Prime Clone
Super Freak
Assuming this new generation of Jedi will be the subject of Johnson's new trilogy, I can't understand why it was set up in VIII instead of IX. This felt more like the third part of the trilogy than the second.
While I hold to the opinion that the carthasis Luke gained in ultimately not taking the opportunity to kill his defenceless father after disarming him and throwing away his own weapon goes against what we see in TLJ making your point that he was on the verge of killing Vader moot anyway, I do think there is quite a big difference if you’re looking at confronting someone while they are conscious instead of assisanating them when they are defenceless in their sleep. That would have been more digestible for me at least, if they must take the character in this direction.
Luke, a sneaky murderous worm assassin? Nope.
having Luke be there, in the moment, using nothing but the force, was stupid
it is beyond my understanding how Mark Hamill was able to ***** on this film in video interviews and live conferences leading up to its release? [emoji848]
THERE IS A scene in Star Wars: The Last Jedi—I won’t say too much, but you'll see it yourself—where a young Asian woman does a brave, selfless thing to help the Resistance. It’s a very sweet, very Star Wars Hero Moment, but it's also an important one. Los Angeles Times film writer Jen Yamato called out its significance for fans of color on Twitter, noting “films like these leave their mark on entire generations—representation matters.” She woke up the next morning to a stream of mentions telling her to “stop making everything about race.” Her reply? “I hope you all enjoy the new Star Wars.” The implication was obvious: They won't. The Last Jedi isn’t here to appease the old guard.
And that goes for both categories of reactionaries—the Star Wars fan upset that the franchise’s heroes now include:clutches pearls:
women and people of color, and the misogynist, racist, classist, dark side of the populace that’s always been present, wielding power in one form or another. In themes and plot, The Last Jedi asserts again and again that monolithic dominance isn't good for anyone. The movie isn't here to Make the Galaxy Great Again. It's to tell the stories of the people who want to actually fix it.
there’s Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), the offspring of Han Solo and Leia Organa, who got neither his father’s charm nor his mother’s compassion. If it weren't for his willingness to go outside, he'd be every entitled troll on the internet—and the stench of his toxic masculinity only intensifies in The Last Jedi, with his surrogate dad Supreme Leader Snoke calling him "just a child in a mask" while harassing him for being bested by a girl (aka Rey).
This isn't the first time that this phenomenon has occurred, and it won't be the last. The so-called alt-right took on Rogue One for its female hero and diverse cast. There was, prior to its release, blowback against The Force Awakens for its “black stormtrooper”—the character who turned out to be Finn. (Boyega’s response to the backlash at the time? “Get used to it”—a sentiment that seems all the more prescient now.) Every Star Wars movie from here on out will probably be considered in the context of the period and political climate surrounding its release.
There may always be people who don’t want more broad representation in cinema, who would rather things stayed the same, or even reverted. This isn’t going to happen with Star Wars, so perhaps it’s time that those people take a piece of advice from Kylo himself—and let the past die.
I’m not sure what else they may have done, given real-world constraints on the product.
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if you're gonna cast an Asian just for ****s sake do so that it looks like they BELONG in the SW universe, not a cashier at the Dollar Tree.
It won't. The same people who are saying they're "done with SW" will be still be the first ones to see early screenings of episode IX. I know it, you know it, they know it.![]()
They could start with explaining who snoke is, why luke thought Ben was evil, (he sleeps evil?), and how rey plays in all this. They just punted all of this to books, cartoons, or episode 9. I've got a bad feeling about this indeed.
Oh and there is a jedi bible now? Thanks yoda.
Stars wars fans are dead, they dont have to be your audience. Deal with it sweetie
I take it for what it is, not what I may have wanted it to be.
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Just woke up, I think im in denial, how could they have ****ed this up so bad? Im actually really bummed out. And I have to go see it again with some friends in 4 hours, havent said a word to them so im curious to see how they take it
Also how the **** can the critics be praising this like its the secind coming? John campea especially? Extremely fishy, must have some wicked rose tintented 3d glasses
No, because just like he stopped himself from murdering his father, he obviously also stopped himself from murdering his nephew as well for whatever reason. So the premise of "he tried to find the good in his father" is moot because he was on the verge of killing both but didn't go through with it, regardless of the circumstances. Perhaps he also tried to find the good in his nephew.
Based on what you're saying, you're essentially saying if he's going to kill someone, at least kill them when they're awake/fighting, not asleep.
I'll get a v1 Phasma now that the prices are ridiculously low. Why? I like the design. If I've to but action figures based on what they do in the movie how the hell should I justify all the OT Stormtroopers (dumb and always missing target) I have, let alone dress like one?![]()
I bet Snoke is a clone or somehow he comes back in ep 9. He already looked like he was used to getting beat up, with that big butt crack on his forehead.
And I don’t know what else to say if you can’t see whether one chooses to face his opponent in battle or assasinate them in their sleep hold serious implications of their character.