Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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I saw your AOTC redo mister. :tap


Great job :hi5:

But I agree had GL been the idea person and not surrounded by scared YES people they could’ve should’ve would’ve been magical.

Now what did you do with Khev give him back he is literally the only other person besides me and Zach that likes TLJ and I really don’t even like it so this thread needs him more than ever.


:lol :lol :lol
Spazz! Spazz! Spazz! Spazz!...Were you the guy from Meatballs?
You seem worried.

I am. For the rest of you. I am also worried for me in the sense that property owners will be threatened in a world where a lot of people are desperate, and have nothing to lose. I don't want to have to hold myself up in a gated community, hiding from the poor who were too busy watching pretty pictures to care about their future.
Tom Hardy's deleted Last Jedi cameo
will be included on the Blu-Ray release

Don't bother looking for Tom Hardy when watching Star Wars:
The Last Jedi, as it's been confirmed that his much-mooted
cameo as a stormtrooper was cut from the finished film.

The Taboo star was due to follow in the footsteps of actor Daniel Craig,
who played a stormtrooper in 2015's The Force Awakens, but his scene
has been left on the cutting room floor.

According to SlashFilm, the scene in question saw Hardy play a First
Order stormtrooper with a thick southern accent (Hardy being true to
form, then) who initially appears threatening, but is then revealed to be
an old friend of John Boyega's Finn.

"I know who you are…. FN 2187!" Hardy's character says. "Damn boy, I
never took you for officer material!"

The scene itself will reportedly be included on the DVD/Blu-Ray release
of The Last Jedi, which is expected to hit stores in mid-2018.
I am. For the rest of you. I am also worried for me in the sense that property owners will be threatened in a world where a lot of people are desperate, and have nothing to lose. I don't want to have to hold myself up in a gated community, hiding from the poor who were too busy watching pretty pictures to care about their future.

Please keep us posted.
Wait till Artificial intelligence rates movies for us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

At least there'd be intelligence involved... amiright? I don't know what reviewers were thinking. :lol
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (TBA)

The sad part is folks actually believe the second point and their place in it.

Why do you encourage them so 🤨


Or for short....CCS (crotchety cynic syndrome)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
tom hardy's deleted last jedi cameo
will be included on the blu-ray release

don't bother looking for tom hardy when watching star wars:
The last jedi, as it's been confirmed that his much-mooted
cameo as a stormtrooper was cut from the finished film.

The taboo star was due to follow in the footsteps of actor daniel craig,
who played a stormtrooper in 2015's the force awakens, but his scene
has been left on the cutting room floor.

According to slashfilm, the scene in question saw hardy play a first
order stormtrooper with a thick southern accent (hardy being true to
form, then) who initially appears threatening, but is then revealed to be
an old friend of john boyega's finn.

"i know who you are…. Fn 2187!" hardy's character says. "damn boy, i
never took you for officer material!"

the scene itself will reportedly be included on the dvd/blu-ray release
of the last jedi, which is expected to hit stores in mid-2018.

sw is saved hurray!

Did you read adolfo sw is saved!

Saved at last, saved at last!

Wait isn’t it Free at last lol
Well, I just got back from seeing this. I haven't read the bulk of posts here, but have gleaned some of the main critiques. My own thoughts:

I thought it was good overall. Flawed, yes. I would put it about on par with the Force Awakens, but for different reasons. Pros for me were the acting by some of the principals--Hamill, Driver, Ridley, Isaac--visuals were amazing, and the mood, score, set pieces, and cinematography were very well done/presented by and large. Storywise, I like that they took some risks. Force Awakens (and Rogue One) was so dang by the numbers that it was off-putting to me. Here, I would have done some things differently, but I applaud the willingness to not do the safest thing.

On the other hand, there were a number of issues with the story in my mind. A carryover from the prior film was that we still don't really know how the First Order achieved this level of power and influence, and now I'm confused as to how the rebellion is so small at the starting point in the film. These are such essential story elements that the film would have done well to better flesh this out, even with exposition on the order of the guy recognizing salt on the ground instead of snow.

Kylo Ren's arc was really odd to me. He was so conflicted, then seems resolved, but still oddly conflicted. . .they could do a better job letting us know where he's going. He is committed to Snoke, then he wants to scrap everything and rule the universe with Rey, then he immediately decides to only destroy the rebellion and Luke when she snubs him? Still whiny kid I guess overall.

Snoke was handled oddly. Everything they showed suggested he is all-powerful, Rey gets tossed around like she is a rag doll, but then Kylo who got schooled by Rey gets the best of Snoke. . . Leia allowing Laura Dern to stay behind was really weird. Leia is old as dirt. If someone in command is to stay behind, why not her, and let the younger guard stay on to fight into the future? But Leia is happy as a lark to jump on that escape pod and leave her second in command behind. Made me dislike her character quite a bit.

The anti-war mongering seemed a bit weird. Not sure where they were going fully. Really silly and simplistic to say that the rich are only arms manufacturers. There are no other thriving industries in the Star Wars-verse? Ending with broom kid was a weird way to foreshadow the next film. Are children going to come to the aid of the rebellion? Seems like the non-aligned groups who will inevitably rise up against the Order could have been better explored here. Who are they, what do they do, and why might they dislike the Order? All they all slaves working for the arms manufacturers?

Also, some characters I thought didn't work well. Del Toro's character's mannerisms were annoying, Fisher was incredibly wooden (though I don't blame the filmmakers for giving her the role that they did). Hux was treated like a comedic foil, but it didn't work that well IMO. Phasma seems that much more pathetic now, though they kept portraying her like a bad-ass in how she was shot. Chewy, R2, and 3PO serve no meaningful role.

Putting all that aside, I give it a 6.75/10. I enjoyed it. Most of these issues turned up on further reflection, and didn't distract me during the film too much. Luke's ending felt good. Not a movie I'll want to revisit anytime soon, but that's par for the course with Star Wars and Disney nowadays.
I am. For the rest of you. I am also worried for me in the sense that property owners will be threatened in a world where a lot of people are desperate, and have nothing to lose. I don't want to have to hold myself up in a gated community, hiding from the poor who were too busy watching pretty pictures to care about their future.

I'm right with you brother,,,cities will be the first
I'm right with you brother,,,cities will be the first

Yep. When the s@#$ hits the fan, you want to live a good 2 hour drive away from the nearest city, at least. Even then... it'll spread to the 'burbs when people realize property can't be defended by police. And all those left wing folks who don't want fire arms to be legal? They'll be singing a different tune when their safety is threatened. My grandparents lived through the great depression. They've told me stories... and this is going to make the great depression seem like a minor recession. It's going to get ugly. No one cares.
Also, I just got back from Disney world, and very disappointed we didn't see the Star Tours car appear to help out during that final scene on the salt planet, with R2 destroying one of those gorilla walker things. Which is canon, Star Tours or this film???????? The world may never know.
how do you guys feel about Rose sexually raping Fin and forcing herself on him by kissing him without fin ever making any sexual advances or interest in rose ? Will she claim rape in episode 9 a she said he said thing ?

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