Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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The Snoke scene with his Guards about to battle with Kylo and Rey.

Exactly what it reminded me of.

1977 Star Wars was originally inspired by the 1930s/40s Flash Gordon serials. But next generation Star Wars takes its lead from the Flash Gordon that developed on the back of the interest created by 1977 Star Wars.
I saw this sums it up very good how I feel about it and added some to it..

Honestly? Loved The Force Awakens and Rogue One. So anybody using the "oh you're a disney hater" ******** can **** off.

This movie was visually very very good !! Loved the space battles....


It completely sabotaged everything interesting about The Force Awakens. Rian Johnson demonstrated a complete and total lack of understanding of Star Wars. Its tone, feel, characters. The biggest disservice they done was to Luke. I can see why Mark Hammil said he fundamentally disagreed with everything about the character. A guy who put his own life on the line to save and redeem Darth Vader, a man at the top of empire, who committed mass genocide, even refused to fight him, thought about killing his own nephew because he MIGHT turn evil? No. And when he tossed the lightsaber over his shoulder at the start i was pissed. It only got worse. Thats the best you can do Rian ?? Thats how Luke would react seeing that saber again after the last time he had it ???? are you ****ing kidding me ??

I never saw Luke as a Joke Master !! WTF !?!?

Snoke doesnt matter. 2 years fans wasted time and had million times better ideas then.. well .. Snoke is .. nobody .. WTF !?!?

Reys parents.. just drunk and scums selling her off... WTF was then the flashback she had in TFA .. heard Obiwan...etc....

Reys encounter with the darkside cave.... it was well.. for nothing.....

Finn and his journey doesnt matter. I mean the go on a mission and free animals? Yay i guess? Cause if Holdo would just told Poe what she up to.. they didnt needed to go and risk their lives...

THAT Leia scene was cringe.
John Williams was lazy as **** with the soundtrack. It was "Kylos theme/resistance theme/the force theme/leias theme" on a loop for 2.5 hours.
The forced, **** humor. Who wanted to see Luke milk big alien **** and drink it? Thats funny right?

The poorest Star Wars film by far.


How Rian johnson got given his own trilogy is beyond me.


I've been there since the very beginning as a lot of fans have, was skeptical when Disney bought the franchise, TFA was a bit meh but had some great visuals, I always thought Han's death was very contrived, LOVED Rogue One, actually came out of the cinema on that one and immediately booked for the following week, came out of Last Jedi last night feeling WTAF ??? so much pointless characters, interesting story arcs quashed, I quite honestly couldn't give two ***** where this story is going now....
Worst than the prequels?

Let’s just say I was able to rewatch all of the prequels more than 2 times when they came out.

This one, I’ll never go back to the theater and I’ll never waist my time rewatching it probably ever.

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I really would love to hear Rian explaining why they did what they did with snoke and rey parents after all the mystery built up
I saw this sums it up very good how I feel about it and added some to it..

Honestly? Loved The Force Awakens and Rogue One. So anybody using the "oh you're a disney hater" ******** can **** off.

This movie was visually very very good !! Loved the space battles....


It completely sabotaged everything interesting about The Force Awakens. Rian Johnson demonstrated a complete and total lack of understanding of Star Wars. Its tone, feel, characters. The biggest disservice they done was to Luke. I can see why Mark Hammil said he fundamentally disagreed with everything about the character. A guy who put his own life on the line to save and redeem Darth Vader, a man at the top of empire, who committed mass genocide, even refused to fight him, thought about killing his own nephew because he MIGHT turn evil? No. And when he tossed the lightsaber over his shoulder at the start i was pissed. It only got worse. Thats the best you can do Rian ?? Thats how Luke would react seeing that saber again after the last time he had it ???? are you ****ing kidding me ??

I never saw Luke as a Joke Master !! WTF !?!?

Snoke doesnt matter. 2 years fans wasted time and had million times better ideas then.. well .. Snoke is .. nobody .. WTF !?!?

Reys parents.. just drunk and scums selling her off... WTF was then the flashback she had in TFA .. heard Obiwan...etc....

Reys encounter with the darkside cave.... it was well.. for nothing.....

Finn and his journey doesnt matter. I mean the go on a mission and free animals? Yay i guess? Cause if Holdo would just told Poe what she up to.. they didnt needed to go and risk their lives...

THAT Leia scene was cringe.
John Williams was lazy as **** with the soundtrack. It was "Kylos theme/resistance theme/the force theme/leias theme" on a loop for 2.5 hours.
The forced, **** humor. Who wanted to see Luke milk big alien **** and drink it? Thats funny right?

The poorest Star Wars film by far.


How Rian johnson got given his own trilogy is beyond me.

Agreed on everything. It was just awful. Johnson should never be allowed to make another SW movie.
I really would love to hear Rian explaining why they did what they did with snoke and rey parents after all the mystery built up

Everyone thought he was Darth Plagueis, but there was so much more setup and talk he was saying like oh im some bad a** and then that happened...

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The short parts I liked: Luke’s acting, Rey is just very likeble, rose surprised me with good acting, snoke death scene though keeping him alive would be good. Falcon on crait was good.

The rest I didn’t like at all for reasons covered here. Even the lobster fight I thought was poorly choreographed and the initial space fight. So much truly over the top. Phasma wtf? Yoda seemed seriously off. Luke character. Canto bight message.

It was visually stunning especially crait.

I think I liked the overall aotc better. Introduced a lot of memorable moments and Jango, yoda fight. Jokes fit in

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It’s all just lazy storytelling

And to have all these critics and even George Lucas himself sign off on it like that... they must have been paid lots of cash to say this movie was as great as it was.

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Everyone thought he was Darth Plagueis, but there was so much more setup and talk he was saying like oh im some bad a** and then that happened...

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It felt like Johnson was blatantly trolling the audience throughout the entire movie.

You think I'll have Snoke be a powerful Dark-sider? Wrong.

You think I'll give Rey a meaningful origin and journey? Wrong again.

You think I'll give you a BADASS Luke Skywalker? Sooooo wrong.

You think I'll take it easy on the comedy and Porgs? Tragically wrong.

You think I'll actually give Phasma something to do? Painfully WRONG.

You think you'll like this movie? HAHAHAHAHA wrong, baby. Wrong.
Sine Disney took over, I wanted to re-watch TFA and Rouge One so badly.. I saw Rouge One 3 times in theater and still love that movie..

THis one.. I wil see again on Sunday.. but only because I have tickets already.. I totally dont have the urge to see it again and sit for 2 1/2 hours .... sad but true

Its funny.. but SNIKT1950.. you right.. Rian was trolling us.. throughout the movie you wait for the parents and snoke reveal.. the cave scene.. EVERYONE was waiting for that moment.. and.. NOTHING ..

Then snoke put her on the mirror.. and you are like " YES.. now comes the OMG moment" ... Nope... No OMG reveals at all.. I think thats my biggest issue with this movie..

After watching it last night and not being able to sleep, I wake up to a text from my sister how she heard it was amazing... :gah: I'm not going to list specifics as to whats wrong with it, as I agree with everyone on here as to why it's so bad. It is officially the worst SW movie for me. I'd rather be forced to watch the PQ's for the rest of my life. I liked TFA after watching in the theater, but each subsequent viewing made me like it less and less, but I can still find enjoyment in it. This is just a mess. The plot and pacing are all over the place with no big payoffs for most of the plot lines. It doesn't follow TFA at all, and shows why having different people continue the story is so wrong as to at least not having some pre defined outline to follow. Just terrible execution and so many totally and useless characters. Most SW movies I want more and wish it was longer, this time I just couldn't wait for it to end. Ironic that this is the longest of all SW movies...

It seems like long time SW fans that have vested their time and money into this world, like me and many fans here, are disappointed. The casual fans who see this as the flavor of the day and have absolutely no knowledge nor desire to delve into EU with the cartoons (Clone Wars & Rebels), novels and comic books, seem to enjoy it and think it's "amazing". Another polarizing film where it seems it's mostly a love it or hate it relationship. My son who is 12 and grew up with the PQ's and Clone Wars cartoon didn't like it either. He looked as disappointed as I did when we walked out, and he was hesitant to say he didn't like it until I agreed with him. So the whole "its for kids" is nothing but an excuse for this mess. Just say it's for toddlers who have never seen Star Wars before. That's a better rationalization.

I saw the movie last night with my son and some buds. I think my son said it best when he said, "It was an OK movie but not a good Star Wars movie." We expect more from this special franchise and as far as I'm concerned, the new sequels haven't provided that. It had it's moments but came across as ideas thrown into a hat and taped together.

Some have already said it best:

I felt it was disjointed and structurally a mess. Many storylines were all for nothing. Repetitive beats on the extended 4th act. Some really strange choices. Some things drawn out too long (like the "training" of which there was very little training but lots of talk about doing it) and other things were rushed and felt plugged in (like Phasma). And in the end I walked away knowing not much more than I did when I entered the theater.

On the positive, it had a great opening adventure. The "silence" moment was amazing. Big surprise with Snoke. Some really great comedy bits.

Disney wrote themselves into a corner. They threw out the future that had already been written so they could create new mysteries and surprises. But having thrown out all that work that fit seamlessly into the style and feeling of the OT, they ended up making something that's essentially meaningless. The difference left me feeling...indifferent.

lol... TLJ wasn't horrible but it I didn't think it was that good either. Better than TFA but it was no ESB. I honestly don't know why it is so hard to do a proper SW film with such an established history and awesome OT characters.

Take away the first 15-20 minutes, and the rest is a complete amateur-hour, mess. There's no point to anything, everyone's actions feel irrelevant, and the only character I gave a **** about was Rose's sister at the beginning of the film.

Complete and utter missed opportunity on so many fronts. And yet, as usual, the critics are giving it 100/100???

Anyone that could give this thing 100/100, after that embarrassing Leia scene, is either being paid for their review, or smoking some serious weed.

This was one of my major problems with the new film. It was written like a Marvel movie, not a Star Wars one, and it desperately needed someone to take a 'language pass' on the script, because a lot of the words used and the style of humour employed just feels anachronistic to the established Star Wars universe as we know it. Certain phrases and words would just pull me out of the film, especially when it was an established character we already knew so well.

I mean Mark Hamill was great in the film, but there were moments where, because of the dialogue, he came across more as Mark Hamill than Luke Skywalker. Not his fault, the lines he was sometimes given are completely to blame.

Its not that I hate Star Wars, its that I don't believe it has anything left to offer me.

Its tapped out.

Just start reading backwards in this thread, anywhere that there is a negative about the movie...... I agree. :lol
Star Wars ended for me back in 1983 and I am perfectly fine with that.

By the way, Luke's constant teary eyes were a distraction. Was he emotionally torn throughout the film or simply hung over from a blue milk binge?...

After watching it last night and not being able to sleep,

Same. I was pissed.

It is officially the worst SW movie for me. I'd rather be forced to watch the PQ's for the rest of my life. I liked TFA after watching in the theater, but each subsequent viewing made me like it less and less, but I can still find enjoyment in it. This is just a mess. The plot and pacing are all over the place with no big payoffs for most of the plot lines. It doesn't follow TFA at all, and shows why having different people continue the story is so wrong as to at least not having some pre defined outline to follow. Just terrible execution and so many totally and useless characters. Most SW movies I want more and wish it was longer, this time I just couldn't wait for it to end. Ironic that this is the longest of all SW movies...

Pretty much my feelings.
Back then Palpatine only really has a role in ROTJ. (It was a totally different actor and voice in the original cut of ESB and it might as well have been a different character).

And he was unceremoniously killed by Vader and no one complained about his lack of story development and history. He was basically just the monster behind the monster which was a what Snoke essentially is in TLJ. He is just a plot device to build the character of Kylo like how Palpatine was a plot device to build the character of Vader (and Luke to a certain degree).

It seems everyone conveniently forgets that Palpatine backstory come like twenty years later via the PT

Agreed. Convenient how fans hold the current films accountable for such things but completely forget how these things played out in the OT. I just don't understand why the current films can't be judged on their own merit or why the OT is put on the tallest pedestal known to man. Nothing that we see now will ever come close to recreating the magic of seeing something like Star Wars for the first time. Nothing.
After reading this thread... I'm definitely passing on this POS now.

I already got trolled by Taika Watti back in November anyway.
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