Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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I do get the general impression that folks who are unhappy had expectations that weren't met here. And that's understandable after Force Awakens and Rogue One, which essentially told the fans, "don't worry, we'll check off all the nostalgia buttons and everyone will walk away with smiles on their faces." Now, Disney does an about face, and the reaction is extreme.

I'm torn. I knew they couldn't keep retreading the OT forever, but now that they've attempted to redefine SW I'm not sure it still feels like SW.
Now I know why Kahn turned on the genesis device....TLJ was playing on the enterprise
I'm torn. I knew they couldn't keep retreading the OT forever, but now that they've attempted to redefine SW I'm not sure it still feels like SW.

I thought that TLJ felt more like SW than ROTJ did. When we saw SW in 1977 everything was new and blew our minds. Then in 1980 ESB greatly changed what we understood about the Force and the characters (the WTF nature of the Dagobah cave plus Vader as Luke's father and Leia falling for Han instead of Luke.) It was ROTJ that started the trend of just repeating the same beats as the first two films and then George wanted the PT to "rhyme" and so the repetition continued. TFA? Well that one goes without saying. ;)

In TLJ everything fit with SW/ESB but was still new and it was really nice to be able to have that feeling when watching a SW flick again.
You didn't mention Finn and Rose who must have occupied at least 20% of the film....
Finn I agree with. Sick to death of that guy. But I didn't hate Rose. I thought the film could have done without her, but they needed to give Finn someone other than Rey, and whoever it was was probably going to be somewhat annoying. Could have been worse!

I'm torn. I knew they couldn't keep retreading the OT forever, but now that they've attempted to redefine SW I'm not sure it still feels like SW.
Yeah, it's a "be careful what you wish for" scenario. Personally, I've been nostalgia'd out. I'll take a risk that fails, with the right intentions *glares menacingly at Zach Snyder* over something overly predictable and self-referential. Because every once in a while those risks pay off. Then there are the real aberrations like Fury Road and Blade Runner 2049, that play off of a certain type of nostalgia but still succeed creatively at the highest levels.


Omg it’s happening in reverse !!!!!!

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Not too uncommon!
Take a film like AOTC where there were actually only a few short *minutes* of watchable entertainment out of the entire movie. The Clonetrooper designs, Gunships, and Natalie's white outfit. That's pretty much it. Every other scene was just embarrassingly painful. Actors with no charisma OR chemistry awkwardly trying to spout terrible dialogue in front of jarring 2D cartoon backgrounds. It was just horrible on so many levels and yet you've got people confidently claiming that TLJ was worse? Crazy.

Of course TLJ has far better acting and visuals. But besides the good acting and visuals I think TLJ was at least as bad or inferior to AOTC in structure and plot. Which would have gone largely ignored by angry fans if Kennedy/Johnson hadn't taken it a step further and besmirched beloved characters and broke long standing OT "rules". Folks who have been fans of a franchise for four freaking decades are going to react to that sort of thing....:dunno
I thought that TLJ felt more like SW than ROTJ did. When we saw SW in 1977 everything was new and blew our minds. Then in 1980 ESB greatly changed what we understood about the Force and the characters (the WTF nature of the Dagobah cave plus Vader as Luke's father and Leia falling for Han instead of Luke.) It was ROTJ that started the trend of just repeating the same beats as the first two films and then George wanted the PT to "rhyme" and so the repetition continued. TFA? Well that one goes without saying. ;)

In TLJ everything fit with SW/ESB but was still new and it was really nice to be able to have that feeling when watching a SW flick again.

Into the Saarlac pit you go! Now think it over for a 1000 yrs!
DMTNT is a shining example of why to not trust RT critic OR audience scores. That’s a solid fun movie and should be in the 80s at least.
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