." feels like MM is rubbing it in to someone in the crowd. :lol

"...noble Bothans. Not like those other scumbags."
Mon Mothma's okay but General Dodonna becomes quite the ***hole.


Dude you were standing right next to Jyn before she went off and sacrificed herself and you give sole credit to Leia? After flipping **** to Jyn about the credibility of her father who also sacrificed himself for the cause? Bastard.
Yes that is true. Another thing possibly worth keeping in mind is that Tarkin was never mentioned in the OT after ANH. So I guess my point is that even though we as the audience knew or assumed that Krennic was a dead man I think that if people were to watch RO > OT in sequence for the first time Krennic's lack of mention in the subsequent films wouldn't have seemed out of place.

Indeed. No, there isn't a problem there at all. Not like the case of Qui-Gon who, despite being a decent character and well played by Neeson, needlessly made a lie of certain Original Trilogy dialogue and, worse than that, totally sabotaged the key relationship of that trilogy - Obi-wan and Anakin - delaying any notable interaction between them for an entire movie. :slap
Maybe the reason the Rogue One characters were never mentioned in the OT (or any other media for that matter) is because they didn't exist until around 2015 when they were written down. Just a thought.

I know, maybe they could digitally insert Jyn into the Endor celebration scene as a force ghost! She did have a Jedi crystal afterall! PUT HER IN THE OT.
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