Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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I don't have an issue with the idea of astral projection, as it does seem a more Jedi way; my problem is how it undermines the drama and tension of really being there.

Forgive me because I'm not a smart man, but can anyone explain the hyperspace tracking? So it's a new technology, but Rose knows all about it, and how to disable it. Finn says they have to sneak on the ship, Poe suggests blowing it up but Finn says that won't work because other ships have it, but only the lead ship uses it? Why would snokes ship be the lead ship? Why would only one ship use this at a time?Also, the resistance really needs rose in a higher position. Sorry if I left out a detail but that was how I interpreted that part of the movie.

Gee the RT user score already dropped another 2% in that time. Within 1% of aotc... On opening! That's unheard of.

Still gonna make a billion though.
And how old were you when the OT came out? All I'm saying is that it's George Lucas story and his target audience was kids as he has repeated that several times, this comes from the creators mouth not my opinion. If that offends you take it up with George.. I'm not saying older fans have been left behind, I'm saying "Hardcore" older fans act like they've been left behind because the newer movies were not made the way they had envisioned in their minds. Most older fans hated the prequels but kids loved them even Jar Jar.

You're 100% correct. These are movies for kids and you have 50 year olds whining like their childhood has been ruined.

It's embarrassing

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Can you post those complaints Hamill Made? The only complaint I remember was that he only had a 10 second scene when he read the script for TFA, but he also said when he was told the overall story arc he was fine with it.

He made interviews on live tv about it.

Anyways moving on, so did the knights of ren convert to the preotorian guards? Are the knights of ren going to hunt down Kylo, who even cares at this point because they dropped the knights of ren now lol

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Also the whole resistance plot that basically boiled down to watching an old lady with a walker hobble slowly away from an apathetic policeman for 2 hours was downright embarrassing.


Forgive me because I'm not a smart man, but can anyone explain the hyperspace tracking? So it's a new technology, but Rose knows all about it, and how to disable it. Finn says they have to sneak on the ship, Poe suggests blowing it up but Finn says that won't work because other ships have it, but only the lead ship uses it? Why would snokes ship be the lead ship? Why would only one ship use this at a time?

Brilliant points from the quote "not a smart man".
All of SNIKT's predictions about the Island, Snoke and the ancient Jedi texts, wrong.

Turn pager's his posts were not. :lol

Yeah, the stuff I hoped to see was 10 times better than the asinine, insulting crap they delivered, which you seemed to enjoy.

What other bad movies do you like? Push? Jumper?
My sister is on an internet security team with a sole purpose to protect company assets and she says that there are 24/7 attacks against their server farms trying to steal IP. :lol

The parallels between this movie and Trump are ominously foretelling. It's as if Disney is sending us a secret message...
And how old were you when the OT came out? All I'm saying is that it's George Lucas story and his target audience was kids as he has repeated that several times, this comes from the creators mouth not my opinion. If that offends you take it up with George.. I'm not saying older fans have been left behind, I'm saying "Hardcore" older fans act like they've been left behind because the newer movies were not made the way they had envisioned in their minds. Most older fans hated the prequels but kids loved them even Jar Jar.

I was a kid when TPM came out and I hated Jar Jar even then. Kids are not as critical as adults but they can tell the difference between a good and a bad movie (Jurassic park and lost world being an example of each from my childhood). George only used the excuse of 'the movies were for kids' after he received a roasting from fans when he served them up the prequel trilogy. The OT appealed to everyone and so should these movies.

Luke Skywalker was served up to Johnson on a platter and THIS is what he does with him. Made him a POINTLESS character that can't even put up a REAL fight and has to resort to astral projection to face his apprentice. What. The. Fuuuuuuuuuuu**.

This version of Luke Skywalker never should have been filmed. I completely agree with Hamill's complaints. Awful treatment of an icon. Just awful.

And don't even get me started on gravity defying/space flying Leia. I cringed horrifically.

I agree with you Snikt the movie has some serious flaws but for me they weren’t enough to ruin the entire movie.

Ugh. Gotta wait till Monday. I've remained pretty spoiler free, but I have admittedly checked in the last few pages of reviews and comments here. Whatever Luke stuff happens sounds discouraging because like many of you, I sorta have a vision of how I imagined his life after 'Jedi'. If I find after seeing this movie, I can selectively ignore Disneys take, what are a couple Legends EU novels that folks recommend to get this taste out of my mouth. Stuff after Thrawn that's Luke heavy, maybe optimistic? A good 2 or 3 books/series I might look for.

Still holding out some hope I might like what happens in canon personally, with context of the movie and all, we'll see, but, man it sure isn't what I wanted to read today.
In general, kids have poor uninformed opinions. Not sure why its a good thing to say "its made for kids". Generally that's a derogatory statement.
I agree with you Snikt the movie has some serious flaws but for me they weren’t enough to ruin the entire movie.

Dude, you WILL NEVER GET TO SEE Luke bring down the house with that green saber. Never.

You can't possibly like a movie that pointlessly denied you that.
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