Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Helluva drug!

How do you expand a world if everyone needs to be connected to what came before?

That is in itself a lack of creativity (beyond the cleverness to connect dots). Isn't Star Wars derivative enough?
Betting money it's jar jar binks. If you put flappy ears on him then it's a spitting image. Just wait.
I think when you set up a mystery-character in a saga that's spanned decades it's natural to assume there will be some kind of connection. But I hope it's not as obvious as resurrected Palpatine or zombie Anakin. Even the assumption that it's Plagueis seems like a red herring IMO. But I don't have psychic abilities or access to secret insider info like a lot of folks seem to. :lol
The new trilogy is already ****ed as far as I'm concerned unless the next 2 films somehow manage to make the facepalmery of TFA's story worthwhile - I can't see that happening - but if it did and if I had liked the prequels - then I would want Snoke to be Plagueis. I can see the merit in the idea that the villain of this trilogy should connect all the way back to the Prequel trilogy.
At least it will be more than what Leia and Luke gave him after Han died.

Sorry that Han died now hand over the keys to the Falcon hairy guy that's been flying the Falcon forever.
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