Super Freak
Damn you auto correct.
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Why? The film itself could prove to be the best in the series. Ryan Johnson is an amazing filmmaker. He is fully capable of telling a better told story than any previous SW film before.
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When I read posts saying "this can't be better than ESB..." I instantly realize the people who wrote those posts haven't watched Brick, The Brothers Bloom and Looper.
Johnson's a beast.
The only SW movie that can dethrone ESB is SW.
The only SW movie that can dethrone SW is ESB.
He's not the true villain. Like Laura Dern's character, they're not even big deals. I'm talking a little better than Sio Bibble levels.
Any chance he'll play?Ezra Bridger from Rebels
More useless Rebel connections
That cartoon sux
More useless Rebel connections
That cartoon sux
More useless Rebel connections
That cartoon sux
Just curious, how do you know?
I was thinking he would be more of a gangster type like Jabba that they'd have to do a deal with.