Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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I saw it and actually enjoyed it. It's a fine follow-up to The Force Awakens. Problem is The Force Awakens (IMO) is a terrible follow-up to the original trilogy and thusly so is The Last Jedi. This just couldn't have been helped really. Knowing that going in I was able to have a bit of fun.

I think kids will love it and this will be Star Wars to them, they'll be able to accept all of it where I cannot.

Me I'll have to make do with the OT, Rogue One and I'll pretend that the Zahn trilogy of books is the real continuation of Luke, Han and Leia. These sequels are an enjoyable alternate universe (or timeline) if Star Wars did that.

Nail on the head.. Bad follow up to the OT. But I did enjoy it... However I am very worried about Repeat viewings.. I think this will be a total snooze fest.

SW fans have been insufferable for almost 19 years now. If this film makes them go away it's the best Star Wars film of all time.

For me it was a B-

Ha! Pretty harsh but true. I'm opinionated about these films but nowhere near some.of these people that spew hatred regularly (on forms they still bother to read/subscribe to for some reason).

"Lucas sucks!" "Bring Lucas back!" "TFA was a rehash - do something new (but not too new!)" "Abrams sucks!" "Bring back Abrams to fix it!" - from the same people year to year.

I agree with your grade too. Hedging between fifth and sixth on my list right now, pending more viewings.
Disagree.. PT had a better stories in their films..
This is better made and acted but I don;t think this film will hold up well at all.

Yes I agree but that is not saying much :lol

Not even close.

Hmmmmm Can't agree.. ROTJ IMO is still the best by far. Opening scene was good in TLJ but nothing memorable.. I am pulling a Jye and seeing it again tomorrow with the family so I will be able to make a better call on that.. I liked the RO space battles but wanted more.

ROTJ though.. Come on Jye.




Of course there is more.. But you get my point ;)

Well better does not automatically make ROTJ space battles bad all of a sudden it’s still an all time classic.

But the dynamic structure and energy from TLJ battle was super fun.
I may be blaming the whole "Rich people are evil" subplot on her since she was there and said something about hating the planet.. Yeah rescuing animals and not slave kids might be a bit of an SJW moment also..

If they wanted to go on a Slave owners are evil sub plot fine.. But I just thought the whole thing was stupid and ultimately worthless.

Perhaps I am being unfair to label her that and it was more to do with the part of the story she was a part of.... But I felt that way at the time.. I felt she was a bit preachy much of the time.. Will have to watch it again to see if the label is fair or not.

Ask Autumn thunder.. He thought so also.. Maybe he can remember better.

Hated everything about her character though.


So she hates the rich and joins the Rebel Alliance, her SJW makes her kind of oh lets ruin more lives more than anything than help with the problems, she just ruined everything, it’s as useless as her necklace which was just a stop gap to open a door, you are right it was more annoying than jar jar

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Wow so the rage is heavy with this movie. I guess this a bigger folly then the prequels.

I grew up with the PT, i dont see any problems execpt the hatred of toxic OT old fans aka "the grown ups and wise" here/or even you

Please dont compare this Disney/Kathleen force ********/ferminism **** to further insult Mr Lucas 's creation anymore.
Nail on the head.. Bad follow up to the OT. But I did enjoy it... However I am very worried about Repeat viewings.. I think this will be a total snooze fest.

One of my friends had seen it the night before and he said he liked it less tonight so yes it might suffer.
I may be blaming the whole "Rich people are evil" subplot on her since she was there and said something about hating the planet.. Yeah rescuing animals and not slave kids might be a bit of an SJW moment also..

If they wanted to go on a Slave owners are evil sub plot fine.. But I just thought the whole thing was stupid and ultimately worthless.

Perhaps I am being unfair to label her that and it was more to do with the part of the story she was a part of.... But I felt that way at the time.. I felt she was a bit preachy much of the time.. Will have to watch it again to see if the label is fair or not.

Ask Autumn thunder.. He thought so also.. Maybe he can remember better.

Hated everything about her character though.

Well Sicario did point out to Rose and Finn that the wealthy were also selling arms to the resistance as well.

I really enjoyed his triple cross.

He upped one cross on Lando lol.
Well Sicario did point out to Rose and Finn that the wealthy were also selling arms to the resistance as well.

I really enjoyed his triple cross.

He upped one cross on Lando lol.

He was a good interesting character actually... So obviously Johnson did not want him in the movie that much. :lol

Seriously, what a waste of a character, while we're on the topic of wastes of characters and Hot Toys releases, why the hell are they releasing another Phasma??

Especially since the 1st one didn’t sell fast.

Ha! Pretty harsh but true. I'm opinionated about these films but nowhere near some.of these people that spew hatred regularly (on forms they still bother to read/subscribe to for some reason).

"Lucas sucks!" "Bring Lucas back!" "TFA was a rehash - do something new (but not too new!)" "Abrams sucks!" "Bring back Abrams to fix it!" - from the same people year to year.

I agree with your grade too. Hedging between fifth and sixth on my list right now, pending more viewings.

Yeah i should have used "fanatics" or "nuts" rather than "fans." The extreme/extreme. Religious

As for myself, i realized a long time ago that i already got my perfect trilogy and nothing was going to come close to that. So, instead of getting mad or upset i just look at these films as my EU. I have found a lot of cool things in all of them.
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One of my friends had seen it the night before and he said he liked it less tonight so yes it might suffer.

Yeah... When the credits rolled I was overall happy.. But then I started thinking about everything and I started to feel the bad outweighed the good.. I did not want that to happen... I wanted to like it but the film as a whole was just too much boring filler.

I really think that the writer's just have no idea what to do with anyone who is not Luke, Kylo, or Rey...
He was in it just enough to for the writter's to justify the whole awful, useless, boring, subplot.. :lol

I am in full agreement about that horrible casino scene.

But unlike the godawful PT that had great ideas from Lucas that were so poorly implemented TLJ is at the very least watchable.

At least TLJ had adult level drama.
Wow so the rage is heavy with this movie. I guess this a bigger folly then the prequels.

I think it's more over reaction than rage.

There are solid, actual reasons to hate the PT, just from movie making standpoints all the way to how it treated SW.

People are just upset because of "muh luke no battle, he sad and not happy, not muh luke".
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