I dislike the way many conservative viewers have handled their contempt of this film. However, beneath the sexist rhetoric (Mary Sue) there's truth in many of the criticisms.
Luke wasn't just flawed and tormented. He was afflicted with "Toxic Masculinity", just like Kylo and Poe. Luke was so consumed by his own self-perception and the disparity between his myth and reality, so filled with guilt for his missteps and vain in his attempt to keep his hands clean, that he stopped "empathizing" (in the film's terms, not mine). Luke also Mansplained that the Jedi would end, appealing to his patriarchal traditionalism in attempting to determine Rey's course, attempting to exert control over her power. As it turns out, the old, white, hetero male with all his traditional knowledge, grounded in experience, was useless. None of it matters, because everything you need to know is, like, totally inside you, bruh.
But sure... he can astral project. That's "cool".
The Post-Modernism in this film was explicit. The problem with Post-Modernism is that it's lack of a coherent criteria for what constitutes knowledge leads to the validation of claims that are nonsense, because "truths" are a construct. For example, you get SJW's who claim that knowledge, reason and the scientific method, "critical rationalism" are patriarchal concepts or a part of western colonialism. If your culture says that voodoo is real, and that you can put a lightening hex on people?