Wonder why this level of backlash didn’t immediately happen opening weekend with TFA that movie is worse than TLJ, no?
Sure there was the Mary Sue angle but the hate for TLJ has almost reached a fever pitched level of someone offering a reward for the first protector of SW to kill Kathleen Kennedy.
JAWS you said that you prefer this to TFA and you hate TLJ.
Why do you think it took this long for the anti ST nuke to go off?
Hate is a strong word.. I don't hate any SW film... But this one is close lol... TFA was no good IMO but it was harmless. Little girls loved it and it brought ome interesting characters into the saga.. It just had a bad story and poor art direction. It ended up not feeling like a SW film to me.
TLJ... Hmmmm... Its just a film I like less and less the more I think about it. I get annoyed with the story and subplots that really go nowhere. Rey and Luke on an island.. Nothing of significance happens. Finn goes to a Casino.. Only reason is to pick up someone so he can betray them to move the story along and I guess to make Poe wrong for agreeing with the plan. Rebel Starship chase.. Exists to try and make Poe look bad but nothing really happens.. Other then Snoke's death there is nothing that movies Kylo and Reys story forward.. They are in the same place they were when the film started...
The film was a big Nothingburger... The more I think about it the more I get frustrated by it..
I think others are feel the same way and its frustrating that good people like yourself and Khev don't see it my way
Laura Dern has been a solid actress for decades. I don't see how anyone could count her (or Del Toro) as diversity hires.
The Agenda was not casting Dern.. It was that the whole point of her was to just put Poe in his place..
Problem is the film makers did not realize that it was the lack of communication that was the mistake not Poe's emotions.. AND the film makers did not realize that taking out the Dreadnaughts actually was a good decision because had they not destroyed it then the New Order would have blown the rebels out of space after the first Hyper Jump... Even though at the time it was a poor choice someone should have promoted him after they figured out he could be followed.
Perhaps the agenda was not to make a Woman be the one to put a man in his place.. I can accept that.. I don't know I am not a mind reader... Even though other parts of the film would make me think that was probably the case.. But Had Dern been a make character, we all would have thought he was an idiot for not telling the crew of Rebels what the plan was... It would have been a dumb plot if the character was make or female.
As for Del Toro being part of an agenda... The film went out of its way to be multicultural... Like I said, I have no issue with that.. Just write better parts for everyone.. Great characters are great characters no matter sex or race... However I thought Del Toro was the only successful new cast member in this film.