Are you American? If so, your leader is a reality television star who likely has dementia, while your academic institutions are combating him with a form of ideology that, in many ways conducts itself similarly to Maoism. You have billionaires openly and unashamed in telling the general population that soon, employment will be unnecessary and that they plan to put all of you on corporate welfare. And you have people on both ends of the ideological spectrum denying science, one in the name of faith, the other in the name of "alternative narratives".
Things are bleak. I'm not a snob. Frankly, I hate all of the polysyllabic nonsense coming out from academia. THAT'S THE POINT. If someone is messing with you and you hate them, do you ignore them? Bullies don't leave people alone, that way. You have to be scarier than you are, or it's only going to get worse.
Post modernism was my starting point, the premise that the world is not always as it appears on the surface. That it could not be defined or explored in precise terms as laid down by Marxism, feminism, psychoanalysis, etc. That not everything can be seen as a class war or a gender war.
Hence the method became very useful in peeling texts apart layer by layer.
It could be applied to Conrad's Heart of Darkness in Baudrillard's terminology of the hyperreal. Marlow only became aware that civilization was a simulation by entering the darkness of Africa, which was the real world stripped bare of the illusions constructed by civilization. So on his return to London he now feels the disconnect. He's an outcast because he has experienced for himself a dark reality lying beneath the surface, as it were, of the blinding light of civilization.
(And if this is situation where they put Luke in TLJ, then Luke is averse to leaving his wild island and returning because he can no longer relate to the petty lives of those who haven't shared his experiences).
I don’t see what this has to do with Star Wars. Are you saying that stars wars will make people question science and things of that nature?
It’s funny how his auteur crap went straight out the window with this movie. He kept saying how the director is such a visionary and doesn’t bend to Disney corporate nonsense.
Months later and look where we are. Can’t wait for that venom film tho
The Last Jedi was an Orwellian Two Minutes of Hate, aimed at men and reason.
I don’t see what this has to do with Star Wars. Are you saying that stars wars will make people question science and things of that nature?
If I read one more man complaining about “men hate” i’m going to have HT make a man voodoo doll just for me to stick it with needles touched by a women.
Holy crap you are men right are you guys afraid of your own shadows or what.
I just told my wife her existence is threatening mine she has to go lol.....she’s just shaking her head and said Sideshow Freaks.
SJW whaaaaaaaaa
My masculinity is threatened whaaaaaaaaaaa
How will my manhood survive.
If I read one more man complaining about “men hate” i’m going to have HT make a man voodoo doll just for me to stick it with needles touched by a women.
Holy crap you are men right are you guys afraid of your own shadows or what.
I just told my wife her existence is threatening mine she has to go lol.....she’s just shaking her head and said Sideshow Freaks.
SJW whaaaaaaaaa
My masculinity is threatened whaaaaaaaaaaa
How will my manhood survive oh noooo.
Jesus how about growing some balls and doing something about your fear of women and covert to a wahhabism muslim already and be king of women instead of just whining about it for the rest of your life it will just make you more miserable than you probably already are.
See how ridiculous that sounds...what I read is "we love Star Wars but hate what 'Star Wars' did to it." Sorry bud, the second they locked in that final cut TLJ became Star Wars so that's what you don't like. More power to you though. Let's be honest though you probably did not really like it that much to begin with...maybe two or three out of 8 movies in the "8 movie franchise?" Does that really make one a fan...? Go get into the Saw franchise instead! This is Star Wars now...everyone from the CEO of the parent company to the writer/director of the previous movie signed off on should burn your Star Wars T-Shirts and let it go...
If Post Modernism is merely an acceptance that different perspectives are necessary, how does the Post Modernist distinguish between True perspectives and False perspectives? What epistemology do they appeal to?
The answer is that they don't appeal to Truth at all. They advocate tolerance of alternative narratives, where each discussion is a safe space. Knowledge is actually the opposite: an attempt to shred every idea, especially your own to pieces by demanding evidence that can be falsified, which means hard, empirical evidence. A Post Modernist would say, "Well, that's one narrative. But we all perceive differently, so surely one person's falsification is another person's validation." It's nonsense.
You're an atheist. How do you demonstrate your skepticism toward God? You appeal to some sort of criteria for what constitutes truth. Otherwise, you're just saying, "I feel that God doesn't exist" the way one feels about not liking Strawberry Ice Cream.
The numbers are in.
TLJ only managed to top RO by $1.1 million on Thursday, and for its first week total made $94 million less than TFA.
There is a reality for every person. A personal viewpoint based on experience.
But there are also truths, or facts, proved by scientific experiment. Those were not my concern, but getting to the truth or reality of events or the things people say. Where history is written by the victors, to put it to the test rather than accept it blindly as an ideology - the way dictatorships write history, instill ideology and claim opposing views to be 'fake news'.
As for God. You look at history, and specifically the history of religion. And you see how these ideas emerge in different societies, how they are used by those in control, and how they are adopted, absorbed and evolve to suit the circumstances of their time. Thousands of years later you have various sets of truths that people will die for, yet the stories and ideas can be traced back those prevalent in Ancient Egyptian religion. The evidence is more likely that man created god (s) at a time when things could not be explained in other terms. And the idea has become enshrined so deeply by fear and superstition that for some it's hard to dismiss.
Yes, that's what the director and producer intended. They want people to question science. They want you to disregard the old knowledge, and look for truth from within. Burn the library. Abandon the teachings of the Enlightenment, because it's "partriarchal"... the stuff of oppressive old white men. See why that's a problem? Science is what cures you when you go to the doctor. It gives you food, clothing and shelter. It's how we progress as a species.
Edit: I should rephrase that. Questioning science is fine. Questioning everything is how we learn. However, the movie appeals to emotion in encouraging you to abandon science. To abandon reason as the stuff of old white men. It's irrational, and we should call them on it.