Johnson hasn't needed to explain anything. My elementary school aged children easily followed and understood what happened on screen. Johnson has merely been catering to those adult members of the audience with special needs which shows an admirable level of kindness on his part.
Ah, you like The Last Jedi because you're smart.The rest of us have "special needs": like coherent character arcs, regard for character development within the previous films (because it's a sequel), functional humor, dialogue that maintains the tone of the franchise, character design that holds a candle to Ralph McQuarrie's original work, pacing that is mindful of a living, breathing audience... etc. etc. etc.
And then there's the Feminism, where only irrational nu-liberals can appreciate on the nose normative beliefs packaged in a chauvinistic view of men, so hyperbolic, you'd need a double digit IQ to miss it...
Shame on you letting your children cry with Johnson and Kennedy on election night 2016 and not letting them go to school the next morning .....for if your kids truly understood TLJ and enjoyed it then I have no doubts that is what happened in Nov 2016...enjoy your morning breastmilk genius....enjoy your Holdo and Rose photos you got on your fridgeJohnson hasn't needed to explain anything. My elementary school aged children easily followed and understood what happened on screen. Johnson has merely been catering to those adult members of the audience with special needs which shows an admirable level of kindness on his part.
TLJ Sucked.
Shame on you letting your children cry with Johnson and Kennedy on election night 2016 and not letting them go to school the next morning .....for if your kids truly understood TLJ and enjoyed it then I have no doubts that is what happened in Nov 2016...enjoy your morning breastmilk genius....enjoy your Holdo and Rose photos you got on your fridge
election night be like:
always love your documentary footage...yup that's exactly what happened...Am happy that Khev is proud the kids have joined Antifa
well I try to keep things a little more simpler than your thought processes...but I have no doubts that this film was geared towards the younger crowd that can be(or already is) indoctrinated group...if this film wasn't Star Wars it woulda been more well received...and damn the professional critics who liked this film....Hopefully, Khev's kids will internalize the message The Last Jedi teaches them.
For instance, Khev's kids are likely smarter than him... Who needs experience or intellectual development when you have youth?! All his kids need to do, is dig deep down inside them to find all of the knowledge they need.Ambition? That's toxic! Instead, contribute to a culture of self-sacrifice by focusing on how you can serve everyone around you! That's how people succeed in the world: Not by constantly trying to falsify what they are and learning from experience, but by accepting that everyone is already perfect on the inside. Your feelings are the answer to everything! Worrying about who you are, striving to better yourself through hard work and problem solving is the stuff of old white men, and their Enlightenment nonsense.
Also, don't question authority. That removes the agency of the poor person telling you what to do! Instead, just be thankful if the person bossing you around has the same skin color and/or genitals you do (unless you're a white male, because that would be sexist and racist). You're being represented! Good enough, right?
Forget thinking. The new way is to lead with your feelings. People who falsify everything are way too cynical. Project your desires onto the world, and everything will work out great! Either that, or Khev's kids will be living with him for a very, very long time.![]()
well I try to keep things a little more simpler than your thought processes...but I have no doubts that this film was geared towards the younger crowd that can be(or already is) indoctrinated group...if this film wasn't Star Wars it woulda been more well received...and damn the professional critics who liked this film....
Power is the ability to make someone behave in a way they wouldn't, given their own subjective desires. You can persuade people to do things they don't want to do (soft power) or coerce them (hard power). Both are quite real, and you're subjected to them on a daily basis.
As for whether or not I'm projecting ideology onto the text, Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson have not been subtle, both in their promotion of the film and within the film itself. Worse, Kathleen Kennedy recently interviewed the director of The Handmade's Tale, about Margret Atwood's boring feminist screed. The feminism within the Star Wars franchise is only going to get worse.
Johnson hasn't needed to explain anything. My elementary school aged children easily followed and understood what happened on screen. Johnson has merely been catering to those adult members of the audience with special needs which shows an admirable level of kindness on his part.
It must hurt knowing that the extremely successfull man hater Kennedy will continue forward with her plans not in the least phased by your big words.
You know how Luke dusted off his shoulders in TLJ well that’s Kennedy dusting you off because at the end of the day your huge words are nothing but a single piece of sand on her shoulders if even that lol.
Kennedy personally chosen by Lucas to run his cultural changing creation she’s in a position of creative power so easily being able to make people like you have big worded feminism meltdowns lol
What was it that you were you handed books with big words that paralyze the brain with paranoia?
If we’re being attacked by 3rd wave feminism Kennedy is going to reward you with a 10th wave meltdown.
Funny how SW is once again at the forefront of changing culture.
What’s even more funny is i’m walking out the door into the big world not afraid of my own shadow completely unaffected as I always have been my entire life about the stuff you have wasted your short time on this earth obsessing over.
Oh well i’ll leave you be i’m sure you have another book with big words to paralyze you even further while Kennedy continues forward with her very successful career.
What is it the kids say this day and age again....that was savage lol
This is still my favorite new alien design in the sequel trilogy so far.
Almost looks real.
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Again, you have a very subservient attitude. When the media inundates people with propaganda, the motivation for questioning said propaganda isn't to make the propagandists "feel bad". You question it in order to falsify the ideas themselves. You keep mentioning that the act of questioning the subtext of a film is either the result of paranoia or fear. You have it backwards: Propaganda appeals to emotion. The remedy is to approach it with logic and reason.
As you leave the house today, are you working? Or is it your two day break, before you return to some tedious form of servitude in order to survive? Does the fact that you're a servant bother you? Well, you're in luck... within the next 10-15 years, an estimated 40-50% of the population will be unemployed thanks to AI. That's not conspiracy, but conventional wisdom. Do you have any idea what kind of nightmare scenario that is? No, because you don't think. People starved to death during the Great Depression. Do you know what the unemployment rates were then? Estimates are at around 23%. So we're heading for a world where unemployment is DOUBLE that of the Great Depression. The only solution being proposed? Basic Income. Look into it... It's not pretty.
So either you dislike being a servant, at which point you should be concerned about how politics affects your life, or you like being a servant, at which point you should be concerned about how politics will shape your future, and your children's future.
Meanwhile, the media (including Disney) is constantly inundating us with divisive propaganda, so that the majority of us are fighting with one another, instead of consolidating our efforts to control what our future will look like, in a world where our labor will be obsolete.
Your future is bleak, even if your present is not. Get your head in the game.
If all that is true what are you going to do about it you are done just as much as I am.
Only difference is i’m not going to obssess over it and live paranoid with hate and jealousy.