Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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He argued with zach and lost lol


See ya around, kid.
The numbers are in.
TLJ only managed to top RO by $1.1 million on Thursday, and for its first week total made $94 million less than TFA.

[emoji38] [emoji38]

Will you guys have SJW engraved on your tombstones. [emoji38]

I know a person who sells thick skins would you like their number?

Holy crap you guys are infatuated with that crap.

SJW must be a subliminal paranoid inducing message in everyones house being piped in by aliens.

You say it enough it will lose all meaning so by all means just keep repeating it.

Like CNN crying wolf about Trump every second of the day it loses all impact.

I have never seen such a thin skinned group of people in all of my travels like the liberals and conservatives of this country holy crap both sides perpetually offended by every little thing.

You know the more confidence you have in yourself the more self worth you have gained from your actions the less offended you become about trivial stuff. Start there.

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You can apply that to a one off "bad movie". We are talking about the nasty impact of this hot mess on an 8 movie franchise. Apples and Oranges. We love Star Wars, and hate what TLJ did to it

See how ridiculous that sounds...what I read is "we love Star Wars but hate what 'Star Wars' did to it." Sorry bud, the second they locked in that final cut TLJ became Star Wars so that's what you don't like. More power to you though. Let's be honest though you probably did not really like it that much to begin with...maybe two or three out of 8 movies in the "8 movie franchise?" Does that really make one a fan...? Go get into the Saw franchise instead! This is Star Wars now...everyone from the CEO of the parent company to the writer/director of the previous movie signed off on should burn your Star Wars T-Shirts and let it go...
The numbers are in.
TLJ only managed to top RO by $1.1 million on Thursday, and for its first week total made $94 million less than TFA.

View attachment 383709

Oh no!!! So according to that tracking TLJ is only on track to be...gasp...the fourth or fifth highest grossing domestic box office hit of all TIME!!!!! Disney better sell Lucasfilm off before this financial disaster destroys the value of their stock and runs the entire company out of business!!!! The horror!!!!! :rotfl
Oh no!!! So according to that tracking TLJ is only on track to be...gasp...the fourth or fifth highest grossing domestic box office hit of all TIME!!!!! Disney better sell Lucasfilm off before this financial disaster destroys the value of their stock and runs the entire company out of business!!!! The horror!!!!! :rotfl

I don't think you realize the kind of expectations they have for a movie like this. The question never was will it make bank at the box office. But TFA made close to 2.1 billion.
If the following trilogy movie ends up making only 300-400 million more than RO, it will be seen as a semi-failure, and a message to Lucasfilm that they need to adjust course for IX. And it's not just that but also how well the merch sells (answer: kinda poorly). Not to mention the amplitude of the negative fan reactions, which is something that didn't happen neither with TFA or RO.
Owing to the disgraceful backlash towards TLJ Disney has cancelled Christmas this year.

I hope you're all proud of yourselves. :mad:

I thought that was great. :lol

How much did Khev pay you.

Nice. :rotfl My wife and I go to the movies to be entertained and not pick apart every detail. Every movie has its faults but most movies have some good entertainment in them too. I get some of the backlash with any series that has been around but if I feel that nothing can ruin the movies we grew up with. Hate when people say it raped their childhood. Those movies are still there. JYE I know you like the last jedi in your heart. Don't run from it. Join edi Khev and Jedi Zach and don't forget your green ***** milk
Even in a galaxy far far away a man who complains of a girl hitting on him is not a man at all.

Even if it’s your boss and she fires you for turning her advances down you suck it up and get another job.

You’re either a man or a whiny whiner.

Maybe Finn will get some ***** milk from Rose now
"It's time to let this thread die. Kill it, if you have to. It's the only way to be at peace with your love or hate of TLJ."
:lol :lol

Will you guys have SJW engraved on your tombstones. :lol

I know a person who sells thick skins would you like their number?

Holy crap you guys are infatuated with that crap.

SJW must be a subliminal paranoid inducing message in everyones house being piped in by aliens.

You say it enough it will lose all meaning so by all means just keep repeating it.

Like CNN crying wolf about Trump every second of the day it loses all impact.

I have never seen such a thin skinned group of people in all of my travels like the liberals and conservatives of this country holy crap both sides perpetually offended by every little thing.

You know the more confidence you have in yourself the more self worth you have gained from your actions the less offended you become about trivial stuff. Start there.

Have you ever heard the phrase "Emotional Intelligence"? That's our future. A place where subjective tastes have some sort of normative value, and logic and reason is a patriarchal construct of western domination.

You've got it backwards. When you're confronted with dumb ideas that erode your society, apathy is a weakness. Watch this video. This isn't an anomaly. It's a trend, that's currently rampant within our culture. There's a political movement to abandon logic and reason for solipsism. It's literally an assault on thinking. Allowing dumb ideas to spread without opposition isn't thick skinned; it's subservience.

Nice. :rotfl My wife and I go to the movies to be entertained and not pick apart every detail. Every movie has its faults but most movies have some good entertainment in them too. I get some of the backlash with any series that has been around but if I feel that nothing can ruin the movies we grew up with. Hate when people say it raped their childhood. Those movies are still there. JYE I know you like the last jedi in your heart. Don't run from it. Join edi Khev and Jedi Zach and don't forget your green ***** milk

I actually think once there’s some distance from the hoopla of the release this movie will fall on the side of a quality SW release.

Now i’m not saying that Wor-Gar, DiFabio and Adolfo are going to wake up in March and find themselves all of a sudden loving TLJ, nope not going to happen.

I’m referring to those who are on the fence about it I think they’re going to say to themselves:

“You know i’ve had time to properly digest this movie away from the forum shenanigans and you know what the strengths really do outweigh the negatives i’m giving Disney my money and adding the bluray to my collection and Khev, Zach, punisher and jye must be geniuses for having liked this movie from day one even in the midst of milking memes that made no sense because Luke grew up on a farm and all of those Hamill interviews used to make it to show that he hated TLJ when in reality they just don’t understand Hamill the actor and they were even able to ignore Snikt’s rants because he didn’t get Count Dracula Snoke on his chocolate cereal box.”

Yeah I think that’s going to happen lol

Don’t worry about me i’m protected from all of those negative ninnies by Khev’s super strong Hoth level force field.

Oh and kara also liked it overall so we’re in really good shape.

But we do need to go on a rescue mission for JAWS though but I warn you it will be very dangerous as he’s suffering from stockholm syndrome. He’s been Patty Hearsed lol.

He’s in love with the forum’s TLJ negative ideologies they even brain washed him to think AOTC > TLJ yikes yes that bad!

But we leave no good member behind.

You ready for this Patty Hearst used to be my sisters boss lol.
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I was amazed they did the dyed hair. The resistance is in such a dire, desperate situation, resources and personnel critically low (and has been seemingly for some time) and she's had her hair freshly dyed purple? Like we're supposed to believe Poe is the one being self centered?

Everyone criticized TFA for following ANH so much but this movie seems to have borrowed so much from ESB/ROTJ that it seems to be the least of their issues.

Yeah, I was blown away by how much of a line-by-line copy of the Luke/Emperor face-off from ROTJ that the Rey/Snoke face-off was.

And the Crait stuff - it was like they felt they had to say "it's salt, not ice" and add the red dust to cover for the fact there are probably at least a dozen distinct visuals/elements copied from the Hoth battle, from the first reveal of the walkers right down to a Rebel base with a huge door and Snowtroopers (Salt-troopers?) following a black-clad villain into the penetrated base.

They didn't explain a lot of things:

-How did the first order get so powerful?

-Who is Snoke? Where did he come from? Why is he powerful?

How can Kylo nearly lose a lightsaber duel to a non force using nobody, yet get the better of both Snoke and Luke Skywalker?

-Why is Rey powerful? Why do lightsabers talk to her?

-Why did Maz have that saber?

-After succeeding in ROTJ why are the rebels so hard up?

-How is Holdo seemingly #2 in rank on a rebel force that seems to number about 50 yet Poe seems to have never met her or even know who she is?

-Were the OT rebels really just too dumb to weaponize hyper space when attacking large ships?

-How is Rey suddenly the boss of Chewbacca on the Falcon? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

- Don't even get me started on all the new force abilities

-etc etc etc


I could probably triple the length of that list - so many head-scratchers I lost count. Even my wife leans over and asks - "how does Rey understand what Chewbacca is saying?" (especially given she probably met him for the first time a week or so earlier):lol

The other one that all the KIDS I saw it with were talking about was how the "map to Luke" was such a big deal in TFA, but in TLJ they reveal that the whole time he was residing on the special "force island" with the tree and toad/nun keepers etc - Ah-choo or whatever its called - a presumably unique Jedi place which surely would be known to everyone including Snoke.
"Took quite a fall, didn't we, Disney?"


"And why do we fall, Disney? So we can learn to pick ourselves up."

Have you ever heard the phrase "Emotional Intelligence"? That's our future. A place where subjective tastes have some sort of normative value, and logic and reason is a patriarchal construct of western domination.

You've got it backwards. When you're confronted with dumb ideas that erode your society, apathy is a weakness. Watch this video. This isn't an anomaly. It's a trend, that's currently rampant within our culture. There's a political movement to abandon logic and reason for solipsism. It's literally an assault on thinking. Allowing dumb ideas to spread without opposition isn't thick skinned; it's subservience.

So what do you think mass extermination then?

Time to fire up the oldie but goodie concentration camps?

Solipsism must be immediately eradicated.

Oh by the way no amount of big words can brain wash me just warning you.

Hold on UPS is making a delivery brb. Let me go ask him what time the world is supposed to end today.
So what do you think mass extermination then?

Time to fire up the oldie but goodie concentration camps?

Solipsism must be immediately eradicated.

Oh by the way no amount of big words can brain wash me just warning you.

Hold on UPS is making a delivery brb. Let me go ask him what time the world is supposed to end today.

I'll use small words. People should use logic and reason to challenge bad ideas, because that's what logic and reason does. That's how you learn. People learn by trying to disprove their own ideas, through trial and error. When you experiment to find a cure for cancer, learn how to play guitar, sculpt, learn a new sport, learn to drive... You alter your course based on your results, learning from what doesn't work.

You create a picture in your head, where each bit of knowledge fits together like puzzle pieces. When a puzzle piece doesn't fit into the picture, that's logic. When the picture doesn't look like what you're seeing, that's reason. You change your understanding based on pieces that don't fit, and perceptions that aren't like the picture in your head. You make adjustments, and move forward.

The ideology in the film says this is wrong. You learn about the world by looking inside yourself, because all of the answers are, somehow, rattling around inside you. Do you believe in Voodoo? Then it's true! Who am I to tell you that you can't put a hex on someone? That lightening won't strike them, just because you fondled a goat's testicles while sitting on a mountain top?
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