Super Freak
A more important question, millennials like Prince are about to turn 40.
40 year old millennials...
40 year old millennials...
37 years ago it was good. ...not bad at all in fact
Was "Meteor" ever a good movie? Or "The Swarm"?
A more important question, millennials like Prince are about to turn 40.
40 year old millennials...
After reading a synopsis, it sounds pretty good, I'll give it watch.You guys should watch Miracle Mile (1989)
It's pretty good.
A more important question, millennials like Prince are about to turn 40.
40 year old millennials...
Hmmm haven't seen that one either, looks neato.
My memory of it is that it starts as a chore and suddenly gets very interesting. Be prepared for the very low end of low budget, though. Like Clerks sci-fi.
My memory of it is that it starts as a chore and suddenly gets very interesting. Be prepared for the very low end of low budget..
My brother (an engineering type) RAVED about "Primer" when it came out.
I think that might have been the most snore-inducing, techno-babbling-est, chore of a movie I ever attempted to watch. I think I made it about 12 minutes before turning it off. It was excruciating. I thought surely an hour had gone by. Nope. 10 minutes.
Sweet, sounds right up my alleyPrimer sets a new (low) standard for "zero budget" movies. I don't remember very well, but I seem to recall the mode of time travel being a cardboard box.
My brother (an engineering type) RAVED about "Primer" when it came out.
I think that might have been the most snore-inducing, techno-babbling-est, chore of a movie I ever attempted to watch. I think I made it about 12 minutes before turning it off. It was excruciating. I thought surely an hour had gone by. Nope. 10 minutes.
I don't in any way shape or form prefer "dumb" movies but I do think a filmmaker has a responsibility to get their viewer's interest and attention within the first few minutes. If someone tells you "oh just wait for it...the start is really slow but by the second hour it picks up" that's doesn't make you a lazy viewer for turning it off. That means the filmmaker has overindulged and failed to craft an engaging piece.
I seem to recall the mode of time travel being a cardboard box.
So supposedly....
Rey was purposely made into a mary sue in TFA as a huge misdirection to the one big spoiler in the TLJ.