Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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your lack of understanding is underwhelming. having Luke be there, in the moment, using nothing but the force, was spectacular.
If they did want to go that direction, why did they even bother having him bring the lightsaber and ignite it?
I'm not even opposed to them going that route. Kylo throwing all his offensive power at Luke and Luke using the force to beat him. But either way it was underwhelming and over way too quick to be a satisfying fight scene.

Speaking of which, it pretty much gave away that he wasn't really there when he ignited the blue saber, since we had just seen that get destroyed. He should have used the green one.
I did NOT want to see Luke spinning and flipping around. He should have been THE ROCK that the First Order could not budge, then he should have crushed half their fleet with his mastery of the force.
If they did want to go that direction, why did they even bother having him bring the lightsaber and ignite it?
I'm not even opposed to them going that route. Kylo throwing all his offensive power at Luke and Luke using the force to beat him. But either way it was underwhelming and over way too quick to be a satisfying fight scene.

Speaking of which, it pretty much gave away that he wasn't really there when he ignited the blue saber, since we had just seen that get destroyed. He should have used the green one.
He had the one up on Kylo, that’s the point.
Also, it was a different lightsaber entirely if I remember correct. It wasn’t the OG blue one.

But I digress. Some will love it some will hate it.

See ya around, kid.
He had the one up on Kylo, that’s the point.
Also, it was a different lightsaber entirely if I remember correct. It wasn’t the OG blue one.

But I digress. Some will love it some will hate it.

See ya around, kid.

I agree with everything you are saying, it just didn't work for me or accomplish what you are saying it set out to do. Just wasn't enough to land with me.

Also it was definitely the OG blue saber, I paid close attention when the scene was playing. I still don't even get why Luke brought the thing in the first place if he wasn't even going to use it.
‘The Last Jedi’ Doesn’t Care What You Think About ‘Star Wars’ – And That’s Why It’s Great

with Star Wars: The Last Jedi, director Rian Johnson wants to burn Star Wars to the ground. Not because he harbors ill will toward it, but because he loves it. He loves it so much that he wants to cleanse the garden and allow something fresh and new to grow. The Last Jedi is not concerned about what you, the moviegoer and fan, thinks about Star Wars. It wants to challenge you and make you question what Star Wars is and what it can be

Star Wars: The Force Awakens concludes with one helluva cliffhanger. The Force-sensitive Rey arrives on the planet Ahch-To, tracks down the elusive Jedi master Luke Skywalker, and offers him his long-lost lightsaber. Luke’s face flashes with a dozen different emotions. You can practically feel the words crawling up his throat. And then the film ends, to be continued in two years. It’s a grand moment. An epic moment. A perfect finale for a film built out of questions and mysteries, a film about legacies and the shadows they leave behind.

And when we return to that scene in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Luke Skwalker accepts the lightsaber from Rey, examines it for a hot second, and casually tosses it over his shoulder. From its opening scenes, The Last Jedi makes it very clear where it stands – everything you thought this movie was going to be is incorrect. The symbols you hold dear, the symbols that J.J. Abrams held so dear in your stead, are being deliberately stripped of their power. If that shakes you, if that upsets you…well, that’s just Rian Johnson preparing you for what’s next. Abrams left him with an ellipsis, a “to be continued” that felt like a specific path. And Johnson takes a hard left turn in his land speeder, breaks through a fence, and goes off track into the wilderness.

Star Wars has gone off the rails. Either you’re going to be on board for the bumpy ride to a new place or you’re not. But the intentions are made early and they’re made perfectly clear.

Mark Hamill famously disagreed with Johnson on the direction of Luke Skywalker when he first read the screenplay for The Last Jedi, and it’s clear why. Luke, the farm boy who became a war hero who became a warrior knight who became his father’s savior, has fallen into disgrace. While The Force Awakens featured a Han Solo falling back into his old scoundrel ways (a position of comfort for those worried about a watered-down take on a character who was at his best when he wasn’t playing nice), The Last Jedi features a Luke Skywalker that is unlike anything we’ve seen before – a broken shell of a man who believes that everything he fought for and achieved was for naught. By telling young Rey that none of this matters, he’s also telling the audience the same thing. The stuff you love? The details that have reshaped pop culture and created a geek language that everyone speaks? Yeah, they’re wonky. Or rather, they’re broken. Your faith was flawed.

Luke’s hopelessness is especially affecting because the film is clearly on his side. This is not a movie where a plucky young Jedi-to-be shows up at the old master’s doorstep and teaches him how to hope again. This is a movie where a flawed old man with a lifetime of victories and regrets informs the decisions of a new generation of young heroes who need to find a new way to hope. Clearly, the old ways didn’t work because darkness rises again and there are still tyrannical man-babies trying to be the next Darth Vader. There’s a flaw in the system, buried too deep for most to see, and the only solution is to burn it all down.

The Force Awakens and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story want to please you. They want to hit familiar beats and remind you why you love Star Wars. They are so much fun. But The Last Jedi doesn’t want to remind you of anything. It doesn’t care about your relationship with Star Wars. The only relationship that matters here is Rian Johnson’s relationship with Star Wars, and for the first time in a long time, here is a Star Wars movie with a proper point of view, one delivered by a storyteller who is unafraid to shatter a universe he loves, to break down the heroes that mean so much to him. A wise and noble Luke is easy. A Luke with regrets? That’s hard. That’s tough to swallow. That’s what elevates The Last Jedi beyond a simple retread – it asks you to take these characters seriously in a way that other Star Wars films have not, to acknowledge them as something beyond a vessel for escapism. Star Wars can only matter in the long run if it’s given the room to grow. And right now, it feels like the sky is the limit. Right now, Star Wars feels…unsafe.
I agree with everything you are saying, it just didn't work for me or accomplish what you are saying it set out to do. Just wasn't enough to land with me.

Also it was definitely the OG blue saber, I paid close attention when the scene was playing. I still don't even get why Luke brought the thing in the first place if he wasn't even going to use it.

Technically he didn’t bring it, right? And also he wasn’t there when it was destroyed. I think it was all taunting Kylo since Rey had related her story to Luke.

That also extends to Luke’s appearance - just as he looked when Kylo tried to kill him. Everything measured to provoke and distract.

We aren't talking about whether he killed him or didn't - we are talking about how it wasn't in his character to act this way initially

You are telling me his first impression to kill Kylo was a typical trait of Luke Skywalker when presented with a family member that has demonstrated evil within them?

My comments have always been in response to another's post "Not sure why everyone thinks Luke nearly killing his nephew was out of character."

So if Luke killed him as long as he was awake, it would have been fine?

It seemed like your initial premise was it was out of character for Luke to kill his nephew at all, another family member, being that he tried to find the good in his father rather than kill him, when even his mentor (Obi-Wan) said there's no good left in him. Then when it was pointed out that he was on the verge of killing him, it moved to basically, well at least they were fighting and he wasn't asleep.

The Finn thing might have worked if they had ditched Rose. Play his infiltration of the casino intimate and intense. Keep him alone. A trespasser in a violent place hoping to keep a low profile. Maybe take some notes from the beginning of Temple of Doom. Just keep it him and maybe BB-8 for him to have someone to talk to.
Possibly even find some reason to have Phasma there and him having to dodge her just to add some more tension.

To be honest though ive never liked the portrayal of Finn in the first place. For a trained killer never allowed any individuality or levity, they sure do go out of their way to make him look goofy and demasculated at every opportunity. Poe and Finn should have been combined into Poe.

As it was the whole thing fell really flat. Rose was badly conceived, written, and executed from top to bottom. The actress isn't even any good.

Ugh the Han Solo movie. If they are onboard with Rian’s vision to burn it all down and have Star Wars explore new territory, then why make a movie pandering to fans about a dead character’s past? Mu$t be a reason...
My bet is that they are a not very subtle teaser for a story element in the upcoming Han Solo film.
As I think about this film all day since my screening last night I like it but like most of you I'm really disappointed. I'm even contemplating putting TFA in front of it and I didn't even like that film too much. Just this movie accomplished nothing and ended on a note with no future ahead. I'm very upset as I keep thinking about it. Hamills was amazing but as most I cannot agree the way the character arc has gone. Nothing answered at all, charact era wasted, drawn out, comedy alright. Just this movie is a head scratcher.

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The Finn thing might have worked if they had ditched Rose. Play his infiltration of the casino intimate and intense. Keep him alone. A trespasser in a violent place hoping to keep a low profile. Maybe take some notes from the beginning of Temple of Doom. Just keep it him and maybe BB-8 for him to have someone to talk to.
Possibly even find some reason to have Phasma there and him having to dodge her just to add some more tension.

To be honest though ive never liked the portrayal of Finn in the first place. For a trained killer never allowed any individuality or levity, they sure do go out of their way to make him look goofy and demasculated at every opportunity. Poe and Finn should have been combined into Poe.

As it was the whole thing fell really flat. Rose was badly conceived, written, and executed from top to bottom. The actress isn't even any good.

So true. Sadly it seem like some PC/SJW/inclusivity has taken over and makes a lot of things feel forced. Nobody has any balls anymore, the studios runs things under what they PERCEIVE people want. (and ultimately the are almost always wrong)

God i hate Rose. Jar Jar is better and that speaks volumes. (i agree wrong actress)
"Pathetic child! I cannot be betrayed....oh crap baskets...I've been betrayed!!!" - Snoke

Hm. I don’t know, I loved that scene. **** that Dracula garbage (sorry Snikt).

The Emperor was just some wrinkly a-hole corrupting a Skywalker in Esb-rotj. Snoke was the same but the point is the younger generation is advancing. Kylo wasnt redeemed but he figured out Snoke was just using him and eliminated him before Vader did. Kylo still has the opportunity to grow.
‘The Last Jedi’ Doesn’t Care What You Think About ‘Star Wars’ – And That’s Why It’s Great

with Star Wars: The Last Jedi, director Rian Johnson wants to burn Star Wars to the ground. Not because he harbors ill will toward it, but because he loves it. He loves it so much that he wants to cleanse the garden and allow something fresh and new to grow.

These two thoughts are literally the opposite of one another.

He loves Star Wars so much that he wants to destroy everything that made it great and reinvent a wheel no one was asking for?

Sorry, but my earlier post sums up my thoughts on this kind of thinking:

Reading reviews, I am sick of people looking at stupid movie-making decisions, tonally inappropriate story elements, or underwhelming arcs and praising them as "deconstructionist".

To me, when I hear a reviewer say "deconstructionist", all I hear is "They did the exact opposite of what you wanted to see and would have found satisfying, and you should appreciate it".

Sorry, but the surprise at not getting what I was looking forward to doesn't exactly make up for the fact that I was ultimately let down.
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