Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Flicking through the film it looks to be the least visually impressive. Though I did stop to watch the dance of the lobster men because it looked funny.

My thought exactly. I liked that Kylo behaves like a true dark side guy (betraying his master for his personal gain) but we needed answers from TFA. That is the worst defect of this movie for me. Johnson just trashed every TFA hints.

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This is what Star Wars is all about.

Sorry, but this is complete BS when people use this argument to say they're not made for adults:

Toy Story - my kids and I enjoy them equally... because they're good.

Star Wars or not - this is a bad movie - period.
I wanted to see Luke train Rey. She’s OP again lol Also they wasted Phasma, Luke, and Snoke. There were some badass scenes tho like that opening.

They certainly wasted a decent opportunity by having her being trained by Luke.

Like the whole BS shot of the trailer when he is watching over her practice her sabre wielding. Complete misdirection.
I saw this sums it up very good how I feel about it and added some to it..

Honestly? Loved The Force Awakens and Rogue One. So anybody using the "oh you're a disney hater" ******** can **** off.

This movie was visually very very good !! Loved the space battles....


It completely sabotaged everything interesting about The Force Awakens. Rian Johnson demonstrated a complete and total lack of understanding of Star Wars. Its tone, feel, characters. The biggest disservice they done was to Luke. I can see why Mark Hammil said he fundamentally disagreed with everything about the character. A guy who put his own life on the line to save and redeem Darth Vader, a man at the top of empire, who committed mass genocide, even refused to fight him, thought about killing his own nephew because he MIGHT turn evil? No. And when he tossed the lightsaber over his shoulder at the start i was pissed. It only got worse. Thats the best you can do Rian ?? Thats how Luke would react seeing that saber again after the last time he had it ???? are you ****ing kidding me ??

I never saw Luke as a Joke Master !! WTF !?!?

Snoke doesnt matter. 2 years fans wasted time and had million times better ideas then.. well .. Snoke is .. nobody .. WTF !?!?

Reys parents.. just drunk and scums selling her off... WTF was then the flashback she had in TFA .. heard Obiwan...etc....

Reys encounter with the darkside cave.... it was well.. for nothing.....

Finn and his journey doesnt matter. I mean the go on a mission and free animals? Yay i guess? Cause if Holdo would just told Poe what she up to.. they didnt needed to go and risk their lives...

THAT Leia scene was cringe.
John Williams was lazy as **** with the soundtrack. It was "Kylos theme/resistance theme/the force theme/leias theme" on a loop for 2.5 hours.
The forced, **** humor. Who wanted to see Luke milk big alien **** and drink it? Thats funny right?

The poorest Star Wars film by far.


How Rian johnson got given his own trilogy is beyond me.
I saw this sums it up very good how I feel about it and added some to it..

Honestly? Loved The Force Awakens and Rogue One. So anybody using the "oh you're a disney hater" ******** can **** off.

This movie was visually very very good !! Loved the space battles....


It completely sabotaged everything interesting about The Force Awakens. Rian Johnson demonstrated a complete and total lack of understanding of Star Wars. Its tone, feel, characters. The biggest disservice they done was to Luke. I can see why Mark Hammil said he fundamentally disagreed with everything about the character. A guy who put his own life on the line to save and redeem Darth Vader, a man at the top of empire, who committed mass genocide, even refused to fight him, thought about killing his own nephew because he MIGHT turn evil? No. And when he tossed the lightsaber over his shoulder at the start i was pissed. It only got worse. Thats the best you can do Rian ?? Thats how Luke would react seeing that saber again after the last time he had it ???? are you ****ing kidding me ??

I never saw Luke as a Joke Master !! WTF !?!?

Snoke doesnt matter. 2 years fans wasted time and had million times better ideas then.. well .. Snoke is .. nobody .. WTF !?!?

Reys parents.. just drunk and scums selling her off... WTF was then the flashback she had in TFA .. heard Obiwan...etc....

Reys encounter with the darkside cave.... it was well.. for nothing.....

Finn and his journey doesnt matter. I mean the go on a mission and free animals? Yay i guess? Cause if Holdo would just told Poe what she up to.. they didnt needed to go and risk their lives...

THAT Leia scene was cringe.
John Williams was lazy as **** with the soundtrack. It was "Kylos theme/resistance theme/the force theme/leias theme" on a loop for 2.5 hours.
The forced, **** humor. Who wanted to see Luke milk big alien **** and drink it? Thats funny right?

The poorest Star Wars film by far.


How Rian johnson got given his own trilogy is beyond me.

Worst than the prequels?

My interest in watching TLJ in cinema is zero. Heck, 3 days ago a cable TV station here was showing TFA, while another, at the same hour, had The Island with Scarlett Johansson and Ewan McGregor. I watched The Island.
Worst than the prequels?

Cant judge that right now.. but I think I just made my peace with the prequels... problem with TLJ is.. that TFA built up so much mystery and TLJ just dumbed it into the trash.. there is nothing for me I am waiting to see in Ep9...
Worst than the prequels?

In my opinion yes. Visually it even looked the prequels at times because the visual effects were lacking, especially the casino world sub plot. It felt small as well... It did not feel like A galaxy far away. Especially as everyone sounded like they were in a marvel movie dropping flat bad jokes that killed the mood in any potentially serious moment.

The prequels whilst not perfect and often places cringey and sometimes downright awful still made me feel like they were Star Wars films. This felt like a bad parody of a Star Wars movie crossed over with guardians of the Galaxy set in a cutesy SJW world. It also disrespected the treatment of OT characters.

Remember how annoyed everyone was by the explanation of the force being midichlorians ... Well yeh Luke as a character basically gets hit with the midichlorian stick in this movie (the force and the interpretation of it in this film is also all wrong).

After sleeping on it, I have to say I really love this movie. The dynamic between Rey and Kylo is superbly done, the revelation of why Ben turned was an eye opener, Kylo taking the path of the tyrant instead of redeeming himself is exactly what I wanted to see, and Canto Bight is given a lot more importance as you see another side to the fight, the people supporting the war. And seeing the children of the Force at the end was a great way of foreshadowing Rey rebuilding the Jedi. I really enjoyed the space battles, and the stalemate in the main story. It makes sense now that the resistance is pretty much alone.

And Luke..

Hammil was brilliant in his role. He subverted every expectation of what you think your hero would be like. You can tell Rey was shellshocked after meeting him. It was great when she finally wins him over. His powers and the way he passed on was done so well and was a fitting end to the character after he reconnected with the Force after meeting with Yoda, and then reuniting with Leia. And props to Leia finally showing her Force powers. That was awesome!

And I hadn't realized until the end that Rey and Poe had not met. I can feel a love triangle brewing between Kylo, Rey, and Poe for sure. I'm glad Finn has somebody and won't be friend zoned so hard by Rey. I really enjoyed the chemistry between Finn and Rose. DJ was a bit of an enigma, but I think we'll be seeing him again. And getting to know Hux better was fun too. I loved how Kylo finally took his place above him after he killed Snoke.

In all, I really loved it, but I can see why A LOT of fans will hate it. I'm still working on how I rank the movies, but it's pretty high. I feel better about where Star Wars is going after seeing this. It is now its own thing and not rehashing old movies, which is something I feared after TFA. Killing Snoke early was a BOLD move, and I applaud them for it. It's interesting how someone so powerful can still be killed if they are arrogant and let their guard down. Now Kylo can go from a pretender to the real deal. I'm going to see it a few more times, but full speed ahead to IX!
You honestly haven't noticed how simplistic these big tentpole movies have become in the last 5-10 years as studios are relying more heavily on foreign box offices? Really?

I'm going to have to agree with you on this one. I've noticed that almost every blockbuster tentpole film these days is riddled with character inconsistencies and plotholes in story or worldbuilding. These are the type of things that used to get weeded out in the first draft of screenplays because directors understood the fact that these inconsistencies no matter how small, had a huge effect on keeping the audience immersed and engaged in the film. Today these screw-ups make it to the final product and any criticism of these elements is dismissed as "fanboy nitpicking", while sycophant apologists on forums try to sloppily patch over the mistakes with motivated reasoning.

Two good examples here are the opening crawl and the Luke and Yoda exchange.

The movie opens with the line "The First Order Reigns". What do they reign over? Have they established any kind of government or even any military presence whatsoever? They only blew up the republic planets only a day or two ago according to this movie's timeline. So far as we can see the conflict between the first order and resistance does not even exist beyond the small fleet skirmish we see in this film, and the rest of the galaxy are living their lives without any indication that anything is happening. These are the very basic fundamentals of world building that were completely ignored in Episode 7 and yet continue to be brushed aside here.

Then there is the very awkwardly constructed scene between Luke and Yoda. Luke is on his way to burn the tree and the Jedi books, only for Yoda to stop him and do the exact same thing with lightning. Luke reacts with horror, first trying to save the books and then despair when he realizes they are gone. Why would he be so horrified when he was about to do the same exact thing himself? The scene exists for Yoda to reassure Luke on a mindset it was clearly established he already had. Even a second look at this scene could have fixed it, but instead the fan service at seeing Yoda again was prioritized over coherent structure. The film is littered with moments like this.

Why do you think people love 80s films so much (including myself, and I didn't even grow up in the 80s)? I promise, it isn't an affinity for crappy effects or synthesizer music. Its because they were almost objectively better with narrative and character arcs as well as story structure. Plotholes like the ones I mentioned above were recognized as the big mistakes they were and would have been squashed before they ever saw the light of day, never being allowed to remain in the film.
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Thinking more about it this morning, I can still say I liked it, but it's barely above Phantom Menace and Attack/Clones. Too many wasted moments and set ups. I actually kind of dig the chase through space main story plot, but wasting Rey's background setup, wasting Phasma again after making me like her from her book/comic mini, wasting Luke hardcore, and more....I just can't forgive it. I'll see it again in theaters in a few weeks, but I still think out of the three Disney movies we got, Rogue One is the best one. I will say that I like Rey, Kylo, and Poe so I have some hope for next movie, but it needs to be a homerun to forgive what they've done.

I too wish Lucas would've jumped into his own sequels back in the 90s. Instead of books, we could've had New Jedi Order/Legacy and that is what I think a lot of us OT generation kinda wanted. As forgiving and understand as I was of Disneys need to not count those books into canon, the ST just isn't coming close.

The Snoke scene with his Guards about to battle with Kylo and Rey.

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Why is everyone treating what kylo said about reys parents as gospel?

He was trying to turn her. does not mean for one second that's her true heritage.

I'm still laughing about Leia in space

Biggest turd in a huge pile of crap.

There were definitely some cool and amazing moments here and there (Luke's epic Jedi Mind Trick at the end)

HATED it. Why do we even get the Matrix :)rolleyes2) move if he's just a stupid projection. The brush of the shoulder = cheap laugh. Gawd this movie sucked.

And what the hell was up with Yoda?? As much as I loved the idea of him interacting with Luke again, the CGI/puppet was just so damn weird and goofy looking that it totally ruined the moment. :slap

Absolutely baffling. Yoda's been on meth in the spirit world?!? How does someone in production not go "um, guys.....this looks like ****"

Jmaz? Guaruntee her sequence connects to Battlefront dlc...

EXACTLY what I thought. Ridiculous.
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