Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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So anyone else expecting a flashback to Jedi Snoke's days in the Old Republic in this one? Or will they save that for IX?
So, have his Old Republic origins been confirmed or are they still just a theory?

All theory. Nothing will be confirmed till Dec 15 and even then there is a good chance Snoke will have little explained.

Till then it is all fanfic being passed off as fact.
I get the feeling Disney doesn't care to pay homage to the PT and EU. I'm out of the loop - was the Plagueis theory debunked?
So, have his Old Republic origins been confirmed or are they still just a theory?

The rumor that broke almost three months ago which seems pretty accurate thus far claimed Snoke was once the greatest Jedi Warrior in the Old Republic who turned to the Dark Side and became an immortal "Force Vampire" who dresses in gold and wears a black Kyber crystal as a ring.

So far half of the aforementioned has been confirmed so I won't be surprised if the rest is also true.
So anyone else expecting a flashback to Jedi Snoke's days in the Old Republic in this one? Or will they save that for IX?

Why if they're already green-lighting Rian's Old Republic trilogy? Save it all for that. Give them time to develop the look and style and designs. Don't rush it.

I'm in the camp that Snoke's backstory will be given very little read in TLJ. At best, Luke will likely tell a brief story about who Snoke is -- much like Ben's story to young Luke about who Vader was in ANH. And we know how true that story was.
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Why if they're already green-lighting Rian's Old Republic trilogy? Save it all for that. Give them time to develop the look and style and designs. Don't rush it.

I'm in the camp that Snoke's backstory will be given very little read in TLJ. At best, Luke will likely tell a brief story about who Snoke is -- much like Ben's story to young Luke about who Vader was in ANH. And we know how true that story was.

That man is just a crazy old hermit. Anakin was the best Starfighter pilot in the galaxy and a true friend. Yep not what I envisioned when watching the prequel trilogy. Although I liked watching Kenobi take his limbs.
The rumor that broke almost three months ago which seems pretty accurate thus far claimed Snoke was once the greatest Jedi Warrior in the Old Republic who turned to the Dark Side and became an immortal "Force Vampire" who dresses in gold and wears a black Kyber crystal as a ring.

So far half of the aforementioned has been confirmed so I won't be surprised if the rest is also true.

And if he turns out to just be jar jar? Then what?
I get the feeling Disney doesn't care to pay homage to the PT and EU. I'm out of the loop - was the Plagueis theory debunked?

Sounds like we won't know for sure until IX.

The EU is dead, replaced by the new canon. The PT is alive and well, with some parallel scenes shown in the TLJ trailers (and let's not forget the references in RO).

Also SW merchandise is replete with the PT: video games, comics, toys, trading cards etc.
She's Snoke's wife from across ocean's of time, she can do anything.

And as Snoke's other half, I expect a full 'Wonder Twin powers unite' moment.
She's Snoke's wife from across ocean's of time, she can do anything.

And as Snoke's other half, I expect a full 'Wonder Twin powers unite' moment.

MMMMM what parts touching activate their powers? Wonder twins always reminded me of Donny and Marie Osmond. A little too close together considering they are family
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