Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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The best part

When I read the title of that video, all it reminds me of is:

It makes perfect sense.
The Tree is going to be in the first Jedi Temple the KOR and FO burn down. The tree is probably part of the ceremony Luke needs to perform on Rey and Snoke ***** it all up by destroying it and the temple.

Yes, Rey is very much looking to be a reincarnated Chosen One, meaning Anakin himself was the reincarnated founder of the Order. Making Rey the "second coming" in SW lore.

I believe she has Anakin's memories and skills which will be revealed to be those of that ancient Force-user The Whills created eons ago.

What cracks me up is that posters laughed at me here when I suggested Rey was Anakin reborn. Its somewhere in the HT 1/6 Kylo Ren thread. Everyone was saying "That's the stupidest thing EVERRRRRRRRR" lol

No, but if Rey is the "chosen one", then that means Anakin was a false "prophet", he wasn't the one. According to the tree theory
there was a girl and a boy, they were siblings on this new planet when they found this tree, and whenever they were close to the tree, they gain strength until the boy killed the girl and the parents because he felt guilty and blamed them for everything and he left the planet. The girl became one with the tree after she touched it and was transformed (her brother was transformed too when he touched the tree), and some people witness this event and she teaches them about the force, that it can be used for good or evil, then she tells them that she will return one day as a boy or as a girl, so they should look for her. Anakin was not the one, according to this theory that was posted
All these plot theories from Snikt and Leia/Finn/Poe/Hux/Maz are completely ignored by him as if they don't even exist.

Luke/Rey/Kylo/Snoke that's it.

TJL is going to be an even more contained movie than Logan I guess lol.
I am no sexist but now the lead of the battlefront game is a female, rey is the star or this one, I mean common... lol

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Yes....can I help you?
Ford wanted out a long time ago, but Han was so popular they kept bringing him back. Now that Han is dead and Ford made an appearance at the 40th celebration no one better not even mention Han Solo to him again or he's gonna fly a plane through their house!
Im surprised we havent got any reveal of upcoming stand alone movies at celebration
No way zero chance of that happening this was going to be all about TLJ.

Then after TLJ it will be all about the Han movie.

We're a ways off from an Obi-Wan or Fett movie being revealed.

Disney has their hands full.
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