Broke and happy
Your 3

My 3

I'll raise your 3 cocoons for another 3...call or raiseYour 3prove to me that i’m dealing with an intellect here.
My 3in response to your 3
should not offer you the same comfort only red flags.
I think I’ve seen this played out before......give me
a sec.
Oh yea, it’s Anakin. Good ole grandpa....except Kylo killed his master whereas Anakin didn’t until he was much older
Furthermore, this isn't the story of the Skywalkers anymore. It's the story of Rey, and to a lesser extent, Kylo. As such, it really shouldn't be a main SW story. And Rey isn't even a good replacement for the Skywalkers.
But that's the problem, Kylo is like Anakin, who despite some actions, was still a good guy when he was acting like this. Once he turned to Vader, he became truly evil and a true villain.
So unless this trilogy is being made to setup Episode 10-12, then getting to the 3rd movie without Kylo establishing himself as Vader and not Anakin is a waste of time, the trilogy needs a solid villain.
That's another good point, KK said at the outset that the main saga is about three generations of Skywalkers. So either Rey turns out to be a Skywalker after all or Kylo is the only one (and is hopefully redeemed in IX).
Even if VIII meant to show that "anybody" can be a hero, it helps if that "anybody" just happens to have massive Force powers!
the trilogy needs a solid villain.
I thought up a way for JJ Abrams to give the big F you back to Rian Johnson. Imagine an episode IX that starts off with Kylo in pursuit of the Falcon with it's few remaining resistance fighters on board. Cut to a scene of Spirit Luke telling spirit Yoda that even with what he had done at the end of TLJ, it wasn't enough to save the galaxy. Giddy as he was in Empire, Yoda asks again, "So certain are you?" With that Yoda disappears and is shown speaking with porgs. The porgs one by one communicate to each other even across huge distances and go into a meditative state. As each porg enters this state, reality seems to bend. The rebels on the Falcon notice a temporal shift but cannot pinpoint what's causing it. We find out that each porg is a part of the force but collectively has the force ability to alter time itself. More and more porgs add their presence, reality continues to bend. Luke starts to fade and can't figure out why. Just as Kylo is about to fire on the Falcon, the Falcon disappears. All the porgs save for two, a male and female still on Ach-To, become one with the force. This was a feat that can never be attempted again for many generations and risks the very existence of the porg race. Luke awakens and to his surprise, finds himself back at his Jedi Academy. Wasn't this all destroyed he asks himself? A young Ben Solo enters his hut asking if training will begin soon. Luke realizes that time has reverted and somehow he is back to the real world, given another chance to right a very large wrong...... This would be a huge opportunity for JJ to basically say to Rian, you threw away all my plot points so i am throwing away yours, also saving the franchise in the process. They could continue using the phrase, "This isn't going to end the way you think it is!" in trailers. And one of Rian's own creation, porgs, would be the thing that undoes his hideous movie. Just a thought anyways.
Couldn't agree more. Probably the most important thing (in any heroic story) that was derailed in TLJ.
All these YouTube videos speculations on what “really” happened are redundant. They are giving Ruin Johnson too much credit on this abysmal plot. More questions piled on top of even more questions, do we really care about Episode 9 now?
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But really funny and true....
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But really funny and true....
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Still better Star Wars movies than TLJ.