Yes you did....
Btw BattleStar Galatica did that idea much better.
Oh man... Love??? There are some parts to love but as a whole this film was very empty.
I loved Luke, Rey, and Kylo story points... But really this was just Kylo's movie.. Nothing really happened that moved the story forward with the other characters..
Poe, Finn, the Rebels.. Nothing of interest happened with them.. At all. Poe and Finn could have not been in this film and the plot would have ended up in the same place...
The film wastes your time with plots that go nowhere. If Finn never left nothing changes... If Poe never wants to take over command.. nothing changes.. They all end up on that Planet... I guess getting Del Torro was the only reason for that "adventure" so he could let the first order know where the escape pods were going.. But he did not need to be there..
The Casino planet scene was painful.. Worst scenes in any star wars films.. Stupid and awful.. Just an excuse to preach at us about rich people being evil... Even in a Galaxy far far away...
And then there is this character...
**** this ****ing character... AWFUL!!! Give me 10 Jar Jar's any day over this Rose chick... A Social Justice Warrior.. Great just what a Star Wars film needs.. Just awful... She did not look like someone who should be in a Star Wars film... She was annoying... and ultimately, just like the Casino sub plot, served no purpose to the film at all.
Her character and all plot points that she was a part of almost ruined the rest of the film for me.. I thought the film might have some balls and kill Finn (might as well if this is the best they are going to do with his character) but she actually puts the rebellion in danger with her stupid.. Don't fight people you hate.. Save people you love moment..
Then the film ****ed with me and let me believe she died... I would have been able to handle her with repeat viewings if she was dead.. But nope.. I get to look forward to her no chemistry relationship with Finn in the last film..
But there were things I liked.. Kylo and Luke being the main two.. Snoke biting the dust was no issue for me as I thought it was cool and I was never a fan.. Though he was pretty great in this film... Phasma getting killed was great as I hated her character.. Giving no background for him though was lazy..
Speaking of Lazy... I am still trying to find out how Maz got luke's saber.. Guess thats still a story for another day..
I also hated all the 15 year old female pilots... Guess Disney is hoping to sell more toys to little girls..
Overall I liked in more then TFA but that is not high praise from me.. In all honesty I think these films are not all that much better then the PT story wise.. Better made yes.. But story wise.. We got a remake of ANH and a film that really did not do hardly anything to move the story forward other then for Kylo..