So what did Grace think of this movie, lol.
So what did Grace think of this movie, lol.
"No Solo, no Skywalkers. This third act will fall like so many others."
So what did Grace think of this movie, lol.
She likes porgs and wants more in episode IX.
She liked it. I posted videos.
She made a top 5 list of things she wants in ep. 9
1. Kylo/Rey - Full power
2. Competent villains/good guys
3. Less female focused
4. Keep the comedy
5. More porgs
She even has a story. She believes that now that they left the island and they breed like rabbits, that they should be everywhere, even in the First Order, like some kind of porg infestation, because it can be a social commentary on the importance of animal control while traveling and balancing the ecosystem.
She even has a story. She believes that now that they left the island and they breed like rabbits, that they should be everywhere, even in the First Order, like some kind of porg infestation, because it can be a social commentary on the importance of animal control while traveling and balancing the ecosystem.
LoL...humans are not even suited to live in space anyway.
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Sum up perfectly the entire Sequel
I'm all for creative risk taking, but doesn't an instalment in a trilogy have a responsibility to the other episodes?
Thinking about the film again today.. This one IMO had the worst plot of all the SW films.. Again it really was just about Kylo killing Snoke and becoming the leader of the first order everything else was unneeded..
Like I said... The 2nd main story of the rebels being chased by the Empire is a plot that Battlestar Galatica reboot did much better in 45 min.
Never had a SW film been so small in its ideas.. But that is OK they tried something different.. It just failed IMO story wise.
I also hated the "points / lessons" this film was forcing down our throats.. All other SW film are about the story and not "life lessons" Sure Yoda gave some wisdom we all have tried to followbut no "We win this war by saving those we love not killing those we hate"
Hell one may argue that this was even an anti eating meat message with Chewie being unable to complete his meal when he sees what he is eating
Also no good memorable lines so far in either of these films.. IN that way they are just like the PT![]()
I also don't mind that the film tries to be multicultural and pro woman in it's casting... Just do a better job with it and write the characters better.
I also no longer think Rose is the worst character in the series
Laura Dern's character now is![]()
That's what seems to be the very divisive point if we generalize, between people who loved the movie and those who hated it.
You either kinda disregard the fact that it takes a giant dump on everything that came before or you don't. I have heard huge Star Wars fans make up all kinds of excuses for the decisions taken in this movie. They know the lore and how things work, yet they don't see anything wrong with TLJ.
Honestly I admit that if you take this movie on its own without connecting it to anything else, it can be a fairly enjoyable watch. But that's not how Star Wars works.
Want a simple proof they really don't know what they are doing with canon? In the novelization of TFA, Rey and Poe meet. Yet, in TLJ, they make it very clear that they are meeting for the first time.
How did rey and poe meet?