Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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That's the great thing about internet discussion - you can go meta or in-universe for snark purposes. As long as you're not happy, it's all good.
Maybe the reason the Rogue One characters were never mentioned in the OT (or any other media for that matter) is because they didn't exist until around 2015 when they were written down. Just a thought.

I know, maybe they could digitally insert Jyn into the Endor celebration scene as a force ghost! She did have a Jedi crystal afterall! PUT HER IN THE OT.

:yess: :yess: :yess:

Love dat DiFabio
Fantastic signature :lol

Jyn's team was mentioned in the OT. "During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire's ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR." So even before RO Dodonna was kind of a **** to the spies.
The opening crawl isn't a character! You think there are actual words in space that everyone can see?? GTFO KHEV
I don't think any of the characters in ANH had any reason to mention Krennic especially since RO established that Tarkin wanted credit for the Empire's new super-weapon.

However I do admit that Leia's line "I just hope that when the data is analyzed a weakness can be found" doesn't gel perfectly since according to RO they already knew the weakness, they just needed the plans to figure out how to *get* to said weakness.

As Wor-Gar said I just pretend that Leia meant a weakness in its outer hull that would allow them to get to the reactor even though deep down I recognize it's a bit of a continuity gaff between the two films. But the OT had continuity issues within itself so no big. Connecting dots that don't link perfectly is just part of being a SW fan.

Rogue one was dead. Remember jynn was the only one who saw her fathers message. Casian finally went on faith. They wouldn't have had a chance to explain why they stole the plan. Leia receives a huge data file and is told it's the plans to the new monster space station. They went on faith that there was a reason people went to death's door to get the information. I think they fit it together nicely.

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Best point made: Tarkin is never again mentioned after his death in the timeline of the OT.

Neither is:
Uncle Owen
Aunt Beru
Biggs Darklighter

Or the countless others killed in Luke Skywalker's deadly wake as he assumes the throne of "Goodness".

How many have to die to become a jedi? HOW MANY!!!?
What about Chewie's wife (Malla) and son (/Lumpawaroo)? Chewie spanned the prequel, original and new trilogy no mention of his family :(
Rogue one was dead. Remember jynn was the only one who saw her fathers message. Casian finally went on faith. They wouldn't have had a chance to explain why they stole the plan. Leia receives a huge data file and is told it's the plans to the new monster space station. They went on faith that there was a reason people went to death's door to get the information. I think they fit it together nicely.

Yeah Leia not being at the briefing and then immediately being rushed to Scarif as the Alliance scrambled to join the fight does make it a bit convenient for her to be hazy about the specifics of the plans. And since Dodonna was a bit of a naysayer against Jyn I could see him actually not wanting to pay her lip service out of guilt. I think a lot of these things are literally only issues simply because we know that ANH wasn't filmed with the specifics of RO in mind and so it's easier to call out such evidence on film. When truth be told if the films (RO/SW/ESB/ROTJ) were released in chronological order we wouldn't be batting an eye at such so-called oversights.

Best point made: Tarkin is never again mentioned after his death in the timeline of the OT.

Neither is:
Uncle Owen
Aunt Beru
Biggs Darklighter

Yep. And for a second I thought that it could be considered jarring that General Merrick (the guy who Cassian reported to) wasn't on Yavin 4 during ANH but then I realized that NO Alliance leaders *ever* carry over from one film to the next. General Dodonna isn't on Echo Base. General Rieekan isn't at Mon Mothma's briefing in ROTJ. Always in motion is the Alliance high command.
What about Chewie's wife (Malla) and son (/Lumpawaroo)? Chewie spanned the prequel, original and new trilogy no mention of his family :(

I'm actually totally fine with the Holiday Special being canon. :lol It's just so spectacularly out there as far as 70's cheese and the Fett cartoon gives some nice context as to why the heroes know his name in ESB/ROTJ (and yes I know Fett isn't referenced by name in the theatrical ESB but rather the extended scene where Leia is seeing to Luke on the Falcon.)
And for a second I thought that it could be considered jarring that General Merrick (the guy who Cassian reported to) wasn't on Yavin 4 during ANH but then I realized that NO Alliance leaders *ever* carry over from one film to the next. General Dodonna isn't on Echo Base. General Rieekan isn't at Mon Mothma's briefing in ROTJ. Always in motion is the Alliance high command.

I hope I'm not spoiling anything but Blue Leader died by getting shot down on Scarif:monkey3
While watching SW I keep thinking back to RO.

Poor Krennic, his glory robbed by Tarkin.

He was marginalized then made to look like a fool by Vader's intimidation.

Blown up by his own creation.


Gets his revenge from the grave when Tarkin is blown up on the same DS that killed him, sure had Luke not been force sensative Galen's plan would've ultimately failed (making RO deaths even more harsh than it already was).

Tarkin is killed by the same DS plans that he threw in Krennic's face.
I don't think any of the characters in ANH had any reason to mention Krennic especially since RO established that Tarkin wanted credit for the Empire's new super-weapon.

However I do admit that Leia's line "I just hope that when the data is analyzed a weakness can be found" doesn't gel perfectly since according to RO they already knew the weakness, they just needed the plans to figure out how to *get* to said weakness.

As Wor-Gar said I just pretend that Leia meant a weakness in its outer hull that would allow them to get to the reactor even though deep down I recognize it's a bit of a continuity gaff between the two films. But the OT had continuity issues within itself so no big. Connecting dots that don't link perfectly is just part of being a SW fan.

I am pretty sure they say in RO that Jyn's Pop did not spell out the weakness in the plans....but of someone was looking for one they could find it.

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Maybe it was just the best he could do, but it still bugs me that Galen's DS flaw could only be located by his daughter (Stardust) and only exploited by a Force-sensitive pilot.
I am pretty sure they say in RO that Jyn's Pop did not spell out the weakness in the plans....but of someone was looking for one they could find it.

Uh, the Death Star's weakness couldn't have been any *more* spelled out in RO. "One direct hit to the main reactor and the whole system goes down." That was just how they said it. "The whole system goes down."
But they had to find a way to get to the reactor, the exhaust port, which I don't think was mentioned in RO


They had to find the way to exploit it.....which was the port in the plans......which if someone was looking for a way to hut the reactor, would be able to sort of reverse engineer to see it.

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