Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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I am surprised at the elitist type comments from these viewers about their own people thou, that’s more than unsettling from such a powerful nation.

She's of Vietnamese descent though, but obviously it's the same thing as Chinese for the racist execs at Disney.
She's of Vietnamese descent though, but obviously it's the same thing as Chinese for the racist execs at Disney.

It would be like a latino hating on another latino. Regardless of country of birth, they tend to unite as latinos
So basically they think the people are ugly...well we know the Chinese are racist and xenophobic ....saw that in spades when I was in Japan.

I am surprised at the elitist type comments from these viewers about their own people thou, that’s more than unsettling from such a powerful nation.

So Disney’s attempt at a Chinese market courting failed because she was not pretty enough.... and the locations were not exciting enough?

Can you imagine?
No wonder Fast and Furious did so well.

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did you just say the Chinese are racist and the Japanese are also racist?
I called it like 2 weeks before it was released

I literally told xipotec and wor gar that they would reject the movie based on rose's looks

I remembered too she’s a frumpy mess, they want hot Roncom actresses

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Has Kathleen Kennedy said anything about all of this? Has Ryan Johnson kept his new trilogy deal? How will this affect Solo?

So basically they think the people are ugly...well we know the Chinese are racist and xenophobic ....saw that in spades when I was in Japan.

I am surprised at the elitist type comments from these viewers about their own people thou, that’s more than unsettling from such a powerful nation.

So Disney’s attempt at a Chinese market courting failed because she was not pretty enough.... and the locations were not exciting enough?

Can you imagine?
No wonder Fast and Furious did so well.

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and like i said before, the rose actress is not even ugly. with some little tweaks to her look she would look just as nice as the girl in the iron man 3 pic. (some nice long flowing hair, some nice make up, make her lips pop out, more fitting outfit, showing her neck more,)

and it is really weird that they tried to make Holdo look pretty by doing exactly what i just said. i know shes a high ranking person... but still, the movie didnt shy from making Holdo look nice with her styled hair and her make up and nice outfit.... so it wasn't like beneath them to doll someone up. because they did. looked like they went out of their way to make Rose look as unappealing as possible on purpose
I do think there may be something to her being the next "Chosen One". The way that Snoke refers to her rise in power and ability to meet Kylo's growth in the Dark Side makes it almost sound like the Force itself "created" Rey to try to reestablish balance. If that's the case, who her actual birth parents were would be largely irrelevant.
So, we should expect a strong authoritarian government, sexy ladies, and real world environments for the next Star Wars film. Stupid Disney, GET IT RIGHT!!!
24 minutes, who the **** is going to watch some pleb talk about light swrodz for 24 gottdayum minutes, niccus need a hobby.
Rian Johnson said:
In this particular story, it’s much more like the original trilogy, where with Snoke if you think about the actual scenes, if suddenly I had paused one of the scenes to give a 30 second monologue about who he was, it would have kind of stopped the scene in its tracks, I realized. Even though it could have been interesting, something that fans were interested in, as storytellers, we have to kind of serve what the scenes need to be. It was a tough thing, even though I knew some fans were interested in it I also knew it wasn’t something that dramatically had a place in this movie. Hopefully it can be addressed elsewhere or even J.J. may address it in the next movie. But it’s not something that’s particularly interesting to Rey, so we kind of had to follow through.

I have been mentioning his lack of imagination (at least when it comes to Star Wars) from the start. It was so obvious that this movie was made by someone who had a lot of walls built around their concept of the story being told and couldn't see past them. It's crazy that he was allowed to write the script by himself. Why does he go straight to the idea of a Snoke monologue? He kinda had monologues anyway so what's a few more lines about himself?

When you have 140 minutes and can't find a proper way to 'use' characters like Luke and Snoke (and develop a bit the later before killing him), you just plain suck. That's it. Period. You ****ing suck. He had them for one movie and clearly wasn't inspired by either of them. Dude's clearly obsessed with Rey but at the same time failed to make her more than what she was in TFA.

How is it not interesting to Rey? Snoke is her main enemy in TLJ, literally wants her to die a few seconds after meeting her. Kylo is still conflicted. Snoke is the puppet master, the one that made Kylo who he now is, so if understanding Kylo is important... I mean she ****ing boards Snoke's ship :lol
He had the time to show Luke drinking space cow milking and fishing with a giant spear but can't have him sitting around a camp fire with Rey to talk about Snoke for one minute.

Johnson was correct. We didn't "need" any additional info on Snoke. He knew he was evil, had powers, and had minions. The end.

Movies are allowed to simply drop a threat into the protagonists' laps without having to spell out every ounce of backstory on who the bad guys are. Apparently the Star Wars prequels and films like Prometheus and AVP have robbed some movie goers of having any ability to use their imaginations, fill in blanks, or just accept a threat at face value.

I can easily say this because many of the best films ever made had even less backstory than what we've gotten in TFA/TLJ.

In ANH Obi-Wan described the Force to Luke and that Vader used to be his pupil before he turned but said *nothing* of the Emperor. Nor did ESB. And then in ROTJ when the Emperor finally made his full appearance we didn't learn so much as his *name.* He was just "Evil Bastard in Black Who Wants to Kill the Heroes." The end.

In TLJ Snoke = The Emperor and Kylo = Vader. And do you know what? We've been given much more info on Kylo than we ever got on Vader in the OT. We never knew why Vader turned, what lead to him wearing the suit, any of that. But with Kylo we've gotten as much info in two films as we got on Vader in *six.* So the sequels aren't lacking on backstory exposition.

in 1979 nobody knew why the Space Jockey was on LV-426 or what the purpose of the eggs were. They simply provided an unexplained threat that the protagonists had to deal with. *Same with ALIENS.* After two films we still knew nothing about the xenomorphs origins. In the first Predator film all we knew about the Predator was that he was mean, bristling with weapons, and liked to hunt "worthy" prey. The end. We didn't know what system they came from, any other details about their visits (other than him showing up when it got "very very hot"), hell we didn't even know what he did on Earth when he *wasn't* hunting. Did he have a lair in the jungle? Did the Predators take turns or was it always the same one, etc. Then crappy movies like AVP came along and filled in a lot of those details. But the details never needed to be spelled out.

Sometimes films can just have villains that show up and "do what they do." Snoke's history was absolutely not important to Rey's story, no more important than the Emperor's was to Luke's. Sometimes people need to step back from being obsessive fans who pour over every ounce of irrelevant minutiae and just let these stories just function with the same rules as any other film.
Johnson was correct. We didn't "need" any additional info on Snoke. He knew he was evil, had powers, and had minions. The end.

Movies are allowed to simply drop a threat into the protagonists' laps without having to spell out every ounce of backstory on who the bad guys are. Apparently the Star Wars prequels and films like Prometheus and AVP have robbed some movie goers of having any ability to use their imaginations, fill in blanks, or just accept a threat at face value.

I can easily say this because many of the best films ever made had even less backstory than what we've gotten in TFA/TLJ.

In ANH Obi-Wan described the Force to Luke and that Vader used to be his pupil before he turned but said *nothing* of the Emperor. Nor did ESB. And then in ROTJ when the Emperor finally made his full appearance we didn't learn so much as his *name.* He was just "Evil Bastard in Black Who Wants to Kill the Heroes." The end.

In TLJ Snoke = The Emperor and Kylo = Vader. And do you know what? We've been given much more info on Kylo than we ever got on Vader in the OT. We never knew why Vader turned, what lead to him wearing the suit, any of that. But with Kylo we've gotten as much info in two films as we got on Vader in *six.* So the sequels aren't lacking on backstory exposition.

in 1979 nobody knew why the Space Jockey was on LV-426 or what the purpose of the eggs were. They simply provided an unexplained threat that the protagonists had to deal with. *Same with ALIENS.* After two films we still knew nothing about the xenomorphs origins. In the first Predator film all we knew about the Predator was that he was mean, bristling with weapons, and liked to hunt "worthy" prey. The end. We didn't know what system they came from, any other details about their visits (other than him showing up when it got "very very hot"), hell we didn't even know what he did on Earth when he *wasn't* hunting. Did he have a lair in the jungle? Did the Predators take turns or was it always the same one, etc. Then crappy movies like AVP came along and filled in a lot of those details. But the details never needed to be spelled out.

Sometimes films can just have villains that show up and "do what they do." Snoke's history was absolutely not important to Rey's story, no more important than the Emperor's was to Luke's. Sometimes people need to step back from being obsessive fans who pour over every ounce of irrelevant minutiae and just let these stories just function with the same rules as any other film.

That about sums it up. I agree 100%
So basically they think the people are ugly...well we know the Chinese are racist and xenophobic ....saw that in spades when I was in Japan.

I was stationed in Japan for two years and never experienced any racism from any Japanese national; only from other US servicemen (mostly USAF or US Soldiers).

Of course ones mileage does vary.

That about sums it up. I agree 100%

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